More proof that Billy Graham is a Mason

In response to a readers comment thinking that he was absolutely sure Graham wasn’t a mason because of one unfounded claim that managed to circulate the internet that he thought was not legitimate.

It goes way beyond the fact that his name appeared on a list of famous mason’s and even beyond the fact that I called another lodge personally and spoke to the masonic librarian soon after the story broke who confirmed that he was in fact a mason.  Proving it was not just a “clerical error” in printing the list.   I have recently started reading Fritz Springmeier’s material who had much more info on Graham then I have previously seen. Fritz had the opportunity to converse with 4 high level illumiati members who knew in detail the mind control techniques used to create monarch slaves. Frtitz has spent over 10 years in prison for getting this information out. (don’t believe the media folks).  The following info was taken from “The Illuminati formula used to create an undetectable mind control slave.”


In 1992, Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order. Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1987) Graham stated,

“I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost–were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God–through nature, for instance.”

Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature. This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America . Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views.

Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isn’t concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth. The issues at stake are not trivial.

Historically, Billy Graham’s deception is one of the “greatest” deceptions that has ever been perpetrated. Some might argue the greatest, making Benedict Arnold, Quisling, and the Trojan Horse pale into insignificance.

Allow us to introduce you just briefly into the world of the Illuminati. All top hierarchy Satanists are required to have covers. The Illuminatus will have multiple personalities, and he or she will have one personality that is particularly shown to the outside world. They (the Programmers, handlers and the Illuminati councils) try to get the best covers that they can. They like to be clergymen, but they are also mayors of big cities, lawyers, doctors, etc.

A Christian psychiatrist who has worked with numerous victims of Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorder wrote this observation after having worked with a large number of ex-multi-generational programmed Satanic multiples,

“Some Satanists have invaded the church as it is the perfect cover for them. They masquerade as angels of light and gravitate towards positions of leadership in order to have more influence. Because much of what they say is sound doctrinally, they are rarely detected. Most survivors whom I have worked with had Satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors.”

(Dr. Fox, Loreda. The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of Multiple Personality Disorder. Salida , CO : Books of Sangre de Cristo, p. 196.)

Let us repeat what Dr. Loreda Fox said, “Most survivors whom I have worked with had Satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors.”

She didn’t say “some,” she said MOST. Independently, we have discovered the very same thing. People don’t grasp that just because a preacher can sincerely preach what seems a “perfect sermon,” doesn’t mean that he can’t also be part of the Satanic hierarchy. What is happening with the Illuminati’s ability to create programmed multiples is that we are getting perfect preachers who are secret hierarchy members.

Some of their “perfect sermons” are full of slides, such as “the Christian people need to get involved in the voting process”. Christians love to hear such things, it tickles their ears, but the truth is that the entire voting process has been captured and corrupted. Voting machines have repeatedly been exposed to have been rigged, and the controlled media and public denial have prevented Americans from giving up their myth that the common man’s votes run this nation. (The subject of election corruption is dealt with in Fritz’s newsletters, etc.)

In Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book (which exposed Billy Graham as a Luciferian in 1991), it is explained that high level Satanism is Gnosticism which requires that “the Force” of these great satanic magicians be balanced. In other words, in high level Satanism your good deeds must balance your evil deeds. People do not realize that unless someone does “good” deeds they cannot be a high level Satanist. That is why some of the greatest philanthropists are also our leading national Satanists.

To see Billy Graham do something commendable does not disqualify him from Satanism. In fact, it is a requirement if he’s been part of the Illuminati, such as ex-insiders/witnesses say he was. In fact, it wasn’t until working on this book that an eyewitness to the mind-control abuse of at the hands of Billy Graham offered to help contribute to this section of the book. In other words, an eyewitness helped write this. This eyewitness account by the Co-author matches what the list of eyewitnesses that Fritz assembled in 1993 have said. But the eyewitness went further and exposed B.G. crusades’ skillful use of Monarch slaves to launder drug money.

Several police officers have stated that today, there is for all practical purposes no police training helping police to understand Satanism. They are highly trained in many areas, but Satanism is avoided. When an SRA case involving multiplicity in Olympia , WA recently happened, the police who investigated the case found that they were treated as international experts in Satanism by other policemen. They themselves knew that they knew very little.

Where are the experts to teach us about how the Illuminati functions? Where are the experts who know who are in the Illuminati? There is no college open to the public that teaches Advanced Illuminati Studies 401, and gives degrees in Satanism. The expert witnesses are those who have managed to leave the Illuminati and Satanism, and stay alive long enough to talk. But the other side will argue, how can we verify the testimony of your witnesses Fritz?

Remember what happened to over 100 people who had some type of knowledge about the Kennedy assassination? Jim Marrs in his book Crossfire on the Kennedy Assassination lists 103 people who were key figures in knowing about the assassination who have died, many in circumstances that indicate assassination. The story we are dealing with here is just as sensitive to the elite as Kennedy’s assassination, because it involves their preparations for the creation of a false Christ, called by Christians the AntiChrist, who will be the master handler/programmer.

The List Of Known And Credible Witnesses

If the authors were to call my list of witnesses up to the witness stand–which I can’t for it would be a death sentence to many of them, the list would include:

1 Council of Foreign Relations member, who is secretly against the New World Order

1 National Security Agency person, who is against the New World Order

1 CIA high level administrator

2 Satanists, still in covens, but unhappy enough with the situation to talk

4 ex-Satanists, 3 of which are eyewitnesses, all Christians now

2 ex-New Age leaders who worked with the Conspiracy, both became Christians

1 ex-33° Mason, now a Christian

Various Christians who have worked with Billy Graham, Pastors, etc.

Various therapists working with SRA victims

The man who ran Security at the Sacramento Crusade

Alice Braemer, a woman who worked as a secretary for Jeanne Dixon

None, except for a couple of exceptions, none of these people knew anything about what the other witnesses (sources) had said. The high degree of validation and collaboration that separate testimony by witnesses who have never seen each other and live in different parts of the country is very powerful. There are several questions that pop up into people’s minds who are not familiar with who Fritz is, and are not familiar with these witnesses. The type of worries some readers could be naturally having might be: But how are we, the readers, to know how accurate these people are? Are they trustworthy? Do they have a reputation for honesty? Could they possibly be giving false information to discredit a great man of God?

These kind of questions can be natural questions for people unfamiliar with how this information was obtained. But we assure you, that what we pass on from these eyewitnesses can be relied upon. None of these worries have any substance to them, because the manner in which Fritz came to find out about Billy Graham has generally been while he was researching other things related to the Illuminati. The author has not been out to build a case, the case has built itself from numerous detached witnesses who have nothing to gain by telling what they know. These witnesses have not come to Fritz to feed him bogus information.

Just the paper trail on Billy Graham is very revealing in itself. Generally the information of these witnesses has been confided by these witnesses to their trusted friends. Initially, these witness have had no idea that the information they confided in their trusted close associates would go beyond their most trusted friends. These trusted friends then have had permission to let me contact them or find out their information. The reason why these people are believable is that the information they reveal could get them killed, and second, the manner and circumstances of how the information has originally unfolded has never been in any fashion or method that could be construed as an attempt to give false information.

Clarifying What Is Looked For In Proof

Too many people are considered guilty unless proven innocent–which means that a legitimate search for truth has NOT taken place. On the flip side, we must bear in mind that hidden information that has laid dormant for years may totally reverse our understanding of something. Exceptional circumstances may surprise us. If some item does not lend itself to totally irrefutable, totally unqualified claims, then knowing this, the proper investigator uses words like “almost certainly” and “most likely”. If the investigator feels strongly that everything is totally clear, he may declare that something is correct “without qualification.” This is the nature of proof.

We need to understand the qualifications and reservations that often are attached to evidence or conclusions. But we certainly do want to press our investigations as far as possible to get as many “unqualified” conclusions as possible. Of course, by the time we write this, we have already done our investigating, and have one conclusion without any qualification: Billy Graham is working for the Satanic Hierarchy. We want to try to introduce the material in such a way that you will get some sense of the search, so that you will not simply accept our conclusion but will make rational spirit-led critically-thought-out decisions about Billy Graham.

So for the sake of the reader’s investigation, please, let us unshackle ourselves from our prejudices and preconceived labels. Let us suspend our judgment about Billy Graham one way or the other, until we have thoroughly studied, prayed and gained discernment about this. It might be interesting to get some of the Masons, who casually without realizing what they were saying, have talked about Billy Graham’s membership, or other aspects of his Masonic involvement.

It’s doubtful that such men would be of any value on the witness stand. Their numerous Masonic oaths to lie and conceal Freemasonry under penalties of gruesome death would tend to have more influence on them than swearing on a Bible. (See Duncan’s Masonic Ritual book, p. 30 for the 1st Degree oath.) This type of witness, because they talked accidentally and casually are very valuable witnesses to whoever accidentally hears them, but unfortunately they must be assumed to be still loyal to the Masonic Lodge and would be hostile witnesses that will not cooperate. If this were an actual court of law, depositions of Billy Graham’s staff could be taken, so that it could be revealed to the court how many times they have lied. By showing their lies, their testimony would be impeached and Christians would realize that Billy Graham’s staff have played a major role in the deception.

This article will put forth evidence that impeaches the testimony of Billy Graham’s staff. We must refer readers to the Be Wise As Serpents book and other writings of Fritz for more information. Also some other books will be named too. Because these leaders are corrupt, they have been participating in the mass deception of the world about what Billy Graham does and who he is. In fact, if this were a court of law all types of people could be subpoenaed to take depositions, and we might find out many more things than we already know.

The Motivation of the Co-Authors

Many people, who like Billy Graham, have imputed evil motives to anyone exposing Billy Graham. As the Scripture say at one point, “Am I to become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” The story about Billy Graham and his life-long career for the Illuminati is not an easy thing for us to write. We do not enjoy speaking negative things against people. We do enjoy speaking positive things about people. And yet no man, no servant of God is above reproach. We can personally have an inner peace that what we have done was what we should have done. Something needs to be done to wake mankind up before its too late.

Clarifying What is Acceptable Testimony

In some subjects, going to the encyclopedia or almanac will settle questions. In dealing with the Illuminati and high levels of the occult world — unless the investigator is willing to listen to eye-witness testimony, he or she will get nowhere. There is rarely any written record of their secret activities. But how much stock can be put in eye-witnesses? Many people up to now have criticized Fritz for using eye-witnesses. But remember that if we did manage to get some paper trail or books on the subject, that book paper trail would not be acceptable in court, or even if allowed would not be as important as our eyewitnesses.

In court, the written records can be introduced along with the person who recorded them. In other words, the personal witness is still important even with written documents. The testimony of our eyewitnesses expose Billy Graham’s mind-control activities. Still, we want to bear in mind that witnesses have varying degrees of credibility and knowledge. The qualifications of witness in relation to what they are testifying is important. But to simply dismiss all these witnesses because they are not paper is simply to cut ourselves off from many valuable sources of information.

In accumulating evidence, the researcher will come upon two types of information. One is prearranged evidence and the other is called casual evidence. Casual evidence is evidence that has just happened to appear by accident. An actual example is when friends of mine met a total stranger who happens to be a Mason and he offhandedly talks about Billy Graham being a Freemason. Casual evidence is simply evidence that happens without the interested party having anything to do with it surfacing. Finding casual evidence is generally “luck”.

In this case, Fritz has bumped into a great deal of casual evidence, simply because he had his eyes open and has been investigating this area for several years. Because of the situation today in this nation, there is little chance to get a proper hearing of this information. In terms of the future, indeed, the backlash from this book may silence us. The truth will still remain, even if we and the other witnesses don’t.

We can draw conclusions about ducks from studying various types of ducks. I can not draw conclusions about radios from studying ducks, I can generalize about American made cars, but I can’t include in my generalization about American cars an ox-cart in India . This may sound basic, and it is, yet people try to generalize by lumping the generational Satanists in with everybody else, and it just doesn’t work. They also try to draw conclusions about the Freemasons on the basis of what the Rotary Club they belong to is like and it just doesn’t work.

In terms of trying to get a proper hearing today, one of the barriers is that people use their own experiences to draw conclusions. People have nothing in their experience to allow them to draw conclusions about the Illuminati programmers/handlers who are moral degenerates and programmed multiples, who will do anything, in spite of their nice fronts.

The Policies of Deception By The Billy Graham Crusade Staff

In 1992, a Christian named Richard Bennett, a friend of Fritz’s confronted the Billy Graham Crusade staff. What he was concerned about was the Billy Graham crusade policy (that has been in place since the 50’s) of sending Catholics that come forward back to Catholic churches. Documentation shows that the deception is worse than that, new believers that have never gone to any church are sometimes referred by the Billy Graham counselors to the Catholic Church.

Now, why would Richard and Fritz be concerned about the Catholic Church? Richard Bennett was a priest from Ireland who worked at the Vatican , before giving his life to Christ. He knows how the Catholic hierarchy prevents people from realizing what they have in Christ. For those who have read Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book chapter 2.2 you know that Fritz is very concerned when anyone gives their allegiance to a power structure that is part of the NWO and part of its Monarch trauma-based total mind control.

Not everything about the Catholic church is wrong. Yet, the Billy Graham Crusade could never get the support it gets from conservative Christians if Billy Graham’s staff didn’t lie about where Crusade converts are sent. What Richard and Fritz were concerned about was that new Christians would be sent to Catholic churches, which now are teaching Zen Buddhism, New Age things, not the salvation by grace that these new Christians need. Granted the enthusiasm of these new Christians might infuse some life into the Catholic church, but a babe in Christ is defenseless. He needs nurture, and the chance to grow. It isn’t meant for new Christians to be thrown to the wolves.

Anyway, last Spring and Summer, the Billy Graham Crusade Executive committee was confronted face to face with the evidence of what the Billy Graham Crusade in Sept. ’93 was going to do. Actually, more people than Richard did confront them, but Richard is one of the most knowledgeable ministries to the Catholics in this area. What the Billy Graham Crusade Executive Committee told Richard Bennett was that he had nothing to worry about. That the crusade would never send anyone to a Catholic church, but that if new converts wanted to go there on their own, that was their own choice.

Four Catholic leaders sat on the Executive Committee for the ’92 Portland Crusade — Chancellor Mary Joe Telly, a deacon and two priests. On the Catholic radio station, (and we have it recorded,) Mary Joe Telly of the Billy Graham Executive Committee along with another Bishop Wall Schmidt told the Catholic listeners not to worry that if they came forward they would be guaranteed that they would be referred back to a Catholic church. They gave the assurance four times in that talk show. They said that the decision to send people who came forward to Catholic churches was firm because it had come right from the very top. This was 6 p.m KVDM Portland station. Our recording of this is a record of just one of thousands of lies that the Billy Graham Crusade people have told Christians over the years.

In fact, from the evidence it appears the Billy Graham Crusade people say whatever they have to, regardless of the truth. In the North Star Baptist, Nov. 1964 there was an article by Japheth Perez, who as a convert in the NY 1957 Billy Graham Crusade and a brand-new Christian, was sent to a Catholic church by the Billy Graham Crusade.

Ian Paisley wrote this comment about Billy Graham’s staff: “Dr. Graham did not reply. He never does reply to letters like this. He states he never defends himself. He does have a staff, however, who are paid to defend him and who are never hampered by facts or bothered by ethics or logic in carrying out their duties. One of the group, George L. Edstrom, replied. The Jesuits themselves could not give a finer example of casuistry than his. It is thoroughly dishonest and deceitful, … However, since this technique of deceit by misdirection, this failure to face up to the issues, this disregard of fact, and this blasphemous attempt to identify Dr. Graham’s official connection with infidels and his flattery and endorsement of them with our Lord’s ministry to publicans and sinners is so typical of the Graham organization…”

In Fritz’s June ’93 Newsletter From A Christian Ministry, a letter from Graham’s staff was reproduced with a point by point exposure of its lies.

Christians are really not well aware of what the Billy Graham Crusade does. We quote a paragraph from a letter sent to Billy Graham clear back in the 1950s by a Pastor who, grieved by what Billy Graham was doing to the harvest field, said:

“Some people say that if you have just one convert in an evangelistic campaign, it is worth the meeting. That is not true. The evangelist, as the pastor and teacher, is given to the Body of Christ. The real test of an evangelistic campaign is not how many people are converted but what kind of a spiritual condition does it leave in a community. Billy Graham is not only failing in the number of people he leads to the Lord Jesus Christ in this day when hearts are hungry and most people are afraid of what may happen in the world and when it is easier to get people converted than it ever has been in my lifetime, but Billy Graham is pulling the limbs off of the evangelistic trees and the orchard is being left in bad condition. As we have often said, the real test of an evangelist is not just how many converts he has but does he leave the orchard in condition so it will keep bearing fruit.”

Billy Graham’s Active Role In Satanic Ritual Abuse

Before we get into the details, we’ll take an overview. Satanists thrive on power. Satan loves to give his followers power. Satan took Christ to the mountaintop and told Christ that he’d have a “crusade” and bring every one to follow Christ, if Christ would just bow down and worship him. Christ refused. Billy Graham accepted it.

We know a great deal how the Satanists took Billy Graham, the brush salesman and made him into the famous evangelist that he has become. Additionally, we also know from victims of Satanism, that have come out of it, that Billy Graham has been a Satanist himself. How can this be? And how can we know this?

One of the best witnesses is a Monarch program survivor, who has escaped from being a high-level Pentagon slave. This survivor witnessed Billy Graham working for the Illuminati. This survivor also carried messages for the Satanic hierarchy and personally knows that Billy Graham has been carrying messages from the top secret Illuminati to Presidents and heads of state. This person’s information has been backed up by independent witnesses. A second ex-Satanist also remembers Billy Graham as a Satanist. Still another person, an ex-Illuminati person, who has MPD stood in front of Billy Graham and watched his eyes. This person said that it was very clear that Billy Graham has MPD and that he switches personalities.

By happenchance or God’s will, Fritz received a report from one of the women who went to church with Billy Graham’s wife Ruth. The woman was told by Ruth in conversation that her husband Billy Graham is strange in that he always sleeps with his eyes open. It is characteristic of people who have MPD to sleep with their eyes open.

People who have MPD may have a devout Christian personality and a devout Satanic personality all within a single body. This is not uncommon. In Billy Graham’s case, he is fully aware of what he is doing for the enemy in all his personalities, although his Christian personality may not be ecstatic about it all.

Billy Graham’s Decision magazine has on its front page caption is “‘Changed From the Inside Out,” and displays an infinity loop on the cover. Many Monarch slaves have had lots of programming around the infinity loop. This is an important trigger to remind them how they are captured by the unending repeating rebuilding programming. There are countless little things like this, which are evidence that Billy Graham is playing a role in the satanic mind-control of the Illuminati.

Dr. Schefflin, a mind-control expert, told me that he saw internal documents from the 1950s teaching Billy Graham’s people on how to have a successful revival. These documents instructed crusade counselors on things which were elements of mind-control, such as delaying people from coming forward to confess Christ until the “right” time.

If you’ve ever wondered how much Billy Graham knows–if the Illuminati haven’t told him, a concerned Christian named David Hill, who was an ex-Mafia/ex-New Ager/ex-Mason did. The concerned Christian was a friend of Franklin Graham (Billy’s son) and he had lived for two years at Billy Graham’s house. He didn’t realize that Graham had been sucked into the New World Order until he had confronted Billy Graham. David Hill, who was a ex-Mason turned Christian, who had worked with many of the world’s elite, spent 18 hours in a hotel room warning Billy Graham about the New World Order. Billy Graham told David Hill at the end of their two days of talking in this eastern U.S. hotel room that he was “a captive of that [NWO] organization.” In other words, after placing himself under the Illuminati’s sponsorship in the late ’40s, Billy Graham has had the choice of continuing to do his job for them, or being destroyed.

Since they created who he is, they can destroy him. And he knows it. David Hill went on to try to expose the New World Order and lost (was murdered) his life just as he finished a manuscript exposing it. Even a well-informed Christian like David Hill, who tried to warn Billy Graham about the NWO, was unaware of the extent of the deception of the Illuminati’s mind control. David didn’t know about programmed multiples.

David Hill, who was a high ranking Scottish Rite Freemason and an important Mafia figure before he came to Christ, had even been the go between for Billy Graham and Joe Banana, a Mafia kingpin. It was David Hill, who innocently believing in Billy Graham, arranged the meeting for the two men.

David Hill knew that William Randolph Hearst was part of the Illuminati. He was part of the branch Illuminati — at what could be termed the 6th degree. William Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his mansion in California which has been turned into a museum. It was William Randolph Hearst who financed the first three years of Billy Graham’s Crusades.

Stu PAK is associated with the Stewart Title Company. Stu Pak provides funds for Billy Graham and others. The head of Stu Pak is friends with Billy Graham and George Bush. The company has a lot of relatives running it. The Morris family is also tied to it. The people of Stewart Title Company are ruthless. The Van Duyn Illuminati family in California also helped Billy Graham’s ministry get started. One of the ways the Illuminati funneled money to Billy Graham was through a monthly check delivered to Jeanne Dixon’s office, which was picked up every month by Billy Graham’s staff. After Dixon ‘s secretary came to Christ she tried to expose Billy Graham’s connection to Jeanne Dixon. Jeanne Dixon sells crystal balls with snakes. She is part of the Illuminati. Billy Graham wrote her a letter calling her “a woman of God.” Dixon ‘s secretary had a copy of this letter with Billy Graham’s signature on it, after she became a Christian. In 1952, in Paris , Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home. Billy Graham had a wife and children at home, so the whole affair was totally improper for an evangelist even if Billy Graham didn’t have sex with the woman. He told his friend only that the prostitute had taken off her clothes and he’d gotten scared and come back to their hotel room. See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American righteousness. Boston : Little, Brown & Co., p.169-170.

In 1954, the man who ran security for the Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham’s room prior to him going out for the Crusade. Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room, It is this type of thing that has opened Billy Graham up to blackmail. Should Graham ever try to stray from the proper course set for him by the Illuminati, they have plenty of ammunition to blackmail him. (You may ask why would the Satanists from generational satanic families want to intimidate Billy Graham with fear? Why, isn’t he from a generational satanic family? The answer is that the whole Satanic system operates off of fear. Intimidation & fear are standard everyday parts of their makeup and actions. Sort of the counterpart to the saying there is no honor among thieves. The Satanic hierarchy are in constant intimidation and power struggles.)

When Billy Graham wanted to, he could call up Henry Kissinger and say, “Tell him to call me the minute he comes in.” (Frady, p. 451) Henry Kissinger is right in the middle of what the Illuminati is doing. Another Illuminatus that Graham had a working relationship with is Henry Luce, friend of the Baruchs. Luce and Billy Graham spent several nights staying up talking late into the night. Knowing how the Illuminati work, it is very safe to assume that they have pushed Billy Graham into further degenerate acts. They have probably done everything they can to pervert Billy Graham, so there is no telling what sexual sins remain hidden.

Kissinger is a member of P2 Freemasonry. If we were to assume that Billy Graham were not involved (and that is a big IF since we know that he is), then if one studies P2 Masonic recruiting tactics given in the book In God’s Name, p. 116, then the reader will grasp that anyone of Billy Graham’s stature who associates so freely with P2 Freemasons will be targeted and blackmailed and forced to join. Once they join, new members are forced to compromise other possible targets.

Billy Graham is part of the people who implement the Monarch program (which was a joint Illuminati/CIA total mind control program done to people). We know that he is serviced by Monarch sexual slaves (their kitten alters). It is very easy for the network to keep these poor victims (Monarch slaves) from talking, and so the full extent of much of what has gone on may not come out in our lifetimes.

Another possible clue about Billy Graham’s hidden life comes from Billy Graham himself. Do the readers remember how Jimmy Swaggert would disguise himself with sun glasses, etc. and his staff helped him carry out what he in part confessed? In Hollywood , FL (yes, FL!) Billy Graham said that he “often attends loveins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard.” He also said he found the experience in doing that kind of thing “refreshing.” This story was in the Chicago Daily News, Dec. 29, 1969 . The article’s purpose appears to have been to make Billy Graham look hip to today’s rock and roll crowds of teenagers.

Billy Graham described his friendship with Alan Dulles, “I make every effort not to let it appear that I favor one party over another. I count Secretary Dulles a friend, but Senator Humphrey is also a good friend of mine, [who he met] … when we were both swimming nude at the YMCA pool in Minneapolis where he was running for mayor.”

A friendship with Alan Dulles? Alan Dulles, director of the CIA, was one of the biggest perpetrators of the trauma-based mind-control that this book is about. Humphrey also received orders from the Satanic hierarchy.

And what is this swimming in nude? When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the Illuminati, the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan. Billy Graham has numerous times attended Hollywood cocktail parties. Just two examples of which are: one given by Debbie Reynolds, and another one which was a cocktail party for Hollywood stars put on by Nixon at his San Clemente , CA home on a Sunday evening.

Billy Graham’s schedule is filled with activities such as playing golf with people who are in the Illuminati, or are Hollywood types. The full impact of this constant fellowshipping with darkness is hard for people to grasp, because they picture that Graham is an evangelist and so therefore he must go where the sinners are. There is an expression, show me a man’ s friends and I’ll tell you about him. It’s one thing to spend time with evil to give it a chance to repent and come to the light, It is another to fellowship with evil and allow it to remain in darkness.

Let us quote from a neutral source, a group who had been investigating the role of church and state. They were trying to determine for their study whether Billy Graham has had an impact on all the Presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton , This study was not pro or anti Graham, It was simply trying to determine what impact this religious leader is having on political leaders.

Billy Graham has spent a lot of time with all the Presidents, so their question was “has Billy Graham had some type of impact?” Their conclusion printed in the Journal of Church and State concludes, .. . .could Graham speak the word of truth – especially when that word may be critical or slashing -to the man in the White House when he is on such friendly terms with him? On the basis of the evidence now available, the answer must be no.”

What a person does on his free time is said to be revealing. Christ did spend his time with sinners, but he called them to repentance. In all my study of Billy Graham, I haven’t seen any of the Hollywood movie stars or politicians change their lifestyles by their association with Billy Graham. A number of “conversions” have been artificially created, and given widespread publicity by the press. Pat Boone is the type of close friend of Billy Graham that perhaps typifies Billy Graham. He is someone well-received by the public. Billy Graham has enjoyed using him in Crusades. Pat Boone continued playing in Playboy type night clubs while he was singing at Billy Graham Crusades. Pat Boone who is pro-jewish, may be jewish, because the State of Israel has given him some special positions. There is nothing wrong with having ,,jewish blood”, it just explains some of his connections.

The Nugen Hand Bank was a CIA operation that laundered money, and did many illegal activities. Pat Boone was part of the Nugen Hand Bank scandal. Exactly how deep he was involved with the CIA’s dirty dealing is unclear. Pat Boone’s daughter Debbie Boone made a hit out of the song “You Light Up My Life”, the words of the song were written by a woman who worshipped Lucifer and wrote the song to Lucifer.

Billy Graham has placed the emphasis in his Crusades on putting liberals, even Catholic priests, up on the platform with himself. When does Billy Graham ever spend time with solid devout Christians? Every time Billy Graham went to Moscow he tried to avoid the devout Christians of the unregistered churches who unwittingly tried unsuccessfully to meet with Graham. Instead, he would meet with the heads of the Orthodox Church, which, since all the changes in Russia , are now proven to have been KGB agents–although most of us had suspected that all along from the type of things they said and did. How naive can Christians get? Do they really think that the Illuminati is going to let a legitimately powerful anointed Christian evangelist have regular access to their people? Don’t Christians realize that if he was a real threat–someone who might really bring one of the top elite to Christ that they would be assassinating him, not wining and dining him.


The Apostle Paul warned Christian leaders,

“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God , which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” Acts 20:28-29

Bill Clinton, some senators, and Billy Graham’s son Ned E. Graham invited the leaders of the Chinese house churches to a prayer breakfast in Washington D.C. Three delegates from the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and 3 others from house churches were invited, Lin Xian-Gao, Li Tian-En, and Yuan Xiang-Chen. Rev. Ned Graham visited these Chinese in person to extend the U.S. government’s invitation. Graham told the chinese Christians that the government would pick up the entire tab for the breakfast. In return the U.S. government wanted the Christians to promise not to speak to the American press or to any Americans comments that might hurt the image of the Red Chinese government. The Chinese government had promised the American government that they would guarantee safe entry and departure for these house church Christian leaders. Then after the meeting, they were invited to Billy Graham’s house.

The Chinese Christians declined the invitation by Graham. Chinese pastor Lin said,

“If I went to the United States , I would tell the truth, not lies. To tell the truth would definitely be considered an act of damaging the image of the Chinese government which would create a pretext for the government to refuse my re-entry into China . But my commission from God is to serve Him faithfully in China only. Therefore, I choose to remain in China rather than to go abroad.”

Ned Graham (Billy’s son) tried to talk the Chinese into coming, “I know that you surely do love your enemies, why then can you not compromise…” The pastor answered, “Yes, we can forgive our enemies for persecuting or opposing us in their ignorance, but we can never love the false prophets or their heresy.”‘ Ned also said, “It is a glorious and dignified thing to be invited by President Clinton. Many people seek it, but cannot obtain it.

Fortunately, the Chinese did not buy it. (This info and quote comes from China The Untold Story by The Voice of the Martyrs, Inc., 1995. pp. 25-31) BUILDING AN IMAGE There is another area of Billy Graham that we will only touch on. In one of Fritz’s ’92 newsletter, Billy Graham is quoted stating that he thought UFOs were angels of God. On either Jan. 28 or 29th (See Smyma, Feb. ’93, p.3), Billy Graham was interviewed on television by David Frost. Billy Graham said he believed people in heaven are sent by God to other worlds to help them in redemption of life.

This is edging somewhat close to what the Mormons believe, that “Christians” (that is Mormons) will each receive their own planet to be god of. In another show, Graham said he wanted to evangelize other planets.

Fritz has repeatedly tried to warn Christians of the many demonic dangers associated with the entire UFO phenomena, and the Satanic Hierarchy’s connection to UFOs. Billy Graham’s idea that UFOs are good angels is a dangerous idea.

Billy Graham was given the contrived artificial image of being a great anti-Satanist. At the Chicago Crusade, 200 Satanists stood up in the crowds. Mayor Daily of Chicago then said from the stand, Billy we have 200 Satanists that want to disrupt your meeting shall I arrest them? What shall I do? And Billy said, No let’s sing a song. The crowd sang a song and the Satanists left the stadium on their own. The whole affair was clearly staged and hokey, but Christians are very naive about Satanism and Billy Graham. This further confirmed to them that Billy Graham was a great anointed man of God.

First, hard core Satanists don’t show their faces in public. Second, the Mayor of Chicago is not against the Satanists, he works with them, and there are reasons to suspect he is one. Third, Satanists, who do show themselves in public like Anton LaVey, want good publicity and would not carry out something like pretending to want to disrupt a Billy Graham crusade. Fourth, if a real threat had existed, Mayor Daily and the police wouldn’t be asking Billy Graham what to do, they would be taking care of the problem. The police don’t need to ask for permission to take care of troublemakers at the Crusade.

Christians accepted this episode at its face value. Those who did clearly show the common church goer’s poor understanding of those who seek to control and destroy the church.

How Billy Graham Plays a Key Role in Reprogramming Monarch Slaves

Two different talkative Satanists told sources of mine about 2 different coven meetings here in Portland in the Summer of 1993 where the covens discussed the benefits that the Satanists were going to get from the Billy Graham Crusade. I know one of the benefits for the Satanists was that Monarch programees who had become Christians and had deactivated the effect of their mind-control programming were to be reprogrammed with Billy Graham’ s help.

When Billy Graham arrived in town, someone on his Crusade staff had managed to find and send out invitations to many of the survivors of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) in Portland to come to a special meeting to personally meet with Billy Graham. At this special meeting with SRA victims, Billy Graham personally began saying the buzz words to reactivate these people’s programming, especially the Monarch survivors. (This comes from several witnesses.)

For a number of years now, the Billy Graham Crusade has been putting messages across the bottom of television screens that has activation codes for Monarch survivors. Those Monarch survivors who have become devote Christians to escape the nightmare of the Monarch mind-control are often not aware of the danger of watching the Billy Graham Crusade on television.

When people are activated, special people are in the area and they take the Monarch survivors to what are called Near Death Trauma Centers. These centers are used then to reprogram these poor people. There were five in this area, of which we located 2 and forced them to move their sites.

Religious fronts (denominations, individual churches and certain ministers) are used to hide criminal activity. Billy Graham, who is a programmed multiple himself, is exceptionally adept at managing his Monarch kittens. The drug money laundered through his crusades is carefully handled by many Monarch slaves working in shifts and teams, so that the whole scheme can not be uncovered by catching one person. Billy Graham runs big operations all over the world under the disguise of evangelism.

Another of the countless religious covers, that works with the Network’s/Illuminati’s drug activities involves the Mormon Bishop warehouses, which are used to store cocaine. Monarch slaves are involved with this. Different religious labels hide the same criminal Network. By the way, when giving the Patriarchal Blessing, the Mormon Patriarch if he has a Monarch slave will use hypnosis and triggers to convince the person what their future will be like. One can’t say this is happening in every case, but it is very widespread for the Patriarch who give these blessings to be part of the Trauma-based mind-control operations.

Billy Graham also personally delivers messages to the Presidents for the Illuminati, such as when he arrived just prior to Bush’s decision to launch Desert Storm. Sometimes the papers even spell out that Billy Graham serves as a message boy, for instance, when he delivered a message in April, 92 from the Pope to North Korea ‘s dictator Kim.


The following three books were very helpful to me in terms of documenting Billy Graham’s activities. All three authors were interested in documenting what Billy Graham is really all about. It may sound strange that I say that, but sadly most of the books that touch on Billy Graham like America ‘s Hour of Decision Including a Life Story of Billy Graham are simply part of the deception process of the enemy. However, if anyone wants to know more about Billy Graham the following three books were very helpful for me to document Billy Graham’s activities.

Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness by Marshall Frady.   Marshall Frady was a writer for Life and Newsweek. He has done an incredible amount of research into Billy Graham’s life. He doesn’t touch on the sinister side of Billy Graham, but by giving an honest report about Billy Graham he tears off the “Hollywood-type mask” so to speak that everyone has seen and believed. Marshall Frady simply wanted to tell the whole story of Billy Graham, good, bad or otherwise. He spent many hours interviewing Billy Graham and many other people involved in Billy Graham’s life. When this book was read by a devout Christian, it totally devastated this person’s media-built image of Billy Graham– for instance, items like Billy Graham going to dinner with a prostitute and taking her home, Billy Graham walking past his wife and not recognizing her, & Billy Graham’s New York Crusade refusing to allow street people into the crusade because they were dirty.

However, another Christian borrowed my copy of it, and said after looking at the book he didn’t see anything wrong with Billy Graham in the book. But then he just read portions of the book. Still, unless one has spiritual discernment the book is probably not going to “blast a person out of the water,” because it is a biography not an exposé. Until recently, this was the only really good biography that was available for Christians.

Many months before the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade, the advertisements for the crusade and the crusade activity here in Portland began. Pilgrim Discount, which is one of the best Christian bookstores in the Portland area sells both used and new Christian books. They had a used copy of Billy Graham a Parable of American Righteousness. I watched for months to see if any Christians would buy the book. Tens of thousands of Christians got involved in the Billy Graham Crusade in the Portland area, but none had the interest to read the only biography of Billy Graham available.

Finally, just shortly before the Crusade, a teenage Christian from Washington who had been warned about Billy Graham and who was trying to keep from being forced to attend, bought the book on a trip from Washington . This incident shows what Americans know–and what they want to know about Billy Graham is shallow media-hype. A Christian radio show here had the author of Billy Graham A Prophet with Honor on to promote his book, which was done just when the Crusade was days away.

A Startling Exposure- Billy Graham and the Church of Rome by Ian R. K. Paisley. This is perhaps the best book as far as actual documentation. The book is probably rare, and not available. Ian R.K. Paisley has made it one of his projects of his life to expose Catholicism. Because Billy Graham works more with Catholics than Protestants Paisley as a concerned Christian obviously found himself learning about Billy Graham. Ian R.K. Paisley knows first hand how powerful Billy Graham and his establishment backers are. They have a colossal publication strength to discredit any critic of Billy Graham in whatever manner it takes — even if it means outright lies and slander.

Billy Graham Reformer? Politician? Preacher? Prophet? A Chronological Record Compiled from Public Sources By the Church League of America 195 1-1982. This book is from Edgar Bundy Ministries. It is a collection of articles that have appeared in the public media on Billy Graham over a period of 31 years. Billy Graham is condemned by his own words and his own actions. If people only took a look at what Billy Graham is on public record saying it would startle them. Who is Billy Graham working for? Is he trying to build the Christian churches up, or is he trying to lay the foundation for a one-world religion? While some people may on first thought think that it is a great idea to have every one belong to the same religious structure, they need to reflect on the dangers inherent in one single religious body with all-encompassing power. The groundwork for such a dictatorial global religious body is already partially constructed, and is revealed in other writings of Fritz Springmeier.

How many people know that in 1955 and 1956 Billy Graham announced that he had a policy of sending people who come forward at his crusades to the church of their choice whether that church or synagogue is Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.   For instance, the Protestant Church Life quotes Billy Graham in its 29 Sept 1956 issue, “Referring to the Billy Graham New York Crusade scheduled for May, 1957, Dr. Graham said: ‘We’re coming to New York not to clean it up, but to get people to dedicate themselves to God and to send them on to their own churches–Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.”

There is one other book worth pointing out at this point. It was not a source book for my investigation, but I know the author, and the book came out recently, so it is likely still available. The book is The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church by Erwin Wilson. The address is Quebec Baptist Missions, Box 113 , Compton , Quebec , Canada , J0B 1L0.

It’s s nice that men like Erwin Wilson are noticing Billy Graham’s love affair with the Catholic Church. He picked up on Billy Graham’s statement about the Pope, “Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader of the modern world and one of the greatest moral…leaders of this century.” (The Saturday Evening Post, Feb, 1980.)   However, several of these anti-Catholic ministries are rejecting the bigger picture. They have strongly resisted learning about mind-control and the exposure of the conspiracy in Be Wise As Serpents. Because of this, several of these Christian ministries to Catholics have lots of information about Billy Graham and his close workings with the Catholic Church, but little comprehension of how the Catholic Church fits into the bigger picture, and how the New World Order is actually coming about.

There has been widespread concern about Billy Graham among Christians. Because the controlled media don’t report these concerns, people are not realizing the extent of the concerns which have been voiced. Even before the co-authors got involved in exposing the Illuminati and their control over religion and their plans for a New World Order, there has been a long history of concern by devout Christians over Billy Graham. There has been a growing dissatisfaction among conservative Christians towards Billy Graham.

The introduction to Erwin Wilson’s book which is written by Dr. Bob Jones (Chancellor of Bob Jones University) provides an introduction to the concerns Christians have about the man who has been set up by the media and the money elite to be their greatest leader. We quote only a paragraph of what Dr. Bob Jones said, “Some of us who grieved over Graham’s first downward steps toward compromise with apostasy and biblical unbelief knew that he was pursuing a direction from which there would be no turning back. While we grieved over him and prayed for him, we had to warn men against his ministry as we had warned Billy against his direction.”

The first area is doctrinal concerns by devout Christians, who have been deceived that Billy Graham thinks as they do. Christians usually take for granted that Billy Graham is sound doctrinally. The following paragraph of beliefs of Billy Graham were documented in 1993 by Fritz Springmeier in his June ‘1993 newsletter, with its large document packet. Main line Christians would be shocked to find out what Billy Graham really believes and is on public record as supporting. This will help show non-Christians, who read this, that Billy Graham is not really the Christian he pretends to be. This is not to preach at non-Christian readers, for some of the non-Christian readers will agree with Billy Graham’s stands. These views are written to show how a major Christian leader can have a false public image that has survived mainly because the full public record of Billy Graham’s stands are keep low key. If we are big enough to look at the deceptions of our politicians and statesmen, we must be big enough to face the deceptions of our ministers.

Some of the areas that Billy Graham deviates from Scripture are as follows.   He is on public record supporting homosexuality, abortion, his disbelief in a literal hell, his support and practice of infant baptism to save children, his support for the Catholic church’s worship of Mary (yet he calls himself a Protestant). He has repeatedly praised infidels and apostates as great Christians. He actively supported the American government policy to fight the Vietnam War. He would not challenge the idea that the Bible is mythology, when directly questioned.

The deception doesn’t stop with the Protestants, Catholic supporters have been kept in the dark about his abortion views. The deception goes way beyond Protestant, Catholic beliefs. As a programmed multiple who participates in Satanic Ritual, Billy Graham has deceived everyone.

The second area is concerns about his support for a One-World Church and a One-World-Government. This stems from   l. Billy Graham ‘s public endorsements of the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches, 2. Billy Graham’s consistent attendance at the World Council of Churches’ meetings,   3. that Billy Graham has done more than anyone in the world to bring about the One-World-Harlot church, and he has done more than anyone to unite all the Christian groups into one organization,   4. Billy Graham’s support of the Pope and the Catholic church which is the largest Christian religion and one of the pillars of the New Age One-World religious body being set up. 5. The support that the NCC and WCC gives him, 6. The support that the internationalists and globalists give Billy Graham.

Billy Graham was first asked to do his Portland Crusade in 1993 by the WCC/NCC representative in this area who is a homosexual, a New Ager, and leader of the ecumenical movement.

A third area is concern over the lack of depth that conversions at Billy Graham’s crusades have. Some of the details on this are l. Only 2% of the people coming forward at a Crusade have never been Christians and are actually giving their life to Christ for the first time, and of these 80% fall away, 2. A great majority of people that come forward are sent to Catholic and extremely liberal Churches, extremely few are sent to solid Bible believing churches. In the Catholic Standard and Times, Thursday, July 16, 1992, p. 10, this Catholic paper reported that 1,900 Catholics responded to Billy Graham’s call to make decisions for Christ in the Philadelphia Crusade and were referred to about 250 parishes. 3. People that come forward are sent even to Jewish synagogues and New Age churches., 4. Converts are given the impression that Christ wants decisions for him, rather than that Christ wants disciples. 5. The people attending the crusades are almost all Christians, due to the high numbers of Christian counselors and the high number of church people which are always intentionally bussed in, (Frady exposes this, and in 1992 a writer of the Williamette Week did a major story for the magazine detailing how she had searched the entire week at the Billy Graham Crusade for an unsaved person and failed to find a single non-Christian. There were a few, but so few she didn’t find any. William ette Week, Oct. 1,1992 .) 6. Most decisions at the crusades are for trivial things such as to stop smoking.

Interestingly, Christians with discernment spoke about how hurting the churches were after the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland . They had been made wild promises of success, they were fleeced of their money, and then given a lukewarm spiritual boost. Their comments reminded me of this warning to Billy Graham clear back in the 1950s as to how he was ruining the harvest field. Part of Satan’s Planetary control is through religious leaders.

Christians have been conditioned to believe that Billy Graham is a great prophet of God by the establishment media, who have told us for years that Billy Graham was the most respected man in America . The percentages that the controlled Media have reported for Billy Graham’s popularity may have been inflated. There are several studies that show how the establishment uses polls dishonestly to manipulate thinking. The establishment media is able to create ideas so firmly within the mind of the public that it becomes almost impossible to deprogram people.   What people see on T.V. becomes what you believe. The T.V. image becomes real.

What actually happens at a crusade is far different from the media image.   In Scotland for instance, a poll was taken of church membership one month before the Billy Graham Scotland Crusade, and two months after the Crusade. Church membership had actually declined substantially. So after spending millions of the Christians’ dollars, Billy Graham had not even helped the church attendance of the Scottish churches. When Billy Graham holds his crusades, the churches in the area sponsor the crusade. In Poland , in a nation 95% catholic, the churches that sponsored his crusade in Warsaw were Catholic churches and when people went forward they were sent to Catholic churches. Yet, when the mass media report on Crusades, it is made to sound like thousands of people became new Christians.

Many of the devout Christians that have supported Billy Graham haven’t thought through what is really going on at the crusades. They have been so caught up with the media image that they are not able to critically comprehend that the crusades are really major spiritual disasters. The book for counselors at the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland specifically stated that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, that the crusade counselors were forbidden to proselytize anyone at any time during the crusade, or else they would lose their Crusade badge as a counselor. (See these instructions in The Billy Graham Christian Life & Witness Course, Minneapolis, MN: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, p. 47, Instructions A.6.) But thousands of the Christians in Portland who became counselors for the ’92 Crusade never gave it a second thought that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, because they trusted Billy Graham.

Money that could have gone to helping victims of mind-control went toward superficial decisions for Christ. Money that could have gone to doing some serious damage to the evil, has gone for Madison avenue hype and for big shows.   On top of this, the large sums that are spent on the Billy Graham Crusades serve as a cover for the Networks money laundering that they do through Graham’s Crusade using a series of Monarch slaves in a complex series of money drop offs.

A fourth area is concern over his methodology. A body language expert says that Billy Graham’s talks are simply canned. They are simply well-rehearsed canned-body movements and not coming from the heart. His crusade uses Madison-Avenue sales techniques instead of traditional scriptural methods to get converts. Billy Graham crusades always spend great sums of money for bill boards promoting Billy Graham and bumper stickers promoting Billy Graham, the end result is that Billy Graham’s name is usually promoted millions of times more often than Jesus Christ.   Christianity is consistently watered down and identified with the world and its ways. And a great deal of boasting is done about numbers of decisions instead of real meaningful discipleship.

A fifth area is concern over Billy Graham acceptance of Communism. Although many people feel communism is dead, this area is still relevant. If you think communism is dead go live in North Korea , where Billy Graham went in 1992 full of praise for North Korea . See Christianity Today, May 18, 1992 , p.55. (By the way, Billy Graham & family have sat on the board of Christianity Today, and still control it, so it wouldn’t misquote him.) l. Billy Graham has repeatedly over international mass media claimed that there was no religious persecution under the communists,   2. Billy Graham has praised Mao-Tse-Tung’s principles, 3. Graham has praised communist leaders on numerous occasions,   4. Dyed-in-the-wool communists who have been the ones giving orders to torture Christians for some reason feel comfortable spending time talking to Billy Graham.

The Actual Heritage and Name of Billy Graham  

There is a connection between Marxism and a group of Satanists called Frankists. One of the strongest satanic cults to take control over the Jewish population was called Sabbatianism. Jakob Frank assumed the role of leader of this group, and afterward this brand of Satanism was called Frankism. (Freud’s sexually-obsessed theories came from Frankism.) Frank taught his followers to convert to another religion and hide behind that religion to practice their Satanism. (One of several book on the subject of Frankism is The Contemporary Faces of Satan by Ratibor-Ray M. Jurjevich.)

Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a Scottish name.   Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic “jews.” Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham’s heritage was the jewish Frank family.

However, Fritz was beginning to suspect that there must be some kind of Jewish blood in Billy Graham’s heritage, because of the all the things he would stumble upon. For instance, the intimate connections Graham had with Jewish leaders and Jewish Christian ministries. And his assurances to them that they are God’s chosen people, a special group. Graham privately told them, that because they are a special chosen group they don’t need to come to Christ. (Fritz discovered all this by accident reading Jewish literature.)

Further, the paper called “The C-9 Report For internal use only” states on page 11 that Billy Graham’s daughters have lived in Israel , and that Billy Graham ‘s son fought with the Israeli army in the Six-Day War.

In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 2.1, “The Jewish author Gerald S. Strober in his book American Jews Community in Crisis, p. 110 states that after a resolution in Feb. 1973 at Pittsburgh by the NCC failed to declare the NCC against converting the Jews, that Billy Graham announced the following day a statement that God had a special place for the Jews and rejected coercive evangelistic efforts.”

Privately, Graham has assured Jewish leaders he is against converting the Jews to Christianity. Strober also informs his readers (p. 111) that many Christian organizations that are “Jewish Missions” take their marching orders from Billy Graham. This confirms numerous reports…”   So Strober in effect is saying don’t worry Graham is with us, and he controls most of the Christian organizations that are supposedly missions to evangelize us. Messianic Jewish groups are strongly pro-Billy Graham. Some of these groups have gained in size and then strangely gone back into Judaism. That kind of thing has been happening here in Portland , not to mention other localities. Now it is clearer why Jews coming forward at Crusades have often been and are being referred by the Crusade people to Reformed Jewish synagogues.

How Billy Graham is a 33° Mason.  

This is an important issue, however, even if Billy Graham were not a 33° Mason, there are many things that he is doing that should warn Christians not to support him. There have been a number of people in casual conversation who have mentioned Billy Graham being a 33° Mason, for instance a CIA leader, a NSA person who is against the NWO, and various Masons.

These accidental revelations are what can be considered casual evidence, in that it is accidentally heard. Some of the people who have read Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book have been experiencing validation of what was written on Billy Graham by their own casual contacts with people. These types of encounters are very meaningful to the people who experience them, but their significance is hard to communicate to others.

Hopefully, readers of this, who are truth seekers, will have their own casual-evidence-validation experience. One piece of casual evidence came from a Shriner Clown. It turns out the only clowns who were chosen to perform for the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade were Shriner Clowns. There were non-Masonic clowns available, even some Christian clowns, but the masons were the only ones Graham allowed to perform for him.

Various people, who have worked in the system for the Illuminati, such as an ex-witch who is now a Christian, an ex-33° Mason now a Christian, and a CFR’s person also now a Christian, all testify that Billy Graham is a 33° Freemason. A woman and a man who are ex-Satanists and now Christians also have mentioned about Billy Graham’s Masonic membership. (One has to understand that there is a close working relationship between the Lodge and the Illuminati.)

To progress up the ranks in Satanism, they will require you to go through Freemasonry. Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology of the mystery religions. The lodges bring in female Monarch slaves for some of their Egyptian sexual-magic rituals. If the reader were to get up in the morning and your mother, sister, and brother were in the kitchen and said that your mother had just drank a cup of coffee, you would be able to tell from their faces if they were telling the truth, and you would know that your mother had drank a cup of coffee. This is the way it is for us. We know these witnesses know the truth, and we know they are not making it up. But if people don’t believe that, then they need to go scrounge up their own witnesses, and risk their own hide in doing the contacting. The material we presented here is not frivolous work. As pearls of value, we hope that this research is not taken and allowed to become pearls given to swine.

Because Billy Graham is such a key person for the Illuminati and the Satanic plan to bring in the Anti-Christ and the One-World-Religion, key parts of Graham’s life have been intentionally shrouded, When he joined the Masonic lodge c. 1948, they intentionally kept his membership more secret than others. Why? They are secret about their membership in general, but even more so if the person is a key Illuminatus and a big key to their religious control.

This is why they have kept the membership of Charles T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society quiet. This is why they keep the memberships of the Mormon prophets secret. It has been a consistent pattern by the Masonic Lodge to keep these key people’s membership very quiet. It would be much easier if we had a membership certificate, but for people who don’t want to believe no amount of evidence would suffice.

In terms of a paper trail we have the following: Billy Graham’s books consistently refer to basically only Masons. Billy Graham endorsed the Masonic DeMolay program for youth as God’s work. This endorsement by Billy Graham is in a Masonic book that is used to educate people about “the craft” (that means Freemasonry). That book is The Clergy and the Craft and it says that the people who are quoted in it are Masons. (See Haggard, Forrest D. Transactions Missouri Lodge of Research, Vol. No. 27, The Clergy and the Craft, p. 127. where Graham endorses the Masonic youth program.)

In terms of witnesses who have put what they have witnessed in writing we have the following: Jim Shaw, ex-33° Mason — the highest ranking Freemason to defect to Christianity, writes about Billy Graham being at his 33° initiation ceremony. Huntington House refused to print his book co-authored with Tom McKenney unless they took out Billy Graham’s name on pg. 104, and substituted a general description. (See The Deadly Deception, p. 104-105.) Only Freemasons are allowed to attend these initiations. (See The New Age, the official organ of The Supreme Council 33°. Wash. , D.C., October 1961, p. 30.) Some Christians have tried every thing in their mind to get around Jim Shaw’s testimony. And the Masonic Lodge are now claiming that he wasn’t a 33° Freemason. There is no doubt that he was a 33° Mason. What we are seeing is how important it is to the Illuminati to keep Billy Graham’s membership secret.

Originally, Dr. Morey who wrote a book on Freemasonry told me over the phone that Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason and that he had held his membership file in his hand in the library of the House of the Temple , which is where the Supreme Council of the 33° has their headquarters. However, now he denies it and says that he only was told by the librarians that the file existed, but that he didn’t examine the membership file. He wrote a letter to Christian News to the editor which was printed. At least, his letter to the editor of Christian News says that the Scottish Rite have a Billy Graham file. Fritz stands by his original statements about what Dr. Morey said, even though he has gone back on his original story and is getting people to think Fritz somehow invented what he told me.

There are a great many things that are suspicious about Dr. Morey. His book on Freemasonry claims that Freemasonry started out a Christian organization. His book was printed by a company that uses the Knights Templar logo as their company logo, and whose company head is most likely a Freemason. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck–what do you think it is? Long before I actually knew Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason, I felt that was the “most likely” explanation for what I was learning of him. What caused me to think that way? Everything about the man, just shouted Freemason. The way he talks, who he has as friends, etc. etc.   This article is not capable of going into depth about small nuances and details, but suffice it to say that the Masons know how to broadcast to other Masons that they are a Mason.

It should be pointed out some of the key people for Billy Graham’s staff have been Freemasons. Let’s look at a few of the key people helping Billy Graham:

William M. Watson–DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, and he is also President of Occidental Petroleum Corporation. Chairman of Occidental was Armand Hammer. Watson is also a member of the development council of the Masonic run Baylor University . Baylor University has participated in the mind-control, (See also the expose of Baylor University in Be Wise As Serpents.) He also was a member of the advisory council to the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth which had at least three Freemasons on its board of trustees, and likely more.

David M. McConnell–DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, He was also U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (1968-69), business associate with Illuminatus Charles Gambrell, in Belk Stores of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Arthur Lee Malory–CO-CHAIRMAN of the BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE Advisory Committee for the 1973 St. Louis Crusade — 32° Freemason, deacon in the So. Bapt. Church .

Who are some of the primary ministers that had worked with 33° Freemason Billy Graham over the years? Billy Graham has helped set up other 33° Masons in ministry. Billy Graham has placed his stamp of approval on almost every well-known apostate Christian out there.   When Billy Graham had a crusade in Japan , the Japanese minister that he had up on the platform was a well-known extremely liberal Christian. A conservative Japanese was shocked. Billy Graham is also endorsing many of the books, and ministries of these apostates.

Some of the three biggest ministers in the protestant world, Robert Schuller, Norman Vincent Peale, and Oral Roberts are all 33° Masonic brothers of 33° Freemason Billy Graham. (See Roberts, Oral. Miracle of Seed Faith, p.9.) Billy Graham has helped each of these brothers with their ministries.

Robert Schuller taught principles of church growth to Unity School in Kansas City . A Christian, who used to be on staff there, said that Robert Schuller was fully aware that Luciferian Initiations were going on at the school and that he didn’t care. Robert Schuller, 33° Freemason, was helped into ministry by Billy Graham. Schuller also participates in the Monarch program and is also sexually serviced by Monarch slaves. Norman Vincent Peale’s form of Christianity called positive thinking is actually only white witchcraft with different names. Peale simply is a “Christian” witch.

Norman Vincent Peale, 33° Freemason, his church receive the bulk of people who came forward at the NY Crusade. Norman Vincent Peale is a 6° Illuminatus (Pilgrim Society), and a 33° Freemason. In the magazine Psychic Magazine of San Francisco Peale says of occultist Kreskin, All he’s doing is dramatizing what I’ve been preaching in my writing for years. Norman Vincent Peale controls the approx. $200 million Presbyterian Minister’s Fund. He celebrated the 25th anniversary of the United Nations. He was the keynote speaker at the birthday of the late Mormon prophet Spencer W. Kimball (a secret Mason). Peale praised Kimball as a true prophet of God, and a great man of God. Peale practices witchcraft, and palms it off on unsuspecting Christians under different terminology. The false unity movement which is so strong today, wants to unite the devout Christian with the likes of Norman Vincent Peale. Peale is a good friend of Billy Graham, and Billy Graham referred the largest number of new converts of the NY Billy Graham Crusade to Peale’s church.

Oral Roberts, 33° Freemason, helped into ministry by his Masonic brother Billy Graham. Oral Roberts has been seen by witnesses participating in SRA and Mind-control. Oral Roberts University and the charismatic movement is another important religious front. The Charismatic movement has been infiltrated by multiples since day-one. The history of the infiltration is extensive. Oral Roberts had Cherokee blood. According to some things that Oral Roberts has said, some Christians think that he received his healing powers from an old Indian who healed him through Indian shamanism when Oral was young. At times, Oral does use the same methods that spirit mediums use to heal with. According to slaves who have been deprogrammed, they were in satanic rituals with Oral Roberts. Christian ministers, who have participated in his ministry are saying that they have seen massive swindle in his healing ministry.   His university is being used as a programming center. His basketball team at one time had Monarch slaves playing on it. We do not know if they still do.

Under the prayer tower is one of the programming sites. Billy Graham, a handler himself, helped launch Oral Roberts University , and is a friend of Oral Roberts. From the Illuminati’s point of view Tulsa is the Guardian City of Apollo. The City of Faith is to be the center for healing from AEsculapius, a demon related to Apollo.

While portraying themselves as Christians, infiltrators within the charismatic movement are carrying out satanic rituals to get demonic healing powers. Tulsa is one of, if the main center for the campaign to infiltrate Christianity via the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement with programmed multiples.

  1. Bromiey Oxnam, 33° Freemason, was head of the FCC churches, supportive friend of Billy Graham, G. Bromley Oxnam has a long history to him of working for the elite, interested readers can pick up his story in Be Wise As Serpents in the chapter that goes into the details about how the Christian churches were organized by the FCC and WCC for the Illuminati.

The NWO is infiltrating the churches via the Earth Stewardship Movement. An attempt was made at Rio de Janeiro to get an Earth Charter but there wasn’t enough time, their were lots of N.O.G. delegates and just in general lots of people to coordinate (4,000 attended). Another Earth Summit was promised, but instead they decided at the end of Sept/Oct of ’95 to have a State of the World Forum to be held by/sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation at the Presidio, CA.   The ex-head of the KGB, Gorbachev is now headquartered in the Presideo, a major mind-control programming site. Christian basher Ted Turner was the chairman of the conference. The cost was $5,000 per person and the invitations went out to only select people. There were 100 handpicked politicians who received invitations, along with Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. This was coordinated with the 50th anniversary of the UN which was being celebrated all over the world.


The charismatic movement claims to have the Holy Spirit in a special way, however, some seem to be lacking in all discernment that the Holy Spirit would give. There are several books exposing the big name Charismatic ministers. One is written by an ex-charismatic Assembly of God minister. He shows a picture in his book of an Assembly of God flier promoting the “Testimony of J. Edgar Hoover.” Yes, the Assembly of God promoted the “testimony” of J. Edgar Hoover, while he was known to be a power hungry individual who practiced homosexuality. It was this type of hype that caused this minister to grow disillusioned with the charismatic movement’s so called spirituality.

Recently, the spiritual discernment of Billy Graham and many other big time ministries was exposed when these big Christian ministries were conned out of $550 million dollars. Billy Graham introduced John G. Bennett to thousands of people at a recent Billy Graham Crusade in Philadelphia in 1992. John Bennett gave his testimony at the crusade. Because Billy Graham, John Templeton, and Laurance Rockefeller were apparently supportive of John G. Bennett, big time Christian ministries “trusted” him. John told many of the big Christian ministries that if they gave him millions of dollars, for every million he received he would give them two million back. Many of the big Christian ministries gave Bennett money–in fact he collected $550 million (which he ran off with) from ministries such as Pat Robertson’s, Bill Bright’s, Chuck Colson’s, Luis Palau’s, Westminster Theological Seminary, Wheaton College , the Salvation Army and many others.

The reader may have heard of this New Era Foundation scam. That’s what it was. Bennett told these “Christian” leaders “Give New Era one million dollars and we’ll give you back two million.” The donations of hard earned money by many innocent Christian believers were lost. However, the Christian believers are partially responsible because the church has refused to clean house of wolves that set in their pulpits. For instance, when Billy Graham came to the Portland area all the various denominations from the most liberal to the most conservative supported him. Only about a dozen churches did not get involved and only one church actively tried to expose Billy Graham–even though there has been a mass of documentation exposing Billy Graham as a wolf for 30 years.

When the church refuses to follow God’s Word and supports these men–then they must take some of the blame when these men give their millions of hard earned dollars away to a con artist.

Inadequate Reactions  

When people have been warned about Billy Graham, one of the common responses is  for people to call up the Billy Graham crusade staff. If I ask a biologist a question about biology I can expect to get a credible answer. If I ask a mother about her son I can expect to get a credible answer. But how in the world can someone call up the Billy Graham Crusade staff and expect to get a credible answer to the question “Is Billy Graham a Mason?” The person that answers the phone is likely a secretary, someone who knows Billy Graham no more than the janitor. What does that person know about the Freemasons?

Because the Freemasons are a secret society, in general, there are only two basic categories of people–people involved with Freemasonry, and they certainly know what’s going on in it but they have taken blood oaths on penalty of death not to talk about it, and those who aren’t involved with Freemasonry and don’t know anything about it. There are only a few people who are not masons, who are informed about the Masons.

The answer of some secretary over the phone to the question, “Is Billy Graham a Freemason?” is of little value, because the secretary or other staff member has not had the opportunity to get reliable information. This is from the standpoint of getting a reliable witness, calling some secretary or staff member is simply not a credible response to all the documentation. No court would view a secretary of a large organization as an expert witness qualified to settle such a dispute.

The second catch is that such witnesses are not reasonably unbiased. It is expected that Billy Graham’s staff would front for him any questions that could expose him to bad publicity. This last comment is not speculation. There is proof that Billy Graham’s staff has consistently lied over the years to prevent negative publicity about Billy Graham.

When Richard Nixon met with his political buddies to decide who to have run with him, the person he asked first in the smoke-filled room was Billy Graham. I have read the account of this is more than one place, but I will quote Marshall Frady’s description of when Billy Graham was asked who he thought should run with Nixon as Nixon’s vice-presidential running mate. Billy Graham chose 33° Masonic brother (then only 32°) Mark Hatfield.

Here is Frady’s description: “His assimilation into the Nixon presidency had already been well underway, in fact, at that convention in Miami when, after Nixon’s nomination, Graham wound up sitting in Nixon’s penthouse suite among the smoggy late-night deliberations over Nixon’s vice-presidential selection: Graham himself, whatever initial uncertainty he might have felt to find himself in such a political locker-room session, soon pitched into the proceedings with his own effusive recommendation of Mark Hatfield: “He’s a great Christian leader. He’s almost a clergyman. He’s been an educator, and he’s taken a more liberal stand on most issues than you, and I think the ticket needs that kind of balance.”

In 1992, Mark Hatfield, along with Prince Hall Freemason Jessie Jackson both were on television in July of last year defending Billy Graham’s actions. Mark Hatfield, according to a deprogrammed slave has been a user of Monarch sexual slaves. NY’s Union Seminary is controlled and funded by the Rockefellers. President of Union Seminary was Dr. Henry Van Dusen. Billy Graham made him a prominent person in his crusade and said he was a “classic example” of a mass evangelism conversion. If that is a good example of Graham’s conversions, we Christians should shudder.

It is no coincidence that the Southern Baptists of which Billy Graham is a member, is controlled by the Freemasons. Brook Hays, Pres, of the So. Bapt. Convention was a high ranking Freemason as well as part of the CFR. None of the So. Bapt. Convention’s Presidents have opposed Freemasonry. Pres. Bill Clinton, a slave handler, is a member of the Emmanuel Baptist Church which is a Southern Baptist Church in Little Rock , Ark. The late Bill Moyers who promoted the Mystery Religions was a Southern Baptist. Moyers went to the SW Baptist Theological Seminary, the same school run by one of Billy Graham’s staff directors. John Buchanan is another Southern Baptist. John Buchanan went to a So. Bapt. Seminary, and then worked as a front man for People for the American Way started by Jewish Norman Lear, an anti-Christian. People might be shocked to learn of some of the New Age teachings and New Age teachers that have been allowed into the Southern Baptist churches. The Southern Baptist youth program is based on Masonic ideas and is very Masonic in its ritual.


The reader is thanked for wading through a lot of difficult material. The reader can see why Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off. But as Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.” Ever since the early 1950s, there have been Christians exposing Billy Graham. But the control of the Christian media and the Christian seminaries is far more extensive than most people realize. The Be Wise As Serpents book diagrams out how the Christian religious denominations are being controlled, and how the Masons and Illuminati-connected administrators and trustees have control of most of the Seminaries. Billy Graham without a doubt works directly for the Satanic hierarchy. But a rational and fair appraisal of what the man is, and what damage he has done to Christianity will probably not be given much of a chance. Nobody, no matter who they are is going to fool Christ. There will be a real evaluation done on judgment day and when that day comes Christ said, “MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Mt 7:22-23


After reading some more on Rick Joyner and watching a few more videos, I am lead to believe that one of the Masonic orders that have infiltrated the church is the Jesuit Order.  This order was created to combat the reformation and wage a secret papal war to stop the truth from getting out, It was common thinking that the Papacy was the place of the Anti-Christ until that thinking was changed by infiltrators.  Learn about it in this video:

If Rick Warren is representing these guys we best watch out.

Ok so I stumbled upon a post via Stand Up for the Truth Ministries titled “Rick Warrens Top 100 pastors to Follow” (on twitter)

Apparently he posted this list on his facebook but then removed it for some reason.

Any ways – here is the list – it names a lot of the leaders I have talked about in this blog along with dozens of others I have never herd of.

My concern is that we have 100 (and more) pastors out there leading the seeking masses down a dark and dangerous path.

Beside each pastors name on this list there is a number – that is the number of people following these pastors on twitter. Frightening really.

In my opinion – this is a list of pastors we need to watch out for and I DO NO ENCOURAGE YOU TO FOLLOW ON TWITTER.

Status Update By Pastor Rick Warren
I encourage you to follow these senior pastors on Twitter

This list is ONLY active, Senior Pastors of local churches.

Over 1,000,000
1. Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen 1,708,237 Lakewood
2. Rick Warren @RickWarren 1,045,879 Saddleback
3. T.D. Jakes @BishopJakes 1,032,990 Potter’s House

Over 600,000
4. Marcos Witt @MarcosWitt 602,194 Lakewood Hispanic

Over 300,000
5. Mark Driscoll @PastorMark 381,326 Mars Hill
6. Louie Giglio @LouieGiglio 363,979 Passion City
7. Cash Luna @PastorCashLuna 350,674 Casa De Dios

Over 200,000
8. Andy Stanley @AndyStanley 291,437 Northpoint
9. Brian Houston @BrianCHouston 267,970 Hillsong
10.Judah Smith @JudahSmith 233,400 City
11.Matt Chandler @MattChandler74 215,357 Village
12. Matthew Barnett @MatthewBarnett 202,436 Dream Center

Over 100,000
13. David Platt @PlattDavid 195,246 Brook Hills
14. Steven Furtick @StevenFurtick 160,477 Elevation
15. Craig Groeschel @CraigGroeschel 155,636 LifeChurch
16. Ed Young @EdYoung 154,001 Fellowship
17. Joseph Prince @JosephPrince 151,898 New Creation
18. Bill Hybels @BillHybels 147,181 Willow Creek
19. David Evans @DavidGEvans1 135,520 Bethany
20. Noel Jones @BishopNoelJones 129,663 City of Refuge
21. Troy Gramling @Troy Gramling 125,245 Potential
22. Philip Mantofa @philipmantofa 124,354 Mawar Sharon
23. Timothy Dolan @CardinalDolan 122,326 St. Patrick’s
24. Pete Wilson @pwilson 120,295 Crosspoint
25. Jentezen Franklin @JentezenFranklin 120,286 Free Chapel
26. Ron Edmondson @RonEdmondson 105,720 Immanuel
Over 50,000
27. Perry Noble @PerryNoble 91,403 New Spring
28. Charles Stanley @InTouchMin 91,177 First Baptist
29. Bill Johnson @BillJohnsonBJM 89,752 Bethel
30. James MacDonald @JamesMacdonald 76,500 Harvest Bible
31. Charles Blake @BishopCEBlake 73,195 West Angeles
32. Joshua Harris @HarrisJosh 72,453 Covenant Life
33. Nicky Gumbel @NickyGumbel 70,110 Holy Trinity Brompton
34. Mark Batterson @MarkBatterson 68,660 National Community
35. Tony Evans @DrTonyEvans 64,494 Oak Cliff Bible
36. Tullian Tchividjian @PastorTullian 62,724 Coral Ridge
37. Greg Laurie @GregLaurie 61,924 Harvest
38. David Crank @DavidCrank 57,534 Faith
39. Chuck Swindoll @ChuckSwindoll 55,147 Stonebriar
40. Erwin McManus @ErwinMcmanus 52,784 Mosaic

Over 10,000
41. Chris Hill @PastorChrisHill 46,949 Potter’s House
42. Robert Morris @PsRobertMorris 45,608 Gateway
43. Charles Jenkins @CharlesJenkins 42,823 Fellowship Missionary
44. David Jeremiah @DavidJeremiah 42,392 Shadow Mountain
45. Albert Cutie @PadreAlberto 42,208 Ch. Of Resurrection
46. Chris Hodges @Chris_Hodges 38,810 Ch of the Highlands
47. Casey Treat @CaseyTreat 37,174 Christian Faith Center
48. Tim Keller @TimKellernyc 36,914 Redeemer
49. Mark Dever @MarkDever 36,294 Capitol Hill
50. Bobby Minor @BobbyMinor 34,464 Courageous Church
51. Darrin Patrick @DarrinPatrick 32,716 The Journey
52. Miles McPherson @MilesMcpherson 32,691 Rock
53. David Anderson @AndersonSpeaks 32,643 Bridgeway
54. J.D. Greear @JDGreear 32,219 Summit
55. Jeffrey Rachmat @JeffreyRachmat 31,805 Jakarta Praise
56. Matt Carter @_Matt_Carter 28,896 Austin Stone
57. David Nasser @DavidNasser 28,676 Christ City
58. Jud Wilhite @JudWihite 28,296 Central Christian
59. Kevin DeYoung @RevKevDeYoung 27,493 University Reformed
60. Johnny Hunt @JohnnymHunt 25,565 First Baptist
61. Tommy Barnett @Tommy Barnett 25,449 First Assembly
62. Stovall Weems @StovallWeems 24,531 Celebration
63. Sergio De La Mora @PastorSergio 24,114 Cornerstone
64. Greg Surratt @GregSurratt 23,813 Seacoast
65. Joel A’Bell @Joelsbell 23,432 Hillsong
66. Ron Carpenter @RonCarpenter 23,151 Redemption Outreach
67. Jonathan Falwell @JonathanFalwell 22,853 Thomas Road
68. Willie George @Willie_George 21,240 Church on the Move
69. Kerry Shook @KerryShook 20,940 Woodlands
70. Jack Graham @JacknGraham 20,293 Prestonwood
71. Derek Dunn @CyberDerek 20,156 City Harvest, Irvine
72. Ligon Duncan @LigonDuncan 19,949 First Presbyterian
73. Rudolph McKissick Jr @BishopMckJr 19,441 Bethel Baptist
74. Rich Wilkerson @RichWilkerson 19,131 Trinity
75. Dan Kimball @DanKimball 18,816 Vintage Faith Church
76. Phil Munsey @PhilMunsey 18,587 Life Church
77. Jared Wilson @JaredcWilson 18,518 Middletown Springs
78. Eric Mason @PastorEMase 18,185 Epiphany Fellowship
79. Brandon Hatmaker @BrandonHatmaker 17,836 Austin New
80. Matthew Ashimolowo @KICCLondon 17,756 Kingsway
81. Gary Clark @GaryJamesClarke 16,772 Hillsong, London
82. Burk Parsons @BurkParsons 16,707 St. Andrew’s
83. Rick Bezet @Rick_Bezet 16,422 New Life
84. Britt Merrick @BrittMerrick 15,912 Reality
85. Douglas Wilson @DouglasWils 14,126 Christ Church
86. Matt Fry @MattFry 13,182 C3 Church
87. Ray Ortlund @rayortlund 12,780 Immanuel
88. Jonathan Stockstill @Jon_Stockstill 12,266 Bethany World
89. Brady Boyd @PastorBrady 12,187 New Life
90. John Francis @BishopJFrancis 12,174 Ruach City
91. Bruce Frank @BruceFrank1 11,913 Biltmore
92. Joe Champion @JoeChampion 11,509 Celebration
93. Joey Bonifacio @JoeyBonifacio 11,414 Victory Fort
94. Thabiti Anyabwile @ThabitiAnyabwil 11,022 First Baptist
95. Bob Roberts Jr. @BobRobertsjr 10,890 NorthWood
96. Andreas Nielsen @AndresNielsen 10,745 Hillsong Stockholm
97. Ronnie Floyd @RonnieFloyd 10,722 Cross Church
98. Greg Locke @PastorLocke 10,450 Global Vision Bible
99. Ray McCauley @PsRayMcCauley 10,327 Rhema Bible
100. Dave Stone @DaveStone920 9,462 Southeast Christian

Oh and have any of you herd of this Emergent pastor who says that “Church Sucks – too much Sin” as in an emphasis on DEALING WITH SIN!!!

Can you believe it – During his service on Sunday, a pastor who told his congregation, “don’t get your panties in a bunch,” over a profane story, also thinks churches should not focus on sin.

Christian Post has the full story which you can read by following the link:

But in a nut shell – his services are about 30 minutes long and the worship to Katy Perry (sold her soul to the devil[openly admits it as well] for fame) and Maroon 5!

Thanks for reading, be Blessed.

Conclusion on Western Christianity

Pat the Free Mason

This is the concluding post in my research study on Western Christianity.  I will be writing more on the subject but this is the end of a 6 Part series that I will eventually put up as an E-book online when I get it edited.  Before reading this, for it to make sense you must first read the other parts:

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: The Conspiracy

Part 3: Mainstream Christianity

Part 4: King Pins of the Christian Mafia

Part 5: Satan’s Deceptive Theology; Dominionism and the NAR

Part 6: Exposing the Counterfiet in the Emergent Church


Ask yourself if any of this report helps make sense to what’s happening in the church today? Does it give some answers to why we as Christians can’t seem to get it right, keep getting offended and disappointed at every church we go to, fail morally in every area and try really hard with no progress? Do you now question where this “Authority” in the western church in leading you?

If you had the guts to make it through this entire report you may now have a much different view on what is going on in the church now. You may be quite shocked and upset at all this information – even leaving you in a state of disbelief.  This report has exposed the enemies plans for the church and has shown just how much he has been influencing our lives through the church.  This may have been some really bad news but it gives us an understanding to what we could not understand and answers to questions we have all been asking, reasons to “why God why?”.  Knowing what the enemy is doing gives us the power to be free from his influence and focus on being real Christians or rather followers of Jesus.

Take a good look at the church and our society.  We are in a serious ungodly state and the message of this movement is all WRONG! They give us these feel good self help messages and prophecy great things for our nations,” look” they say “God is moving get ready for a great revival about to sweep the earth, signs and wonders!”  But in reality the message should be repent from your wickedness for judgment is coming.  David Wilkerson was one who saw this and he was continually calling the nation to repent. He had dreams and visions of the judgment coming.  North America can be compared to the rebellious nation of Israel during Jeremiah’s times.  There are churches on every corner in every town but yet if you go into most of these church’s you will find sin stained religion, a form of Godliness but denying the power.  Prophets spewing false prophesy leading the people astray, people getting greedy and fat off the gospel. Here is a section from Jeremiah, see and compare for yourself that these words are more true today than ever – both for the church and for the nation:


“Roam to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem,
And look now and take note.
And seek in her open squares,
If you can find a man,
If there is one who does justice, who seeks [a]truth,
Then I will pardon her.
“And although they say, ‘As the Lord lives,’
Surely they swear falsely.”
O Lord, do not Your eyes look for [b]truth?
You have smitten them,
But they did not [c]weaken;
You have consumed them,
But they refused to take correction.
They have made their faces harder than rock;
They have refused to repent.

Then I said, “They are only the poor,
They are foolish;
For they do not know the way of the Lord
Or the ordinance of their God.
“I will go to the great
And will speak to them,
For they know the way of the Lord
And the ordinance of their God.”
But they too, with one accord, have broken the yoke
And burst the bonds.
Therefore a lion from the forest will slay them,
A wolf of the deserts will destroy them,
A leopard is watching their cities.
Everyone who goes out of them will be torn in pieces,
Because their transgressions are many,
Their apostasies are numerous.

“Why should I pardon you?
Your sons have forsaken Me
And sworn by those who are not gods.
When I had fed them to the full,
They committed adultery
And trooped to the harlot’s house.
“They were well-fed lusty horses,
Each one neighing after his neighbor’s wife.
“Shall I not punish [d]these people,” declares the Lord,
“And on a nation such as this
Shall I not avenge Myself?

10 “Go up through her vine rows and destroy,
But do not execute a complete destruction;
Strip away her branches,
For they are not the Lord’s.
11 “For the house of Israel and the house of Judah
Have dealt very treacherously with Me,” declares theLord.
12 They have lied about the Lord
And said, “[e]Not He;
Misfortune will not come on us,
And we will not see sword or famine.
13 “The prophets are as wind,
And the word is not in them.
Thus it will be done to them!”

Judgment Proclaimed

14 Therefore, thus says the Lord, the God of hosts,
“Because you have spoken this word,
Behold, I am making My words in your mouth fire
And this people wood, and it will consume them.
15 “Behold, I am bringing a nation against you from afar, O house of Israel,” declares the Lord.
“It is an enduring nation,
It is an ancient nation,
A nation whose language you do not know,
Nor can you understand what they say.
16 “Their quiver is like an open grave,
All of them are mighty men.
17 “They will devour your harvest and your food;
They will devour your sons and your daughters;
They will devour your flocks and your herds;
They will devour your vines and your fig trees;
They will demolish with the sword your fortified cities in which you trust.

18 “Yet even in those days,” declares the Lord, “I will not make you a complete destruction. 19 It shall come about when [f]they say, ‘Why has the Lord our God done all these things to us?’ then you shall say to them, ‘As you have forsaken Me and served foreign gods in your land, so you will serve strangers in a land that is not yours.’

20 “Declare this in the house of Jacob
And proclaim it in Judah, saying,
21 ‘Now hear this, O foolish and [g]senseless people,
Who have eyes but do not see;
Who have ears but do not hear.
22 ‘Do you not fear Me?’ declares the Lord.
‘Do you not tremble in My presence?
For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea,
An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it.
Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail;
Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.
23 ‘But this people has a stubborn and rebellious heart;
They have turned aside and departed.
24 ‘They do not say in their heart,
“Let us now fear the Lord our God,
Who gives rain in its season,
Both the autumn rain and the spring rain,
Who keeps for us
The appointed weeks of the harvest.”
25 ‘Your iniquities have turned these away,
And your sins have withheld good from you.
26 ‘For wicked men are found among My people,
They watch like fowlers [h]lying in wait;
They set a trap,
They catch men.
‘Like a cage full of birds,
So their houses are full of deceit;
Therefore they have become great and rich.
28 ‘They are fat, they are sleek,
They also [i]excel in deeds of wickedness;
They do not plead the cause,
The cause of the [j]orphan, that they may prosper;
And they do not [k]defend the rights of the poor.
29 ‘Shall I not punish [l]these people?’ declares the Lord,
‘On a nation such as this
Shall I not avenge Myself?’

30 “An appalling and horrible thing
Has happened in the land:
31 The prophets prophesy falsely,
And the priests rule [m]on their own authority;
And My people love it so!
But what will you do at the end of it?



Chapter 6


12 “Their houses shall be turned over to others,
Their fields and their wives together;
For I will stretch out My hand
Against the inhabitants of the land,” declares the Lord.
13 “For from the least of them even to the greatest of them,
Everyone is greedy for gain,
And from the prophet even to the priest
Everyone [n]deals falsely.
14 “They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially,
Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’
But there is no peace.

The truth is the right message to the church is “repent come out of Babylon and be separate, persevere to the end and you will be saved!” The culture of the west especially America is the modern day Babylon prophesied in the Bible. Never before has a culture such as this taken over the entire world. No matter where you go in ALL the world people dress like the west, listen to the same music as the west and eat the food of Babylon.  They seem to all want the worst of it as well, I have traveled the world and even in the remote villages of Vietnam the youth will be listening to Top40 dancing in the club wearing designer jeans.  The church in the guise of being relevant has become just like the world, the emergent church is headed in the wrong direction. The next step is to make everyone “new age”. The process is in full motion, in the world and in the church. It is only a generation or two away from the whole world predominantly being new age.  We who know the truth need to rebel against Babylon and this emerging new age church and return to the basics of Jesus and the truth of the Bible obeying the scripture where it says to “come out of her my people” and the remnant will be saved.

It seems Satan’s strategy is to keep the truth from the people and as Martin Luther found under the Catholic church we are finding the same thing under the western Church.  The Catholic church was completely taken over by Satan and is his stronghold today.  The western church although not directly controlled like the Catholic church is has become diluted with the doctrine of demons from his agents that have been placed at the top. We now need a whole new reformation to free ourselves from these lies and live as we should following Christ and doing what he said to do.

This was all prophesied in the book of Revelation that in the end Satan would set up his kingdom here on earth and the saints would be persecuted until Christ returns.  For 2000 years Satan has been trying to get complete control of the world and right now it is on the verge. We are about to see all these terrible things prophesied come upon this earth probably in this generation. It is so close that the NWO’s plans could change the face of the earth at any moment.  Satan nearly controls every aspect of society including the church. Don’t hope the rapture is going to rescue you we will be here for most of this crazy stuff. We have been disillusioned into a false reality through intentional brainwashing through the media, entertainment, education and even the church.  The time is now to stand for the truth and be real Christians at all costs.

We need to reject the teachings from this apostate movement that has been exposed, reject the authority of the NAR, the ICA and the false prophets from Kansas city. We need to focus on being real Christians and prepare ourselves for the world we are heading into.  Basic accountability between people and community is all we need – not a worldwide authority structure.  Paul warned us that if someone came preaching a DIFFERENT gospel than what they were preaching to turn away from it. (2 Corinthians 11:4,13) Go read the gospel they preached and see if it is like anything these apostates I have exposed in this report. They are clearly preaching a different form of the Gospel whether it be prosperity or signs and wonders, it is taking the focus off the truth.  When someone claims in a service “the glory is over there I can see it, I see an angel,” and prophesies many things that can’t be measured or comes with Gem stones and gold teeth and everyone ends up flying across the room with an “anointing”, just remember this is a different gospel and it is not a revival.

This is the message from the Lord to the West:
Jeremiah 23

9 My heart is broken because of the false prophets,
and my bones tremble.
I stagger like a drunkard,
like someone overcome by wine,
because of the holy words
the Lord has spoken against them.
10 For the land is full of adultery,
and it lies under a curse.
The land itself is in mourning—
its wilderness pastures are dried up.
For they all do evil
and abuse what power they have.

11 “Even the priests and prophets
are ungodly, wicked men.
I have seen their despicable acts
right here in my own Temple,”

says the Lord.
12 “Therefore, the paths they take
will become slippery.
They will be chased through the dark,
and there they will fall.
For I will bring disaster upon them
at the time fixed for their punishment.
I, the Lord, have spoken!

13 “I saw that the prophets of Samaria were terribly evil,
for they prophesied in the name of Baal
and led my people of Israel into sin.
14 But now I see that the prophets of Jerusalem are even worse!
They commit adultery and love dishonesty.
They encourage those who are doing evil
so that no one turns away from their sins.
These prophets are as wicked
as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah once were.”

15 Therefore, this is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says concerning the prophets:

“I will feed them with bitterness
and give them poison to drink.
For it is because of Jerusalem’s prophets
that wickedness has filled this land.”

16 This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says to his people:

“Do not listen to these prophets when they prophesy to you,
filling you with futile hopes.
They are making up everything they say.
They do not speak for the Lord!
17 They keep saying to those who despise my word,
‘Don’t worry! The Lord says you will have peace!’
And to those who stubbornly follow their own desires,
they say, ‘No harm will come your way!’

18 “Have any of these prophets been in the Lord’s presence
to hear what he is really saying?
Has even one of them cared enough to listen?

19 Look! The Lord’s anger bursts out like a storm,
a whirlwind that swirls down on the heads of the wicked.
20 The anger of the Lord will not diminish
until it has finished all he has planned.
In the days to come
you will understand all this very clearly.

21 I have not sent these prophets,
yet they run around claiming to speak for me.
I have given them no message,
yet they go on prophesying.
22 If they had stood before me and listened to me,
they would have spoken my words,
and they would have turned my people
from their evil ways and deeds.

23 Am I a God who is only close at hand?” says the Lord.
“No, I am far away at the same time.
24 Can anyone hide from me in a secret place?
Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?”
says the Lord.

25 “I have heard these prophets say, ‘Listen to the dream I had from God last night.’ And then they proceed to tell lies in my name. 26 How long will this go on? If they are prophets, they are prophets of deceit, inventing everything they say. 27 By telling these false dreams, they are trying to get my people to forget me, just as their ancestors did by worshiping the idols of Baal.

28 “Let these false prophets tell their dreams,
but let my true messengers faithfully proclaim my every word.
There is a difference between straw and grain!
29 Does not my word burn like fire?”
says the Lord.
“Is it not like a mighty hammer
that smashes a rock to pieces?

30 “Therefore,” says the Lord, “I am against these prophets who steal messages from each other and claim they are from me. 31 I am against these smooth-tongued prophets who say, ‘This prophecy is from the Lord!’ 32 I am against these false prophets. Their imaginary dreams are flagrant lies that lead my people into sin. I did not send or appoint them, and they have no message at all for my people. I, the Lord, have spoken!

False Prophecies and False Prophets

33 “Suppose one of the people or one of the prophets or priests asks you, ‘What prophecy has the Lord burdened you with now?’ You must reply, ‘You are the burden![c] The Lord says he will abandon you!’

34 “If any prophet, priest, or anyone else says, ‘I have a prophecy from the Lord,’ I will punish that person along with his entire family. 35 You should keep asking each other, ‘What is the Lord’s answer?’ or ‘What is the Lord saying?’ 36 But stop using this phrase, ‘prophecy from the Lord.’ For people are using it to give authority to their own ideas, turning upside down the words of our God, the living God, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

37 “This is what you should say to the prophets: ‘What is the Lord’s answer?’ or ‘What is the Lord saying?’ 38 But suppose they respond, ‘This is a prophecy from the Lord!’ Then you should say, ‘This is what the Lord says: Because you have used this phrase, “prophecy from the Lord,” even though I warned you not to use it, 39 I will forget you completely.[d] I will expel you from my presence, along with this city that I gave to you and your ancestors. 40 And I will make you an object of ridicule, and your name will be infamous throughout the ages.’”


To recap the important concluding facts  in this report:

-There is a One World Government being set up, a conspiracy happening over hundreds of years.
-This conspiracy wants a one world religion to usher in the “new age” Christ or Anti-Christ.
-Christianity is the chief target of this and has been intentionally infiltrated by Free Masonry and the occult.
-This has led to all old denominations being led under the World Council Of Churches through the Ecumenical movement.  All authority is being handed over to Rome and the Pope to hand over to the coming Anti-Christ.
-False teachers and prophets own mainstream Christianity through TBN and “Family” Organizations.
– The modern spirit filled revival movements are being led by new age teachers and political Dominionsists.  They seek to water down the truth, confuse and pollute people with new age doctrine.
– There are many leaders that are in fact Satanists pretending to be Christians and there are many Christian centers that are secretly centers of ritual satanic abuse.
-The ICA and NAR seek to put everyone under the authority of these false super prophets and apostles.
– After this authority is set up and the church has been fully deceived the end result will be a system set up to direct people to worship the beast.
– There is a counterfeit spirit with lying signs and wonders running wild in the church masquerading like a revival.

The enemy’s plan in my own words; Satan is trying to set the world up to worship him in a one world dictatorship through the NWO.  In the area of religion he is trying to unify the world under a one world religion setting up all the religions to become “new age” (Universalism).  His strategy for the church is to place his agents at the top of our authority structure to subtly undermine doctrine and faith. They are trying to make us believe there is a big end time harvest where most of the world will get saved and Christians will be at the top of the world’s power structure. He wants us to jump on the train and trick us to think “heaven is invading earth” with all kinds of signs and wonders so he can validate what he is doing.  He wants the church to open themselves up to new age teaching and practices and water down the word of God so when he exposes himself as the false messiah the maximum number of Christians will turn and worship him.  The Satanic agenda that which the book of Revelation calls the Activity of Satan (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10) is about to climax and we as believers need to be ready. The enemies main tool is deception and distraction.  The devil has distracted us with this shallow form of Christianity while he sets up his empire of evil and deceives us with doctrines of demons.
This is the plan whether you want to admit it or not.  A lot of people caught up in what I have been talking about in this paper are promoting Satan’s agenda. The strategy is to subtlety change things so people will be unaware until one day the leaders of these movements will (after they have everyone possible under their authority) direct people under Rome and Rome will direct people under the Antichrist. This will be done after the world has been spun into confusion and everyone is desperate for a solutions to worldwide financial collapse, nuclear war, famine, plagues and disasters that sweep the earth; the things prophesied in Revelation.  That is when everyone will submit to this system the NWO has set up because they feel it is the only solution for the future.  Christians who were lead astray by this movement, who thought they were supposed to be raptured or thought they would rule the earth before Jesus comes back, will likely turn to the NWO and the antichrist thinking that he is the true Christ. The deception will be unprecedented in human history.  The things that will take place will be so deceptive that even the elect may be deceived.

To paint a crazy picture it could look something like this:  the world has fallen apart and the technology that is being kept secret has been released like “Terminator” type warfare is taking place and all of sudden “aliens”  aka demons (Nephlim) reveal themselves  to humanity and then the antichrist appears on the scene with all the worlds answers and provides peace.  That is a possible example of how crazy it will get. When the church that is being lead astray turns away to this world wide movement that it is being set up, that is what will be  spoken of as the great “Apsotasy” or “Falling Away.  (2 Thes 2:3) I believe we are at the beginning of all of that happening and we need to wake up and prepare ourselves.  We need to turn a side from these apostate organizations and teachers and focus on the basics of Christianity.  We need to completely turn aside from all of their influence and be separate, along with the secular influence of the world. If we are going to be the bride we need to be set apart without spot or wrinkle.

True Christianity and revival are happening all over the world and this is still an end time harvest. Right now there are over 6 billion people on earth, more than everyone that ever existed in history. The wicked have always outnumbered the righteous on planet earth and they do today.  Just because false prophets like Bob Jones prophesies false things like  there will be 1 billion youth come to Christ in coming years doesn’t mean there is no harvest.  Not everyone who is saved will continue to live for Christ and live pure lives for him.  The truth is many will fall away, BUT as in scripture God always has his remnant.  If the true Christians in these last days do what the book of Revelation says to do, hold fast to the faith and persevere to the end they will be the end time harvest.  It may be not billions but a few hundred million perhaps? That is still a great end time harvest compared to the rest of history where only thousands of Christians once existed at any one time in history.  True revival happens at the grass roots of every movement when people repent and come right with God in their hearts.  There are many dedicated believers all over the world especially in the 3rd world that hold on to their faith in Jesus.  Deception seems to come in when people try and create structure around it and make a hierarchy of authority.  We can have revival in our hearts and in our spheres of influence if we stay in prayer with Jesus, read his word and share the message of salvation with people. If we are compassionate to the poor and help people in need we will find the kingdom of God advancing.

I’m going to end on this analogy I came up with . Jesus is the truth and the Anchor of our faith.  We were once lost at sea and came into the harbor of TRUTH and saved by anchoring ourselves to Christ.  The anchor is the fundamentals of our faith; Love, Repentance, Forgiveness, Selflessness and Oneness with God.  After time man feels the need to build a boat to stand on and even some ships.  This is called religion.  Man made systems supported by the truth.  There is nothing wrong with this as long as it stays anchored for the ship can be good providing comfort. But there is a point when it wants to set sail and remove its self from the anchor.  The ship not being anchored drifts from the harbor of truth and the people on board start to lose site of the truth and the essentials they had when anchored in the harbor of truth.  This then allows them to be boarded and even taken over by other ships not from the harbor of truth, other belief systems based on other things. They then try to come back into the harbor of truth flying the truth flags when in fact they are no longer about the truth but deception.  This is a great snare to lost people at sea coming into the harbor of truth looking for the anchor of Jesus.  They get picked up by the ships drifting far out and pollute their minds and offend their conscience so they can never get to the anchor. If they don’t agree with the captain they are forced to walk the plank floating at sea till another ship picks them up or they get devoured by the great sea serpent Leviathan.  The emerging church is like the Titanic, a huge manmade ship set out to prove its self as the best going far from the harbor of Truth. Now it has hit the iceberg and it is only a matter of time before it sinks. The remnant from the ship needs to get on the lifeboats and get back to the Anchor. Blessed are those who find the anchor and stay anchored in the truth for that is their only hope until the King returns and sinks all the other ships that don’t keep the truth.

People often ask me where to turn, what do we do now that we know the church is corrupted? Here is a list of suggestions to live in Christ free from this system of corruption.

1. Do the things Jesus taught, practice being a real follower of Jesus; pray, fast, study the word, share the faith, feed the poor, meet the needs of others and listen to His voice!

2. Get rid of your TV! I can’t stress this enough but we need to cut out the influence of this Babylonian culture.  It is impossible to live your life to the fullest measure for Jesus if you are filling your head with worldy things (TV, music, movies,  magazines, news,  education etc). I’m not saying never watch anything but have the strictest standards for entertainment and minimize the intake amount.

3. Stop listening to ALL mainstream Christianity especially the ones listed in this report. Avoid all big Christian universities and training centers unless God specifically speaks to you about going to one.

4. I’m not telling you to leave your church, but I am going to say that most Churches are going to hinder your faith. Seek community with like-minded believers – that is the essence of having church. Don’t feel you need to be part of some “Official” church.  A few people meeting in house fully meets the requirements.  Knowing what you know now it will be hard to be like minded in 99% of the churches today so you will need to hear God’s voice in these matters on where to go.  At times it’s better to go to no church than bad church. Pray that God will lead you to likeminded Jesus followers.

Here is a list of good resources and people that I follow. I’m sure there is more but this is what I have found.  Remember if something doesn’t line up with the big picture and the pure gospel don’t follow it!

Times Square Church:  This is the only place I know that has solid word based faith preaching keeping it true to the gospel. It is the only place right now that I go to get encouraging preaching. They may not know all the deep things going on but they got the gospel right and even have a good prophetic sense on the state of things.

Ken Peters:  A person with true prophetic insight. God gave him dreams of the end before he was a Christian. As you watch his message is very different than the apostate prophets.  He says the church is asleep and needs to wake up and judgment is coming. Some churches he has spoken at have kicked him out because they don’t like that message, they only want the feel good messages.

1. Get out of consumer debt, a debtors prison is coming.

2. Leave the Babylonian system

3.  Return to your first love Jesus, not his gifts, words or prophecy.

4. Love your neighbour, avoid intolerance.

5. Don’t run after signs or you will be deceived, tear down the idols.

6.  Begin to fast and pray, sanctify yourself don’t be foolish virgins.

7.  Stop deny Jesus and share your faith everyday

8. Put your assets into Gold and silver.

9. Avoid slick technology that gives away your personal power.

10.  Don’t fail to study God’s word.

11.  Continually stand in the Gap and repent as Daniel did.

Russ Dizdar: If you really want to know about spiritual warfare this is the guy to listen to. He was an ex occult member that has become very skilled in deliverance.  His stuff is far more advanced than anything you will hear in the church. He has worked hand in hand with the police to undercover a huge network of satanic ritual abuse and monarch mind control.


Canary Cry Radio: These 2 young followers of Jesus provide an entertaining mix of on point Conspiracy discussion with a bit of humor.  These guys have on a large number of guest speakers who are well versed in “fringe Christianity” topics.  Topics such as UFO’s, Aliens, Transhumanism, Nephilim, Atlantis, Bible Study & Prophecy, The New Age Movement, The New World Order, Occult, Fallen Angles, the Supernatural,  Creation, Ancient Languages and more!  A must follow podcast!  Visit their website and browse through the archives.


The Prophecy Club: A source of many good speakers talking about end time relevant things. Most of what they talk about is good but they do sometime’s speculate and have the odd guest that may be expanding too much on theology but overall good information.

Exposing the Counterfeit in the Emergent Church

It is now time to shed light on the central modern-day movements that are responsible for destroying Christianity from the inside out.  This will be the most offensive section because many people are caught up in these movements right now and will find it hard to see the truth about what is really going on.

Please note that the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship now “Catch the Fire” is NOT excluded from this list but is very close to the top. Since they share in the same characteristics of the ones below I have left them for another section where will I relate my personal experiences with them for over 4 years.

Please also note this is a blog and will have spelling and format errors. I will seek to correct this and release the entire thing as a PDF online.


This group is responsible for polluting the church with many false books and prophecies.  They are spreading a false deceptive prophetic mantle out over the church and catching many well-meaning people up in it that have had genuine prophetic gifting.   What typically happens is that someone with a genuine  prophetic gifting will start looking to these guys as examples, read their books and their prophecies.  Soon they start adopting the way they prophecy and get caught up in this deceptive stream of prophecy.  This deceptive stream works like this: After someone has started reading the books, going to the meetings of these “prophets” and getting  things imparted to them they start to use the same prophetic lingo as everyone else. Then (from what they heard) their imaginations dream up things that seem to fit the vision of what these guys have been prophesying about.   Now the trouble with this is these people are being taught mostly to use pictures in their imagination and dreams to prophecy – the Devil can send deceptive spirits to influence this type of prophecy.  Some people who are under these guys do really hear from God, even with the influence of these people they still prophecy according to God. But many people start to drift and speak some truth and some things out of their imagination. Others get caught right up in it and may have never even had the gift (because they don’t even know what the genuine is) and start prophesying according to the counterfeit.  The modern church has completely under estimated the danger of this movement.

Most of these prophets use prophetic lingo that sounds really good but are very vague and immeasurable where they cannot be held accountable.  When they do say something measurable most of the time it is wrong and they make excuses like the “modern-day prophet only has to be a certain percentage right, no one is perfect”. In the Bible they killed people who made false prophecy.

Here is a sample of some of the type of prophecy:

“… There shall be a cleaning up, and there shall be a wonderful, wonderful victory, says the spirit of the Lord; therefore, let your Christmas be a Christmas of celebration, because beyond this year, into 2004, suddenly there shall be a shift … Look for the wind,” says the Spirit. A very unusual wind, and you shall not say as Elijah said, “God was not in the wind.” The spirit of the Lord said, “It shall be a sign that that which has tormented the citizens of this nation, of Great Britain, of Saudi Arabia, and many other nations, shall be swiftly brought to an end,” says the Lord. There shall be a wind that shall blow in certain portions of the nation. They shall see as never before this wind,” God says. (Kim Clement, November 22, 2003, Portland, Oregon, cited in Elijah List, 9/16/04)

Others have prophesied earthquakes, disasters, things in the white house all that never come true.  Ruth Heflen actually gave a prophecy that Jesus Christ would appear in the flesh on stage with Benny Hinn… Hmm ok well that didn’t happen, and why would Jesus before his second coming appear on stage in the flesh with an apostate evangelist.  If you are prophesying things that don’t come true well then you are not a prophet.  David Wilkerson made prophesies in 1974 about Collapse of the Soviet Union, a truce with China, economic collapses and even the Japan Earthquake.  All of these came true and he has many more that are about to come true, from the knowledge of what I know about world events, such as worldwide economic failure and large-scale destruction in the US. Another notable thing is the position he was prophesying from was a very humble position, not knowing the big picture and saying God have mercy on us sinners, unlike the prideful Kansas City prophets.

These people claim that they are the Super Prophets and Apostles that God has specially chosen for the end times and they have been given the biggest anointing of all generations to perform healings, signs and wonders. They actually believe that the world should come under their authority.  But yet their movement is plagued by false prophecy, mystical teachings, occultic abuse andsexual sins to name a few. They believe that once they have unified all the Christians under them and the body of Christ has become one, then Christ will come back and the praying Christians will be the reason Christ comes back and judges the earth. At least that is what they tell  their followers. Since many of these people are hardcore dominionists they believe they will take over the Earth establishing an earthly kingdom before Christ comes back.  This is actually establishing a one world religion and the Christ that they are waiting for is the Anti-Christ. Coded within the prophecy is the dominionism theology and mysticism to persuade your mind and plant thoughts into your head to accept the New Age Christ and one world religion.  I had a friend who had relatives that was there at the formation of the this group in the 80’s and they confirm the fact that this group became very occultic and everybody would flock to these prophets to hear from God instead of going to God, and that they became the final authority not God.  They tell everyone not to judge, it’s all about peace unity and love, but when they are criticized they harshly rebuke and tell people that they are coming against God’s chosen.

Here is a letter from a couple that was there at the beginning:

My husband and I were a part of Kansas City Fellowship from its inception, until 1990. Here’s our story.

We were part of the original church that Mike Bickle started in the early 80′s called Kansas City Fellowship. In fact, when Mike first arrived in Kansas City, he spoke at a women’s bible study that I was attending at the time. It was the first time I had heard contemplative prayer taught. I was so intrigued by his teaching, I made it a point to attend his soon to be new church.

From the church’s early beginnings, we were wowed by the fact that this church seemed to be commissioned by God. We were encouraged to read about the modern revivals, such as Azuza Street, and modern revivalists, such as Mary Woodworth Edder, and Charles Finney. We were also encouraged to read about the life of David Brainerd, especially his devotion to prayer. Also on the list of required reading were all of Kenneth Hagin’s books. All of this was to prepare us for the coming revival in knowing what to expect.

A point I wish to make, in regards to KCF’s beginnings, is the original prophet who spoke to Mike back in St. Louis. This man prophesied that Mike needed to move to Kansas City to begin this new move of God. His name was Augustine Acolla. He was later dismissed as somewhat false when a certain prophecy never came to pass. He was also later discovered to have a hidden homosexual lifestyle what was exposed before he passed away, but he needs to be included in the Kansas City Prophets head count, as he was highly esteemed and credited from the beginning as a true prophet.

Mike’s main focus, in the early days, was to pray for God to pour out His holy spirit as he did in the days of Acts. During the first year when Bob Jones came on the scene, this focus remained the same with the added oooing and awwwwing associated with having our own resident prophet. We were so flattered regarding our calling to be THE group that would usher in the revival to beat all revivals. He told us that we had been invited to pray this thing in. He had all kinds of remarkable tales of God having promised him, through the years, that a generation would arise in his (Bob’s) future that would someday receive him. And we were that people.

During the first year of the fellowship, a solumn assembly was called, the first of several, where we were called to fast and pray for twenty-one days, at the end of which, the Lord was going to fill us with his holy spirit as he did on the day of pentecost. So, fast and pray we did. This commission purportedly came about when both Mike, and Bob Jones, received a personal visitation from the angel, Gabriel, who gave both of them the same scripture, which was Daniel Chapter 9. The angel told both of them of the need for this solemn assembly to take place. We began the fast which was to conclude at the end of May. We spent many days and nights binding and loosing territorial spirits in order to open up the heavenlies so God could pour his spirit down.

At the end of the fast, absolutely nothing happened. That’s when the focus began to somewhat change. It was discovered, by the leadership, that we didn’t have the proper wineskin in place to recieve the new wine promised by the angel Gabriel. So, continuing our routine to pray every night and day for the Lord to send his spirit, we began to receive teaching entitled “commitment classes” which lasted for about two years. Absolutely anyone who wanted to participate in any kind of ministry at the church, be it on the worship team, or volunteering with the children, had to undergo these classes. The gist of the teaching was church government and how the city needed an apostolic leader over all the churches in order for the believers to contain this level of annointing. I kid you not. These were the most boring classes to attend, but attend them we did, because everyone, and I mean everyone didn’t want to miss this “move of God”, and everyone wanted a leadership type position.

It was during this time that the prophets were on the move, prophesying to churches to submit to Mike, or else they’d be left out. It was also at this time that my hustand and I began to become seriously confused. Our lives began to grow too busy to attend the nightly prayer meetings any longer. We were a young growing family with toddlers to raise. The prophesies were confusing and very “cosmic” in nature. The ones that were clear enough to follow, weren’t coming to pass.

Also, those of us attending the nightly prayers meetings were seeing the original “vision” change. We were on board for the “pray night and day until” vision, but the rules kept changing, and Mike was becoming a sensation. It seemed that MANY ministries throughout the Unitied States, and even England, were embracing his “city church” vision, and were equally wowed by the prophets. When the Vinyard began showing interest, they appeared more influenced by Mike and the prophets, than the other way around.

One other important fact that never gets mentioned, and has since been removed from the history. Mike had a paraplegic brother named Pat whom we were close to. Pat always attended the evening prayer meetings which we also attended. Keep in mind, the early prayer movement was very sparce, a far cry from what it looks like today. Just a dozen or so faithful regularly attended. As a result, we got to know one another pretty well. Well, amongst all the prophecies and promises of the spirit being poured out on us, there was ALWAYS the promise that Pat would be healed. So often was that promise repeated that we spoke of it as a “given.” All of the prophets mentioned it numerous times. In fact, it was going to be THE EVENT that started the whole ball rolling.

Sadly, Pat passed away a few years ago. More sadly, however, is how this often stated prophecy, at least how pivotal it was, was erased from the history. Now, when new IHOPers listen to the 18 plus hours of how IHOP came to be, they won’t know about Pat and that profound promise that we hoped for in his healing.

It was at this time that my husband and I set aside all the nonsense we had been taught, and turned to the scriptures, alone, for guidance. The Lord graciously revealed the Gospel to us and our confusion ceased. We knew, clearly enough, that this message of the Cross was not being preached, nor was it ever preached. My husband tried to talk to Mike about it a number of times, but was not received well. When Ernie Gruen preached his memorable sermon “Do we keep smiling and say nothing,” we left. His sermon helped us see the error of the whole prophetic thing.      

Back then, I assumed that this whole thing would just fizzle out. How wrong I was. We now have grown children who rub elbows with other grown children influenced by IHOP. While our children have been taught the error of this movement, I find it necessary to reteach the “why’s” of whats wrong with all of this, especially since so many churches here in Kansas City have people in their congregations who also attend IHOP. And now with the “student awakening” under way, it’s all the buzz in local christian circles.

I hope this testimony is somehow helpful to persons who are doubting this movement.

What is an Apostle today? Here is a link to a teaching that describes true Apostles, I only read the notes but the idea is that these guys are not the Apostles they say they are.

Let’s take a look at a few of the key players here that claim to be the Prophetic Authority of this movement.


Mike is the founder of this group coming up from under John Wimber and Vineyard. This is the driving force behind the whole prayer/spiritual warfare movement encompassing many groups.  It is an interesting fact that Vineyard was the vehicle for these movements but they have now become disassociated with both the Toronto Blessings and Mike Bickle.  Mike claims to have heard an audible voice of the Lord to start this movement and make claims of going to heaven, having visions and seeing angels.  Most cults have started in the exact same way, people having a “spiritual” experience and claim that it validates everything they do. Augustine Acolla was the person who gave him the confirming prophetic word to start his movement, but this person was discredited with false prophecies and for being a homosexual.  Bickle is the forerunner for a lot of the mystic ideas such as “contemplative prayer” and “harp &  bowl” type of intercession. On top of that he has many false doctrines he promotes such as the Manifest Sons of God.  There are many reports of his IHOP being very cultic, even abusive, and people have reported seeing many people with Masonic rings in the prayer room there.  One person was even murdered for opposing IHOP and a baby was starved to death through fasting.

Bethany Deaton a former member of the IHOP School was murdered by Micah Moore on a Satanic high holiday.  It was made to look like a suicide until Micah turned himself into police.  Micah confessed that Bethany’s newlywed husband Tyler had told him to kill her. Tyler Deaton was the leader of a small group under IHOP and served as a division coordinator after going through the IHOP school. It was reported that Bethany had been sexually assaulted in cult like ceremonies within the small group.  After this all happened IHOP denied that these people where really associated with IHOP and Tyler’s name vanished from the faculty list. They said it was a mistake that it ended up on there.  You can google many articles yourself about this, I will provide this link:

There was an extensive independent investigation done on IHOP where a family hired an investigation agency to provide a thorough report after one of their family members was caught up in it.  They interviewed many people both students and teachers at IHOP and even infiltrated the group by enrolling in the school.  This is the final conclusion of the agency:

IHOP Investigation Part III

The third portion of our investigation centered on eye witness reports by our team and testimonials received from those within IHOP.  These reports come from casual meetings on the IHOP campus, private discussions in individual apartments, conversations and interviews conducted off-site, teachings given on the campus by various individuals in leadership roles, incidents taking place in the prayer room, during private meetings, summer camps and during FSM classes.

Compiling the data has been an extensive task resulting in a unanimous decision that the International House of Prayer movement in Kansas City, led by Mike Bickle, is indeed a dangerous, cult-like organization utilizing mental, emotional and physical manipulation to facilitate the deception and brainwashing of its members.

Without tapping into the controversy that has surrounded Bickle since the 80’s, we can confidently state that Bickle has a power-hungry agenda, centered on the youth, wherein he profits not only financially at their expense, but derives global positioning through acts of deceptive spiritualism that are not based in Scripture.

Conclusive evidence supports the accusations that Bickle and his leadership team use fear tactics to mentally and emotionally bully their followers.

Conclusive evidence supports the claim that Bickle and his leadership team use psychological manipulations and hypnotic techniques to deceive their followers.

Conclusive evidence supports the conclusion that Bickle and his leadership team force their students and camp-goers to fast and pray at time intervals and lengths that are physically unhealthy to their bodies and their minds.  These mandatory fasts and prayer schedules cause sleep deprivation so severe at times the students incur hallucinations, fainting spells and nervous breakdowns.

Conclusive evidence supports that Bickle and his leadership team manipulate their students through the use of mandatory journaling assignments, which are then used as tools of deception under the pretense of receiving a prophetic word from God. Conclusive evidence supports that Bickle and his leadership team utilize ancient witch-craft tactics to call up spirits and demonize their youthful followers.

 During our investigation we witnessed demon possessions and demon encounters with students screaming nightly in their beds, students rocking violently back and forth and clawing at their own flesh, students jerking wildly and chanting/laughing uncontrollably.

During our investigation we witnessed what is referred to as demonizing one another, where one person touches the other and the demon passes between them and manifests itself in outbursts that are often severe and violent.

During our investigation we witnessed several students who were fearful and pleaded to be able to leave or telephone their families and were denied the right to make contact.  They were told it was their own demons making them fearful and they needed to be set free.

During our investigation we witnessed FSM leaders who chanted ancient-type spells to conjure up so-called “revelations from the spirit.”  Some of these revelations were based on false information we deliberately placed in our investigator’s journal assignments, proving this wasn’t a revelation from God at all; but a mere fabrication and tactic of mental manipulation.

During our investigation we witnessed a group hypnosis in the prayer room, a sedation technique used to clear the mind and open the spirit to demonic revelations and activity.

Conclusive evidence based on the teachings of founder, Mike Bickle, supports the claim that Bickle does not adhere to Scripture, but rather changes it as he goes.

He supports the notion of praying to the human spirit and asking for prophetic revelation.

He supports the notion that prophesy does not need to be accurate and that God will sometimes give inaccurate prophetic words to see if his followers are paying attention.

He supports the theology of the elected seed generation through the Manifest Sons of God, the movement of the Latter Rain and Joel’s Army.  These are theories outwardly refuted publically, but privately he and his staff lead their flock according to these guidelines and beliefs.

He dejects humanitarian efforts as a waste of time, stating humanitarianism is the groundwork for the Anti-Christ.

His focus is clearly on growing his army larger and larger and taking control of the political and economic free world.  In his office he was heard talking to a fellow leader and Bickle stated:  “Who else can we get to team with us, I mean, who are the biggest groups out there and how do we pull them in so that we will hold undeniably more power than the government.”

Our findings conclude that IHOP is Scripturally un-sound.

One investigator says, “I was in FSM for three months and I never once heard the message of Salvation through Christ.  All that is taught is how to go deeper in meditation and how to receive prophetic revelation from the spirit.”

One IHOP staff member stated, “The Bible isn’t the end-all, it’s just the beginning.  God has more to say and He’s saying it through us, through His elected seed.”

An IHOP team leader said this to a young woman begging to call her parents and go home,  “The Bible says even the prophet won’t be accepted in his home, so if you go back you are denying God the prophetic vision He wants to give you.  You’re not being obedient to Christ.”

An IHOP leader told a young man who had questioned some of what was being taught, “God offends the mind to reveal the heart and your heart is demon filled because you are questioning God.”

Four students were banished from the IHOP-KC campus for questioning the theology of the Latter Rain movement.  They were each told that they were “under the stronghold of generational sin and they needed to be sent to another location to be healed.”

Our results include more depth, however for the length of this report we have given an overview of some of our findings.  The root of the IHOP movement is not spiritually sound and in my personal opinion, evil things are occurring on the Kansas City campus.

We cannot speak for other House of Prayer locations in other cities or around the world, but our findings at the IHOP KC campus are conclusive.

The International House of Prayer movement is man-centered, man-based and man-esteemed, rooted in inaccurate prophesy from the beginning and continues to grow in spiritual manipulation and deception.  This is, by our standards, a cult.

Here is a link to a letter from someone within the school to the investigation team:

When the results started to be published online there was an cyber attack originating out of Argentina that attempted to erase all the information about IHOP off the servers.

If you remember the testimony early of the person who very high in the occult you will remember him saying that some of these agents of Satan were assigned to start churches, prayer room and healing centers and when they made satanic sacrifices it gave them more power to deceive the Christians so they wouldn’t question what they were doing.  Now knowing what we know about IHOP I would have to some to the conclusion that IHOP is one of those places.

The original document I had found on author Susan Renee’ Claridge’s Blog. When I went back it was removed and when I emailed her she told me that there was a lot of pressure from IHOP for her to take it down, legally speaking. She directed me to another site that contained the same info, but since then her Feeling The Fiction blog has more posts on IHOP. Click the link below to see how she compares Jim Jones one of the biggest and deadliest cult leaders to IHOP.

Also check out this link where some of the original investigations can be found:

Links on IHOP:

If you still are questioning whether this is true or not, read this report that is over 200 pages on IHOP formed by concerned Christians about this group. This report call the Gruen Report was circulated to as many pastors as possible.

Direct link to document:

It is amazing to see that even after all these crazy things about IHOP being exposed many churches still support IHOP and follow their teaching. Even in Canada what is seen as the most radical group of Christians teams up with IHOP and others from this movement on a regular basis.



Lou Engle and Mike Bickle go hand in hand both working closely together for the same goals.  Lou spreads the false doctrine of Joel’s Army and the Manifest Sons of God (who teach that the rise of a victorious church of “overcomers” endowed with supernatural power to wage spiritual warfare and perform miracles would usher in the second coming of Christ).  He also teaches that an end-time army engaged in spiritual warfare will take dominion over the earth.  This all sounds fancy and good because some of that really is what the body of Christ is supposed to be, but the problem is the they are Dominionists and believe that they are going to take over the whole earth through spiritual warfare, set up and earthly kingdom and then Christ will return.  Lou Engle organizes the Call 12 hour prayer rallies all over the nation.  The rallies are politically motivated and deeply rooted in politics.  What a great thing to get people together to pray for a nation and it’s leaders. Too bad it’s all promoting dominionism.  If you remember Rick Perry Governor of Texas he worked with the Call to form a prayer rally called “The Response”.  This is a direct tie to politics, to the Christian right and also the group called “The Family”, the most powerful people in America.  Rick Perry pretends to be a Christian (like most politicians) but there are many reports of him being a bisexual and living a very sex and drugged filled life. On top of that he was on Al Gores team, who is a big globalist for world government. Now to top it off – he was a Bildeberg attendee in 2008!  This is a dead giveaway that he is working with the NWO.  These prayer rallies never highlight the real problem in government, but lead people in the deception that candidates are elected into office and they persuade public opinion. These movement  only focus on a few issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage & homosexuals, actually it’s almost exclusively about this.  Lou Engle states all these prophesies that gays are the cause for America’s problems and then goes on to call a 40 day fast and all of Christianity to pray for 100,000 gays to get healed and come to Christ.  It would be a good thing to do if the gays would get saved – but you and I both know that without actually going out to the gays and preaching the Gospel to them, nothing will happen.  Making a whole movement focused on one subject is a division tactic to distract and keep the public occupied. There is also a Canadian counterpart to this called The Cry led by Faytene Grasseschi that works hand in hand with the Call. With all these prayer rally’s and efforts to change the government, nothing ever changes, abortion is still legal and homosexuallity and same-sex marriage is still on the rise. If these people were on the prophetic edge hearing from God for the nation they would know the truth that these issues should not be the focus of the prayer movement. Rather they should call the nation to repentance and expose how corrupt the government is.



This guy is probably the biggest false prophet out of Kansas city, he uses his prophecy to discourage people from looking into the truth and promotes the dominion agenda.  One of the biggest giveaways for this guy is that he is part of a Masonic organization called the Knights of Malta. It is admitted right on his website since he had no way to hide it. David Rockefeller – a leader in the NWO – is also a part of this group. The knights of Malta is a Masonic order underneath the Roman Catholic Church.  Rick is an agent of satan and a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Watch as Rick get’s knighted by men in black robes:


Rick Joyner being knighted

Another interesting fact that I figured out on my own is that his ministry is named “Morning Star”. In the bible there are hints to this being about Jesus but there is also one definite scripture that refers this morning star to Satan:

KJV Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!


Shining morning star, 
how you have fallen from the heavens! 
You destroyer of nations,
you have been cut down to the ground.

Now what is the literal translation of “Lucifer”?

Lucifer is the King James Version rendering of theHebrew word הֵילֵל. This word, transliterated hêlēl or heylel, occurs only once in the Hebrew Bible and according to Strong’s Concordance means “shining one, morning star, Lucifer”.

The word Lucifer is taken from the Latin Vulgate,[2]which translates הֵילֵל as lucifer,[3][4] meaning “the morning star, the planet Venus” (or, as an adjective, “light-bringing”),

In other words you could Translate Rick Joyner’s ministry to: Lucifer.  Hmm isn’t funny that the Knights of Malta, the Masons and the Roman Catholic church worship Lucifer/Satan, who Rick Joyner is a part of. Isn’t it than funny he names his ministry “Morning Star” which translates to Lucifer.

Rick is the mentor for Tod Bentley who led the Lakeland revival.  Although Lakeland had some nature of a revival, with people coming in off the streets and repenting, showed that God was not completely absent from this, was overshadowed by these apostate leaders that made a mockery of the revival which ended in shame.  Here is a video of all the movements leaders blessings Todd and prophesying how much his anointing and power was going to increase.

Do you notice that the leader of the NAR & ICA Peter Wagner starts by saying this is the official ceremony of Todd’s apostolic alignment under the ICA & NAR.  Rick Joyner and John Arnott, are both right there.

A few weeks later it was revealed Todd was having an affair, getting drunk and soon divorced his wife. He now has been “restored” to ministry by Rick Joyner meanwhile living in a sinful adulterous relationship.  The crazy thing is they don’t say what he is doing is wrong but put him back in ministry! Here is a video of this restoration with Rick Joyner who defends Todd and rebukes people for judging him?

A strange thing that I notice is that these guys didn’t have enough discernment to notice that Todd was wearing a shirt with a demon on it. Unless that was intentional. Todd also has many occultic tattoo’s that he got after he became a Christian.  I have also noticed other leaders in this movement wearing the trendy clothing that is being put out with occulitc symbolism on it.

People may have read Rick’s books about spiritual warfare “The Final Quest” & “The Call” and found it very insightful saying this was from God.  Just because this guy has insight into the spiritual realm doesn’t mean he is even a Christian and it certainly doesn’t give him a stamp of approval for everything he does after writing those books. I have read both those books and found them insightful but there is good reason to believe that he knows what he knows because he is a Satanist and knows the strategies that the devil is using to keep the Christians at bay.

Here is an article decoding the book that is currently waiting to be published so I can not verify the contents yet, but it looks like he has done a good job.


Here are 2 other guys that are considered as head Prophets for the movement. They have numerous false prophecies and both claim to have visions of angels and heaven visitations.  Paul Cain claimed that Jesus appeared to him while driving in his car and told him that he (Jesus) was jealous of his relationship with his soon to be wife and that if Cain wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus he had to remain celibate for the rest of his life.  Cain was kicked out of ministry for being a homosexual and having a problem with alcohol.  Bob Jones who also is a mentor of Bentley was discredited first for abusive harmful use of his prophetic gifting than it came out that he was sexually abusing women by telling them they needed to be naked before God and to undress in front of him.  Bob Jones still is part of the Kansas city prophets and releases words on the Elijah list.  Yes people these are the head Apostles and Prophets that the whole world-wide church is expected to submit to.



There are other groups that are directly tied to this movement that are worth mentioning that people need to be aware of.  I cannot take the time to research every single one involved within this movement but if you are not convinced by now of anything I have been saying listing any more people would be in vain.

Patricia King

King is an admitted ex witch but some things lead me to believe she is not an ex witch or has somehow combined both Christianity and occultism.  When she first got saved she tried using occult methods in her Christianity.  She was caught up in this movement and was discipled under this group and now has her ministry that teaches many questionable occultic things.  I saw her at a meeting in person at the TACF in Toronto and what I saw confirms everything.  The most unusual thing happened at the end of the meeting she said she saw huge angels and even Jesus walking around the room and then when everyone had been gathered at the front with their hands lifted up she said ” here it is the glory is about to be released right over there” right where I was and at that moment everyone started to go whooah and sway toward the stage. I felt this magnetic hypnotic spiritual energy come down like a wave and within moments it was gone.  About 10 minutes later the meeting was over.  I really wondered what I had experienced because if defiantly didn’t feel like the Holy Spirit.


This is her symbol

Doesn’t look very Christian to me, although she has her mystic explanation of it how can a fallen over bent cross with a blue flame ever be Christian??  It is an X not a cross!  Seems to me it would more represent a twisted version of Christianity.  A blue flame has never been Christian but in fact a blue flame is very associated with witchcraft.  Hmm, a professed “Ex Witch” using a bent twisted cross with a blue flame…..


This is the Verichip company making RFID chips that will be used to regulate the mark of the beast. (Read excerpt below)

Below taken from:


There is also significant indication of the letter “X” being an actual occult symbol for the Antichrist.

Recall one of occultism’s central, most prominent symbols–“the Skull and [X-shaped] Crossbones”. Another favorite (and directly related) symbol of Luciferians…the “crossed out cross”, whereby the “Christian” cross is literally crossed out with an “X” shape.
Dr. Cathy Burns, the author of “Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated” and many other books on the occult, states:

“…since [occultic] Masonry has replaced the cross of Jesus with an “X” representing their own ‘christ’, that ‘christ’ of Masonry was the Biblical Antichrist; therefore, the “X” in modern Freemasonry represents Antichrist!”

“Thus, the “X” in the Skull & Bones symbol represents the Black Magick Masonry symbol for Antichrist”. LINK


All of that to say–this chosen brand name for the RFID chips,”Xmark” (if it remains part of the world’s premier RFID chip conglomerate) can apparently be literally interpreted as the”Antichrist’s mark”.

Isn’t it amazing how the Bible has predicted all of this two thousand years ago?

This is someone who is under her ministry: Dj Caleb and Club Mysterio



Bill Johnson is another closely tied to IHOP and teaches many things in line with this movement at his church. Schools at Bethel even go so far as teaching mystical practices coming right out stating that mysticism is good.  This is where a member of my church went and came back thinking that we could levitate as Christians.  Check it out here on their own site the school of prophecy:

If the new age imagery in the banner isn’t enough they even have one of the topics listed as ” Exploring the mystical side of prophecy”.

Bethel is linked to a group called “The New Mystics” with John Crowder (Sons of Thunder).  Here is the website:

Like come on, can you get any more new age???

If you didn’t watch the 3rd part to this short doc early watch it now:

It shows John Crowder at the Bethel church and many of these crazy new age things taking place.

I can’t even believe this video: sloshfest??

Their school may not be as a controlling cult as IHOP’s but they are defiantly teaching the new age Christianity.  Bill Johnston is also connected with Oral Roberts even going to his home. If you remember Oral Roberts is a 33rd degree free mason. Bethel is also accused of staging false signs and wonders such as the glory cloud & feathers falling from the air vents supposedly from heaven.

Here is a good teaching about some of the false heresy by Bill Johnson:

Another good article:


People that know Jesus Culture think of great big worship events with passionate young people praising the Lord and becoming radical followers of Christ.  The focus of this JC movement is revival and signs and wonders.  Unfortunately this movement does not live up to its hype but is a highly deceptive movement weakening the true gospel of Jesus. I am not saying that people are not saved in this movement or that real encounters with God don’t happen, but rather the focus is not on the essentials of Christianity but takes advantage of some lesser essentials that have a self-centered appeal.  It’s great to get all riled up for Jesus and raise your hands in an awesome worship service, but where does that leave you when you go home? Jesus Culture flows in the same vein as the rest of the Latter Rain movement. Their main message is about experiencing God’s love and becoming revivalists. They believe that being filled with the Holy Spirit is when you fall down on the ground and shake rattle and roll.  There is an extreme emphasis on this and signs and wonders.  Major problems with this JC movement are as follows:

– A worldly model of worship where these worship leaders are worship superstars just like a rock stars, selling albums and t-shirts, signing autographs and being in the spotlight. From what I see these people genuinely worship God and have no idea what they are really a part of.  Do they not see that people come to see them! They cram in to the worship “concerts” and try to get as close to the stage as possible.  The youth idolize them and that is wrong.

– Jesus is often forgotten about in the meetings where his name is rarely mentioned. One person mentioned that they couldn’t remember hearing Jesus name once during a concert. When my old church sang song songs from JC and the like in the service, I noticed almost all the songs (except a few) didn’t mention Jesus and did not have a fundamental Christian message.

– The whole focus of the movement is a self-centered experience, where Christians run to want an experience. Unfortunately that counterfeit spirit I have been talking about is right there to give them what they want.

– There are very few healing compared to what they claim, if any genuine at all. The signs and wonders are not biblical ones and do nothing for sharing the true message of Jesus.

– This movement is causing people stop thinking for themselves or read their Bible.  The fundamentals, such as reading & STUDYING the Bible, (a real version not the Message or watered down versions) sharing the gospel by preaching REPENTANCE from SIN. These are the core things among others that are absent from Jesus Culture.  I see JC as the vehicle to water down Christianity to prepare people’s minds to accept the new age Anti Christ.

Here is one video on Jesus Culture showing these things:

Worship Me I have a Guitar and a MicroPhone



Bill Right is another hardcore dominionist who came out of Fuller Seminary who started CCC (Campus Crusade for Christ).  This is yet another front organization for the one world religion with connections to all of the above with masons, new agers even sitting on the international committee for CCC.  Read this article for a full listing of connections:

Promise Keepers is a man centered organization that is supposed to keep men accountable. The first fruits of this sounds pretty good but the underlying system is dominionist – a very special scary fascist strain of domionism.  Each male is to subject every aspect of his life to a group leader or front man who collects information which is all entered into a world-wide database. This is “big brother” in the church on a whole new level. This organization is heavily influenced By James Dobson (Focus on the Family) Pat Roberson and the CNP.  This is an important insight here how a lot of these movements are using and abusing the cell structure.  I have read up on the G12 model and the Yongi Cho model of cells which has seen extreme success, because a mega church model just does not work for discipleship. But all of these groups go way beyond and have a serious control mentality over the cells in a giant pyramid structure.  Yongi Cho pastor of the world’s biggest church unfortunately has come in my research as working together with the World Council of Churches and the forces of Ecenumicalism. It is my suspicion that this totalitarian cell system will be used in the future to find out who the real Christians are in the world-wide cell network & database. Then the ones who don’t accept the one world religion will be persecuted.


Seeker churches like Willow Creek are right in with all of this as well, Bill Hybels is another pastor tied to Rick Warren and Universalists promoting different strains of New Age and Universalism.  Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll have gone way off the mark and now preach a different new age gospel.

Every day I find out about a new person or group that has gone off the mark. It is impossible to write about them all, nor do I want to take up any more of my time exposing things. I much rather create music and disciple people in the truth.  I think I have covered a good deal of the most important groups infecting Christianity.  Next before I conclude this research project I will write my opinion on the characteristics of the counterfeit.

Here is a video to finish this section:

The Beautiful Side of Evil – Johanna Michaelsen

Author who puts it plainly the occult influence in the church.

Satan’s Deceptive Theology in the Church – Dominionism and the NAR

It’s now time to find out what is driving all this madness in the modern church.

Most of these things are not hard to research on your own but I am hoping to connect the dots in this next section. This will bring a lot of what I have been saying in my posts to partial conclusion.  If you are just reading this post I recommend going back and reading the whole series in the “What is really going on in the church?” category.


I was saving this part till the end until I realized that this is what ties everything together. I didn’t realize that it was the theology and leadership out of this group that is directing the whole movement.  I have good reason to believe from the given research on this project that this is the NWO’s arm of control over the evangelical Christians of the world, especially in North America.  We have documented how the old denominations through conspiracy have ended up under the World Council of Churches and then how main line Christianity has been completely controlled since then with the biggest names in Christianity promoting ecenumicalism leading people to the One World Religion.  Christianity has been divided down the middle with the traditional, hardcore biblical fundamentalists on one side and the “spirit lead” evangelicals on the other. Both sides have been in opposition, this is what the enemy has wanted to achieve. Both sides are controlled by the same people at the top just like in politics, you have Republican and then you have Democrat, both controlled by the same powers behind the scenes. On the world’s stage you have East vs West, Communist vs Democracy. All of it is a sham, a game used to control people and to move the pieces of the puzzle into place for the NWO.  Now that both sides are pitted against each other when things hit the boiling point the leaders who are in control of both sides will present their solution, and that solution will be that of the plan of Satan.

Fuller Seminary (along with Oral Roberts University) is the “Christian Yale” responsible for putting out all of these heretical doctrine that is changing that face of Christianity as we know it. I hear this stuff being taught and their catch phrases and terminologies being repeated everywhere I go in church groups.  This school has many ties to all the people we have been discussing including Mason’s, the CNP, “The Family” and many others. The people who teach their and sit on their committees are not “spirit lead” people as we know it, but rather are people of the worldly institutions of government and education. If you look in the supporting articles I provide you will find that these guys don’t have a tract record of winning souls, writing inspiring sermons, writing worship songs or even healing people all traits of true Christians instead they have really big titles like Dr. so and so with a huge list of credentials from institutions.  It is these people who have corrupted the minds of modern-day Christians.

The person most responsible for this who can be found at every turn of this movement is Peter Wagner. He appears to be the henchman directing the entire operation.  He has a long list of theological credentials and titles and has authored most of this theology himself.  He was there in Argentina at the revival where John and Carol Arnot got inspired for the Toronto Blessing, he was the mentor for John Wimber and worked with him at Fuller to come up with the entire teaching program for their theology for the whole movement. He was there at the commissioning of Tod Bentley weeks before Bentley fell.  This guy is the one connecting the dots of all of the sub groups that I list later on. He is the leader of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) and the ICA (International Coalition of Apostles).

“The trademark theology behind Fuller was called New Evangelicalism , which eliminated the Biblical doctrine of separation, Biblical inerrancy and dispensationalism and sought and continues to seek acceptance and approval of the world..” (, New Evangelicalism)

Out of this has come many doctrines and teachings such as “Kingdom Now”, “Reconstructionism”, “Manifest Sons Of God”, “7 Mountain”, “Spiritual Mapping & Spiritual Warfare” and others.  The problem is a lot of this sounds really good when taught and sounds like cutting edge revelation from God on how to be the Church.  A lot of this strategy can be good for Christians to use if used properly and people will see some success, but there is also destructive things being taught as well right alongside. The biggest problem is the drifting from sound doctrine and the drifting from the essentials of the faith that will make it all happen.  People get so caught in this theology that they can’t see the big picture and end up missing the essentials of Christianity.  It is important to understand that what the people at the top don’t give you is the big picture of what they really believe but teach all these different principles at the base level that sound really good to prepare people’s minds for even bigger lies.


This is what this is all about: Dominionism. This is the core belief of this whole group and it is important to understand just what it is because EVERY church today seems to have elements of this and certain groups and churches are centering their entire belief of the Church around it.  Everything that has come out of Fuller and Peter Wagner supports this belief system.  What Dominionists believe is that the Church needs to take “Dominion” over the earth that it is rightfully ours to posses, not After Christ comes back but BEFORE. They believe that the “Rapture” is not us going up to be with Jesus but that it is when the Christians take over the earth Physically in the state it is in now, the “7 mountains” of society. Then they believe after that has taken place Christ will return.  Yes that is what all this zeal in these movements is all about and people don’t even realize that their zeal is being used as a tool for Dominionism.

Here are what some other authors and researchers have to say about Dominionism:

Quotes from Al Dager’s Vengeance Is Ours: The Church In Dominion: ‘Dominion theology is predicated upon three basic beliefs: 1) Satan usurped man’s dominion over the earth through the temptation of Adam and Eve; 2) The Church is God’s instrument to take dominion back from Satan; 3) Jesus cannot or will not return until the Church has taken dominion by gaining control of the earth’s governmental and social institutions.

“Charles Peter Wagner has introduced the concept that God has established the plan for the earth and that the apostles shall execute that plan. Wagner is moving the same direction of as the Latter Rain. Wagner insists the Rapture of the church is the spiritual return of the Spirit, which comes first without a physical return of Christ. They believe the government of the church becomes the government of God’s on earth. They claim the people are controlled as judges, rulers, and warriors and are exercising their kingdom by the authority of supernatural powers greater than the original apostles. They claim this is to bring in a global kingdom rule. It is only after this is done by the Global Harvest Mission, conveying the philosophy of the Latter Rain Movement, that Jesus will come back. They teach that the new apostles and prophets that are going to lead the church into this new era.”

“As one researcher familiar with the history of the Third Wave Movement or Dominionism describes, ‘The Third Wave is a revival of the theology of the Latter Rain tent revivals of the 1950s and 1960s led by William Branham and others. It is based on the idea that in the end times there will be an outpouring of supernatural powers on a group of Christians that will take authority over the existing church and the world. The believing Christians of the world will be reorganized under the Fivefold Ministry and the church restructured under the authority of Prophets and Apostles and others anointed by God. The young generation will form ‘Joel’s Army’ to rise up and battle evil and retake the earth for God.’4”

Sarah Leslie pinpoints to the central deception behind the current spread of Dominionism among various Protestant denominations across America today:

‘Dominion theology is a heresy. As such it is rarely presented as openly as the definitions above may indicate. Outside of the Reconstructionist camp, evangelical dominionism has wrapped itself in slick packages – one piece at a time – for mass-media consumption. This has been a slow process, taking several decades. Few evangelicals would recognize the word ‘dominionism’ or know what it means. This is because other terminologies have been developed which soft-sell dominionism, concealing the full scope of the agenda. Many evangelicals (and even their more conservative counterparts, the fundamentalists) may adhere to tidbits of dominionism without recognizing the error…

‘To most effectively propagate their agenda, dominionist leaders first developed new ecclesiologies, eschatologies and soteriologies for targeted audiences along the major denominational fault lines of evangelical Christianity. Then the 1990s Promise Keepers men’s movement was used as a vehicle to ‘break down the walls’, i.e., cross denominational barriers for the purpose of exporting dominionism to the wider evangelical subculture. This strategy was so effective that it reached into the mainline Protestant denominations. Dominionists have carefully selected leaders to be trained as ‘change agents’ for ‘transformation’ (dominion) in an erudite manner that belies the media stereotype of southern-talking, Bible-thumping, fundamentalist half-wits.’7

Sarah Leslie describes the movement which has supported Sarah Palin for most of her life:

‘New Apostolic Reformation. This dominionist sect is a direct offshoot of the Latter Rain cult (also known as Joel’s Army or Manifest Sons of God). Chief architect of this movement for the past two decades is C. Peter Wagner, President of Global Harvest Ministries and Chancellor of the Wagner Leadership Institute. His spiritual warfare teachings have been widely disseminated through mission networks such as AD 2000, which was closely associated with the Lausanne Movement. A prominent individual connected to this sect is Ted Haggard, current head of the National Association of Evangelicals.

C. Peter Wagner is quoted by Leslie defining his view of what he calls ‘The New Apostolic Reformation,’:

‘Since 2001, the body of Christ has been in the Second Apostolic Age. The apostolic/prophetic government of the church is now in place. . . . We began to build our base by locating and identifying with the intercessory prayer movements. This time, however, we feel that God wants us to start governmentally, connecting with the apostles of the region. God has already raised up for us a key apostle in one of the strategic nations of the Middle East and other apostles are already coming on board. Once we have the apostles in place, we will then bring the intercessors and the prophets into the inner circle, and we will end up with the spiritual core we need to move ahead for retaking the dominion that is rightfully ours.’– C. Peter Wagner

Dominionism is completely unbiblical.  The bible clearly states that in the end that Satan will rule the world and will cause all great and small to take the mark of the beast and worship him. A Christian remnant will be saved from that time and the church will be persecuted.  We are being sold that a great end time harvest awaits, a redeeming of the whole world unto God, 1 billion souls saved, heaven is invading earth and here comes a golden age, when in reality they are setting the stage for the antichrist. Instead of Heaven all hell is about to break out on the earth. Then after a peace treaty that the anti-christ sets up (the false messiah of the world) comes the end and the return of the true Christ. This what the bible says.  The deception is so thick that when all this goes down people will not know what to do, the devil is setting up the ultimate deception and masterminding the “great apostasy”.  The Domonisionsts have been pushing the Pre-Trib theology that Christ will rescue us from the tribulation. They themselves don’t even believe it, but they know when the world falls apart and the NWO is set up people will lose their faith because they thought Jesus would rescue them from the Tribulation. The reality is that what the bible speaks of being the rapture is in fact the second coming, all evidence from scripture supports the idea that we will be here during the tribulation and at some point will be taken when God starts judging the earth.


This is nothing more than the new package for selling dominionism.  Seven Mountain dominionism seeks to place Christians in control over the seven forces that shape and control our culture: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion.  There is nothing wrong with encouraging Christians to step out of the walls of the church and have influence to where they have been called but it’s another to push a worldwide agenda to take over the world and have everyone under one super apostle authority.  Lance Wallnau, the leading advocate for Seven Mountains theology, explained that Jesus “doesn’t come back until He’s accomplished the dominion of nations.”  And the way “dominion of nations” is accomplished is by having Christians gain control of these “seven mountains” in order to install a “virtual theocracy” overseen by “true apostles” who will fight Satan and his Antichrist agenda.

Here is Lance explaining the 7 Mountains:  (Read the comments)

There is one really big problem with this teaching, Lance seems to believe that we should try to occupy the top of the mountains and cast out all the demons in the systems. Hmmm really you mean take over the world and cast Satan down into hell??  Take a step back and think about what he is saying, does that really sound realistic? Is it not in complete contradiction to the Bible? The tops of these mountains have always been controlled by Satan and will always be until Jesus comes back and slays him. It’s not our job to take over the world’s “systems”.  Lance must not read his bible that says Satan is setting up his kingdom on this earth and will rule with a one world government.  This whole 7 mountain teaching is in fact promoting a world government.  Lance states all the mountains are controlled by the financial system which is how the NWO is enslaving us.  The truth is that a lot of this teaching sounds really good taking the gospel to every aspect of society but in reality they are high jacking the truth to push world government.  Since it is unlikely any Christian will reach the top of any mountain they must be pushing this to indoctrinate Christians that the idea of a one world government is good and somehow will twist the truth at the right time and try to tell us we should submit to the NWO one world government.  Churches are getting caught up in these types of teachings and wasting a lot of resources and energy trying to fix the whole world. A much better way is to not drift from the basics of our faith and be radical Christians to where ever God tells us where we could make “umbrella’s” of influence on the devils mountains.

Rev 13:

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

For  who think they will be in charge of the money/business  mountain:  you will need to own the Federal Reserve and the world banks and somehow subdue all the people in the worlds banker dynasty such as David Rockerfeller.

Arts and entertainment:

Here is the Grammy Performance by Nicky Manaj a complete satanic ritual: (Warning: this video is offensive!)

If you are going to take over this mountain you will have to take care of the people responsible for that and take over the whole satanic music business.

I could keep going for every mountain but in reality the NWO has already occupied every mountain and their goal is to make a worldwide satanic dictatorship so there will be no influence on society but theirs. The only way to get control of every aspect of society is to have everyone involved in this conspiracy to die all at the same time. Even after that just wait a few generations and Satan will deceive more people to be a part of his earthy Kingdom and the situation will be exactly the same.


The NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) is the term coined by Peter Wagner for the purpose of creating a worldwide authority of “Super Apostles”.  Basically a worldwide Apostolic dictatorship that he and a few others control.  The ICA (International Coalition of Apostles) is the actual organization that is forming this structure.  Here is the website:

You will notice that in order to be a part of this group you need to PAY a large sum of money every year.
You will also notice a lot of catchy lingo on there that may sound really nice but it really is a soft sell for Dominionism.  Don’t forget that most people part of this group have no idea what it is really about.  The people running the show are people like Peter Wagner, Chuck Peirce, Cindy Jacobs and others whose names you will find pop up in many other areas of the movement.  Get this, the formation of this group (ICA) is directly tied to Rick Perry’s “The Response” which is directly connected with the prayer movements “The Call” and the “Cry”. It seems Peter Wagner is working with “The Family” these crazy dominion politicians.  Sarah Pallin, Al Gore, Mitt Romney (Mormon) and Michele Bachman are all connected to this group.  If you read some of the things around these people and how they operate they are not spirit lead Christians wanting to have one nation under God. Do you own research in these guys. The golden boy Rick Perry who was supposed to be clean has been found to be praying on the political platform one moment and living wildly the next with prostitutes both male and female! Don’t be deceived, these politicians are dirty like the rest and they are at the TOP of the ICA!

The true aim of this group is to bring people under a one world authority structure under the guise of “restoring the offices of the Apostle and Prophet”.  Even though they will say otherwise on their website that no one is in authority over the group that is a lie.  You don’t have to be in authority to be in authority all you have to do is say you are the “Presiding  Apostle” over the entire movement and what you teach and say goes. If anyone starts to question you they will get disassociated  very quickly.  This is becoming very common in church groups especially those influenced by this entire movement to reject people who think differently than them and shun them from the church. I have been shunned a number of times sometimes extremely and subtly for raising questions to what my church was teaching.  I have heard the message more than once if you have a different vision than the church that will bring Di-vision, so as soon as you start questioning what the church is doing you are thought of as someone who is dividing the church.  There is a reason why the church has heavily taught on “Authority & Submission” to leadership, because they don’t want you to question what is going on. They do it under the guise of submitting to authority is God’s way of doing things no matter what. Which I don’t deny is true that Christians need to submit to authority and lead Godly lives, but it is not an absolute dictatorship that these people say it is.  The only real dictator is GOD and we need to listen to him over man.  There are many cases in the bible that people listened to God rather than to government authority and even church authority.  The Domionists want you to submit to them without question and come under the authority of the ICA.  People may say “well I know God is restoring the offices of Apostle and Prophet and that the Bible says the foundation of the Church is built on the Prophets and Apostles.”  Well maybe he is but not under this apostate authority of the ICA.  And that scripture is true regardless because the Old testament prophets are the Foundation written for every believer for generations as well as the books of the true apostles from the new testament.  If God is restoring some things in this area it is in the grass-roots area of the church among the congregations and small groups of churches that have relationship with each other.  What relationship do any of these people have with Peter Wagner?  But they do with their pastors and fellow Christians that surround them. In truth trying to organize every believer under one authority is nothing new, after all the Catholic church had complete dominion until the reformation and after that each denomination would try to control every church under them worldwide. You have to think for a moment that maybe this wasn’t the way God wanted the church to be, but rather he wanted diversity with everybody directly under his authority?

Anyhow I can go on and on about this but let’s wrap up about dominionism and their plans to rule the earth. Before we Sum up I highly recommend ready this article that describes everything in full:

My Take on this:

Is not an earthly political takeover exactly what the Zionist Jews believe is it not?  The same Jews that murdered Jesus are still looking for their political messiah to come and rule the earth. I believe that many of these leaders that knowingly teach Dominionism really believe that the church should take over the world BUT I fully believe that many of the leaders and the authors of this theology don’t really believe that the Jesus from the Bible is the one that is coming back after the world has been taken over.  The authors of dominionism are part of the bigger NWO conspiracy who many are Zionist Kabballah Jews that are part of the world-wide agenda to bring about their messiah the Anti Christ.  From everything I have learned I don’t think the authors of Dominionsism really think that the Christians running the movement are really going to take over the earth but rather create a movement to control the minds of Christians to prepare them to accept the Anti Christ as the messiah.  Also this movement will be used as opposition to “world peace” or the “one world religion” until the leaders of the NAR & ICA come right out and say we all need to be under the One World Religion and the Anti Christ is revealed. It is at this point that all the real Christians that have been caught up in this movement will say “I can’t believe it I was deceived” and they will repent and follow the true Christ and be persecuted like the rest of the Christians that opposed this system from the beginning.  I suspect before it gets to that point that many Christians will abandon this Apostate movement because it will get much more ridiculous as they expose more of their plan.

Here is a good report in detail about the NAR, I found this after I finished this section, but I’m glad to see they had the same info and came to all the same conclusions as I did.

Signs & Wonders- Third Wave

Signs & Wonders- Third Wave Introduction

I am back from a wonderful holiday break and now it is time to continue my series on the church.

I am going to focus now on the “Signs & Wonders” movement and modern day revivals.  Also included in this movement are Joel’s Army, the Manifest Sons of God, prayer movements and Apostolic/prophetic movements.  It is very difficult to write about  this because I have been somewhat involved in this for almost 10 years.  I believe that true moves of God are everywhere and even in this area.  These movements have very passionate and dedicated people serving God in them and have gotten the heart of God and Christianity in a number of ways.  It is Sad that some of the biggest movements in this area have very corrupt leadership at the top and have been misleading these honest people with many false ideas and trapping them in cultish communities. I am enraged that these honest, passionate  people end up wasting so much effort with so little results because of this misguided passion.

What I am going to expose is how the devil has sent his agents into these movements to diffuse any really big legitimate revivals from taking place.  I believe that this is the group he fears most, these spirit lead people that will believe God for anything. If it were not for these agents of his corrupting and diffusing I believe we would see massive revival sweep across North America.

The whole move of the spirit and modern day Pentecostalism was birthed out of the Whales revival of 1904. What set it a flame in North America was the Azusa street revival lead by William J. Seymour. This I believe was a genuine move of the spirit breaking people free from the work of the enemy of the past; the dead stale denominations of old.  An interesting point that I am going to make is how a man named Charles Parham tried to curb this move of the Holy Spirit.  Seymour was a student of Parham who originally had the idea of a Pentecostal baptism.  Parham who maybe was on to some good things in his younger days really went astray after the revival broke out. Parham’s racist roots evidently grew after Seymour (a black man) was having the success he wanted to have with revival.  Parham wanted to be known as the founder of the movement but when he was not allowed certain honors, he turned viciously against it denying it was from God. To further that he had allegations of being a homosexual and was even put in prison for the charges. It was also rumored that in 1910 he became a member of the KKK.

I’m bringing attention to this because this man tried to put himself at the very top of the leadership of this movement but was denied.  It is men like Parham, and worse men than he, that are there at every move of God to try and get in at the top and control the movement.  Parham may have been doing it for personal fame, but others today do it to further an agenda of the NWO.  The point I’m trying to highlight is the Genuine VS the Counterfeit.

An out pouring of the Spirit has many manifestations and opens people up to a whole new spiritual realm that people don’t fully understand. It is very easy to get off track if the movements are not grounded in the truth.  In covering some of the movements and leaders, some I believe started genuine and just got caught up in the deception, and others (who I will clearly identify) are deceivers, wolves in sheep’s clothing.

True revival like Azusa street has had the following characteristics;

#1. True repentance & Salvation

#2. Out pouring of the spirit through evidence of speaking in tongues

#3. It was based on the WORD and people read the word and valued the word

#4. Prayer and Intercession

#5.  Genuine Healing’s

#6.*** Not always and not essential to revival were physical manifestations of the spirit such as falling down, trembling and signs and wonders.  Music was not always essential to revival as well.

Remember this list as we examine some of the modern revivals.

Before I continue I want to restate that I do believe in the gifts of the spirit, signs and wonders, healing’s, the prophetic and I even believe  that God is “restoring” the offices of the Apostle and the Prophetic.  I also believe that all these great things of God have been hijacked and abused by the enemy to further the plan of a one world religion.  I will expose the apostate and counterfeit and give examples of the genuine that exists.

Let’s look at a bit of History first:

After Azuza street around 1960 came the Charismatic movement and also the word faith movement.  This is also is known as the Second Wave.  The Third Wave also known as the Latter Rain, happened during the 1980’s. John Wimber and the Vineyard were instrumental in this movement.  These “revivals” defiantly had some positive impact and spiritual awakening,  but at the same time they are majorly corrupted and have steered the church way off course, becoming  the vehicle for the apostate movement.  It seems that many in this movement start off with a sincere passion in their heart to serve God but then get caught up in this stream of deception and start veering way off the path.

It is impossible for me to research and talk about every corrupt person or legit person in this movement so I will trace the steps of the major players.  There are two angles of deception in this arena and both are connected. The first is the spiritual deception and the second theological and political deception.

With peoples hunger for a move of God and the supernatural, these movements can easily get out of hand unless they are grounded in Jesus and his WORD.   Unfortunately people in their drive for spiritual attainment get deceived by demons offering counterfeit experiences.    William Branham was one of those people.  It was him that has heavily influenced the Third Wave:


William Branham was born in Berksville, Kentucky, in dire poverty. At the age of 5, he heard “a voice” who directed him to abstain from coffee, smoking and alcohol. This disembodied voice was later given credit for his unusual healing powers by William himself. William Branham was fascinated with the Zodiac and Egyptian occultism as his mentor was occultist Franklin Hall. Branham’s obsession with the occult is evident even in his death: his grave is marked by a Masonic occult pyramid atop his grave.

He taught his “Serpent Seed” doctrines in the 1950’s, of how Eve had intercourse with the Serpent, and all the seed from Cain are predestined for hell. He even called the handsome serpent the missing link between man and monkey. Branham later declared himself the angel of Rev. 3:13 and 10:7 and prophesied that in 1977, all denominations would be consumed by the Roman Catholics, the rapture would take place and the world would end. Before his death in 1965, his occult healing spirit was transferred to hundreds by the laying on of hands. These people include almost all the major names who operated as “healing” evangelists during that time, and who are still at work today. They took Branham’s mantle through the period known as the Latter Rain, endued by the power of his demonic occult entity. William lived his life in fear and acted under a compulsive-type behavior associated with his life-long demonic oppression.

William Branham is an important figure in modern day charismatic, Pentecostal, and emerging church circles. The reason is that not just his latter rain theology, but also his “spirit”, and (allegedly) his ministering “angels” have been passed onto a new generation of prophets. A “badge” of elitism and favor in the new prophetic movement are those who can boast of having met or seen Branham’s angel. Testimonies to these angelic encounters are included on Todd Bentley’s website. Paul Cain, closely linked with William Branham, as well as claiming he works directly with Branham’s angels in a similar manner to Branham. It is he who passed the power onto John Wimber and his Vineyard with the prophetic spirit which in turn infected the multi denominational wider church through the Toronto Blessing.

It was Branahm and other people  such as Maria Woodworth Etter that had these questionable visitations from angels and strange spiritual manifestations that imparted even by the laying on of hands into what we know as the Third Wave & Latter Rain movement modern day Pentecostalism.  Joseph Smith founder of the Mormon church (which we know is Satanic) had similar angelic spirits visit him and give him revelation.  The bible commands us to test the spirits because they can be from God or Satan.  Branham defiantly went way off mixing the occult and funky doctrine and today these charismatic leaders still claim he was a great man of God.

John Wimber is the founder of the Vineyard church who appeared to start off genuine before he got caught up in the counterfeit revival taught by Branham.  Wimber also later teamed up with Peter Wagner at the Fuller Institute which is the Christian “Yale”. This is the marriage of the 2 movements, spiritual with doctrine and politics.  Rodney Howard Brown and Randy Clark both were major players in this coming from the same movement as Wimber and it is these men that have influenced most of the movements we have today. It wasn’t until Randy Clark came to Toronto that the crazy manifestations exploded.  This counterfeit revival has infected what was a genuine move of God and now we are left with a bunch of movements and organizations that are far from what true revival is really about.  Some of the major ones I am going to be exposing is the Kansas City Prophets, The Elijah list, Toronto Blessing, Lakeland, IHOP, Joels Army, Manifest Sons of God, Bethel & Jesus Culture,  Patricia King, John Crowder and others.  All these groups are linked with the Theological/Poltical side through Peter Wagner and his International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) and the New Apostolic Refromation (NAR).

Again keep in mind that I’m trying to highlight the major players and there are many more people caught up in this. Some are deceivers and some have just got caught up in it and think they are doing God’s will.  Also I have to admit that this deception is so big that it is part of God’s end time plan and he knows honest Christians will get caught up in it and even directs people underneath it.  For example God directed me under the TACF for 4 years even though it is part of this apostate network I still learned a few things there that God wanted me to learn and met a few people that helped me start my ministry.  But now with the knowledge of the truth of what is going on God is calling people out of the apostate church.

King Pins of the Christian Mafia


Billy Graham is a member of the Family and has attended the “Prayer Breakfast” every year. He is close friends with a lot of the people involved.

Billy Graham was made a 33rd degree mason in 1966 at the House of the Temple, the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, in Washington, D.C.

Can’t believe that? An examination of his crusades and things he has said will put him right in line with the ecumenical movement leading the way to the one world religion.  Sure he preaches a simple gospel message and many people have gotten saved, of course many people have heard about Jesus because of this man. But what is his crusades really doing for the kingdom?  The truth is that a huge portion of the people that work on his crusades are not Christians but new agers.  He works together and shares platforms with the Catholic church.  Mass numbers of people that get saved at the crusades are redirected to specific apostate denominations and even catholic churches,  Jewish synagogues and Islamic mosques.  Billy is friends and a supporter of both Robert Schuller and Norman Vincent Peale 33rd degree freemasons.

Billy Graham right before he was made a 33rd degree attended the World Council of Churches meeting in New Dehli in 1961. Remeber that organization? The one that all the old denominations ended up under, making way for a one world religion! He has attended the WCC meetings ever since and is an active member.  The WCC and the ecumenical movement is endorsed by the new agers believing this to be setting up the one world religion for the new age christ. Now we see how he was friends with the presidents because he was part of their secret society.

Still don’t believe he is a mason? His names appeared on a list of famous masons Genesee Lodge No. 174 in Michigan.  After people started investigating the truth of this, days later his name was removed and the Billy Graham association denied any involvement.  When this news broke I myself decided to call this lodge and ask, saying I was researching famous masons for a project.  I was redirected to the library of masons somewhere else where I was greeted by a lower level unsuspecting mason.  I asked him directly if the Reverend Billy Graham was a mason and he enthusiastically responded yes he was like he was proud of the fact. I guess this lower level mason didn’t get the memo.

There is another testimony of a man Jim Shaw that was initiated into masonry and later got out and became a Christian he testified that at his inauguration ceremony some 33rd degree masons were in attendance and one of those masons was Billy Graham.  (Dr. James Wardner P 139. “Unholy Alliance”)

Billy’s son Franklin Graham is continuing in the same exact footprints as his father.  If you need further proof on this here is an article:

There are many people who have done research on Graham and even written books.

Billy Grahams ecenumical beliefs exposed

Documentary; if you are in any doubt about the above information you need to watch this documentary:



I did not know how big a part the Lahayes had in all this until I started doing research into this area.

Both Tim Lahaye and Beverly Lahaye have from the beginning been supporters of Sun Myung Moon and have started organizations and have chaired organizations funded by Sun Myung Moon.  These organizations have some of the most prominent Christian names associated to it while meanwhile they support this New Age guru self proclaiming Christ paving the way for the one world religion.  A few of these organizations are directly linked to the CFR, CIA and Masonry.  Moon was arrested for tax evasions and Tim Lahaye formed the CRF (Coalition for Religious Freedom) in order to get him out. Hail Lindsey and Paul Crouch (TBN) were also part of this.

Besides supporting the “Moonies” and new agers Tim Lahaye is also guilty of staring the Left Behind series and the forerunner of the “Pre Trib” teaching on the rapture.  It is scary that most churches now hold this view and teach this twisting of scripture.  I’m not going to take a side on rapture theology but this view is based on pure speculation, fantasy and twisting of scripture.  I personally have done extensive research on this subject and above all I READ MY BIBLE! But this topic I will save for another paper. The big cheese here is that this view is setting people up for massive deception and disappointment.  Because it holds the view that Christians will be taken away before the big bad tribulation will happen when the rapture doesn’t happen after the world goes to pot people will doubt their faith in Jesus Christ.

Tim Lahaye was responsible for gathering all the theologians  together to make sure this was the view the church had.  This view makes the church weak in the faith.

I can go on for pages about this but here is a very shocking revealing fact about all of this.  All the significant production and release dates for Left Behind fall on Major Satanic Holidays.

There are 8 primary holidays in witchcraft and Satanism. There are four major and four minor ones:

1) Candlemas or Imbolg — Feb. 1,2- major
2) Ostara- March 21 (Spring Equinox) – minor
3) Beltane or Roodmas – May 1 (founding day for the Illuminati in 1776)- major
4) Litha– June 21 (summer solstice) – minor
5) Lughnasadh or Lammas- August 1 – major
6) Mabon- September 21 (autumnal equinox) – minor
7) Samhain or Hallowe’en- October 29-31 – major
8) Yule- December 21 (Winter solstice) – minor

Luciferians seek Satanic blessings by not only performing their jobs in their sacred locations where they believe there are vortexes of occultic power but also seek Satanic blessings by initiating their projects on their Satanic holy days.

On May 1, 2000, Beltane (major Satanic holiday) they began production on the movie ‘Left Behind’. 13 weeks later on August 1, Lughnasadh (major Satanic holiday) they released the ‘making of Left Behind’ for sale. 13 weeks later on October 31, Samhain (major Satanic holiday) they released the ‘Left Behind’ movie for sale 13 weeks from that date on Feb.2, 2001 Candlemas (major Satanic holiday) they released ‘Left Behind’ into the theaters across the country.

The odds that Peter LaLonde hit those four Occultic days by chance with his production and release dates is 1 in 17,458,601,160. Or one in seventeen billion, four hundred fifty-eight million, six hundred and one thousand, one hundred sixty. If you believe this is a coincidence then you probably believe it was a coincidence that Jesus died on Passover, was resurrected during Feast of Firstfruits and that the Holy Spirit fell and the church was born on the Feast of Pentecost.

Tim Lahaye’s book on left, Masonic Symbol on Right.

Masonic Imagery

Triangle and All Seeing eye symbolism

Symbol on seal shows Masonic compass as well as it making the satanic star.

This FACT further drives home my point that a lot of these men are not Christians but Satanists.  Before I talk about a few other people take a look at all these organizations many that Tim Lahaye either started or was a part of. Take a look at the names associated with them and you will get a bigger picture of this “Family”.

The Council Of National Policy (CNP)

Another Moon sponsored organization is the Council of National Policy founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye, the aforementioned co-author of the “Left Behind” book series. It is reported that he received $500,000 from a Mr. Bo Hi Pak, Moons #1 man, and a former Korean CIA officer. Though a tape exists showing that LaHaye thanked Pak for the money, LaHaye never denied the charge but verbally attacked the sources verifying the allegation with a barrage of insult.

“The Committee on National Policy is a vital link between multi-billion dollar defense contractors, Washington lobbyists like the convicted felon and Republican fundraiser, Jack Abramoff, and the Christian Right. It’s at the heart of a new axis between right-wing military politics, support for the Pentagon war agenda globally and the neo-conservative political control of much of US foreign and defense policy.

The CNP has been at the center of Karl Rove’s carefully-constructed Bush political machine. Tom Delay and dozens of top Bush Administration Republicans are or have been members of the CNP. Few details about the organization are leaked to the public. As secretive as the Bilderberg Group if not more so, the CNP releases no press statements, meets in secret and never reveals names of its members willingly.”

Other members of the CNP have included:

Beverly and Lee LaHaye, also associated with Moons CWA group. Gary Bauer, Bill Bright, James Dobson (Focus On The Family), Bob Dugan, Ron Godwin, Robert Grant, Rebecca Hagelin, Bob Jones the 3rd (Bob Jones University), Alan Keyes (Outspoken ultra-conservative black talk show host and author), Dr. D. James Kennedy (noted television evangelist and Pastor), Peter Marshall, Sam Moore of Thomas Nelson Publishing, Pat Robertson (founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and former Presidential aspirant), Rev. Duane Motley, Ralph Reed, Oliver North (formerly with the National Security Council), Phyllis Schlafly (ultra-right columnist and pundit), Rev. Jim Woodall, John Ankerberg (internationally recognized Christian television personality), Rev. E.V. Hill, James Robison, Jay Sekulow (Attorney and activist for ultra-right/Christian causes), Pat Boone, Larry Burkett, Reed Larson, and many others.

Some of the political leaders involved with the Moon sponsored CNP group include Senators Jesse Helms, Don Nickles, and Trent Lott. Also Representatives Tom DeLay, Dan Burton, and Bob Dornan.

Looking into some of the CNP officers we find not only a just a strong association with Moon, but also powerful ties with the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations, not to mention association with high level Freemasonry for which many conspiracy theorists have more than a mere elementary knowledge related to the NWO. Another past President of CNP is Rich DeVoss, co-founder of Amway (and 33rd degree Mason).

Coalition For Religious Freedom (CRF)

Another past Moon organization was the ‘Coalition for Religious Freedom’ where again, Tim LaHaye held a paid position as Chairman. It was formed by LaHaye after Moon was arrested for tax evasion. Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, James Robison, James Kennedy and Rex Humbard, have all served as executive committee members. Other notables to serve in Moons CRF include Hal Lindsey (Author of “The Late Great Planet Earth”), Paul Crouch (Head of the Trinity Broadcasting Network), Dr. D. James Kennedy and Don Wildman to name a few.

CRF President Don Sills admits that CRF has received no less than $500,000 from Moon sources. In 1984, despite forces in government opposing the move, Moon was jailed for tax evasion (sentenced to 18 Months in prison and fined $25,000). In a CRF sponsored rally Tim Lahaye asked that people go to jail with Moon in protest.

American Freedom Coalition

Led by Dr. Robert Grant and also a Moonie organization. In a period of a little over 2 years they received nearly 6 million dollars from Moon organizations and enterprises. This group includes Paul Crouch, Rex Humbard, James Robinson and many more, names well known among the evangelical Christian community.

Concerned Women of America

Headed by Beverly LaHaye. The wife of Tim LaHaye, She too has been a public speaker for Moon functions.

Womens Federation for World Peace

Also headed by Beverly LaHaye and recipient of Moon funding. Former President George Bush Sr. (and one time former CIA Director) received an undisclosed amount for speaking engagements from this organization and his fee is lost somewhere in the 13.5 million dollar conference expense-line according to IRS records.

Family Federation for World Peace

Another Moon organization which held a meeting in Washington in 1996. Among the speakers at this event were Beverly LaHaye and Ralph Reed. Over 1500 notables from around the world attended.

National Religious Broadcasters

Members include Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Tim LaHaye, Billy Graham, Bill Bright and many others clearly associated with Moon.

Pat Robertson in the early 80s, as Oliver North was trading guns and ammo (and who knows what else) in Nicaragua, was coordinating efforts to use “Operation Blessing” to help supply goods to the Contras. Allegedly these goods included hard cash and gasoline for Contra vehicles.

The head of Operation Blessing was Captain Robert Warren, who was also formerly associated with a CIA group called “Operation Phoenix.” Allegedly this was an assassination group that operated in Vietnam. Also associated with this group was… surprise, Oliver North.

The Washington Times Foundation

A pro-Bush Inaugural luncheon, held in Washington D.C. was sponsored by the Washington Times Foundation, another Moon founded group. Among the attendees were Paul Crouch, founder of Trinity Broadcast Network, Robert Schuller, Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Falwell, Don Argue, past president of the National Association of Evangelicals, Pat Boone, a former T.B.N. board member, Billy McCormack (who was a Christian Coalition board member who actually presented Moon with an award) and Southern Baptist Convention President James Merritt.

Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable

Another Moon associated group is called the ‘Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable’. This group is made up of many of the same members from Rev. Moons’ CNP and CRF organizations. It marries leading Moon associated evangelicals to the CIA, the Council for Foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and Freemasonry. CFR, and TLC are closely tied to the Bilderberg group.

I highly recommend reading this article where some of the above information was taken:  (Previously Provided) (Previously Provided)

There are 4 parts to this article and I highly recommend you read all four parts.  It will expose the full truth of the matter as it is thoroughly documented.  With all the information within one can only draw the same conclusion as one author from The Alpha Omega report puts it;

“Virtually the entire Christian community is being led directly by Satanic-lluminati leaders. It would all fit the prophetic picture of the great “apostasy” prophecied 2,000 years ago by the Apostle Paul in 2nd Thessalonians and indeed what could be a greater apostasy than all major ministries, broadcasters, plus book and magazine publishers as well as seminaries all tied into and controlled by the NWO and their platform to bring about the arrival of the Antichrist.”



Oral Roberts is another Kingpin here.  He is a 33rd degree free mason and also a satanic priest.
He was put in place by Billy Graham, released Keneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Ted Haggard who are all apostate teachers.  If evidence of the masonic occultic symbols used in the construction of his university isn’t enough take a listen at the testimony of someone who has been abused with satanic rituals underneath the university itself.

Here is a excerpt of one persons research, original source: Fritz Springmeier’s an occultic expert’s first hand research:

A full year earlier, I had come across this research information from Springmeier–articles he had written way back in 1991 in which he made some startling claims regarding a number of well-known Christian leaders who had emerged during the 50’s and 60’s…who were actually Satanists.

Among a number of other prominent “Christian” leaders I won’t mention just yet, Springmeier pointed out Oral Roberts and a certain G. Bromley Oxnam, a former (and founding) president of the World Council of Churches (WCC) during the 50’s.

Fritz claimed that not only were Roberts and Oxnam occultists…he also made references to their involvement in satanic ritual abuse…the very thing that causes MPD/DID. Oral Roberts was said to have a satanic ritual abuse program going on underneath the landmark “Prayer Tower” right on the ORU campus.

Occult Symbols Oral Roberts University

TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network)

Let’s talk a bit about Trinity Broadcasting, Paul Crouch and Pat Robertson.  These guys and their televangestic network who are a part of the above, are responsible for brainwashing most of Christianity through the airwaves.  Although not everyone who appears on the network may be a part of them and may be doing good things many of the biggest people on the network are way off the mark and are either intentionally or unintentionally deceiving.  Crouch & Roberston have turned up many times in the above research of “Moon” money and “Family” organizations.  It’s not hard to indentify that they are a part of this. They themselves and their members have been involved in numerous scandals.  Besides the numerous money scandals TBN had to pay Enoch Lonnie Ford to silence him from writing a book about his homosexual relationship with Crouch. Other scandals include Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggart and many others.  Pat Robertson took  his “Operation Blessing” resources hired an ex Cia operative Captain Robert Warren and embarked on a massive diamond mine operation in Africa. In fact Pat became good friends with Africa’s most famous despots of  Zaire & Congo and Liberia. There are many other allegations  against Pat and his ministry being tied in to shady political and economic schemes.   Pat Robertson is also Free Mason:

Pat making the Masonic bears paw symbol.

Other TBN Masons:

Robert Schuller
Billy Graham
Keneth Copeland
Oral Roberts

There are many more suspect Masons but the problem is that it is kept secret since most Christians now know the truth about Masonry.  TBN promotes the prosperity gospel the “name it and claim it” tele-evangelists and mega church preachers.  So many of these guys are noticeably in error in their lifestyles living lavishly and their heretic and wacky gospels.  This gospel that they preach is so far from the real gospel I don’t know why people are so afraid to step out against it.  You can do your own research on these people but ones that don’t take a lot of discernment are Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, John Haggee, Joel Olsteen, Joyce Meyer.  Take a look at their wealth

It’s not a sin to have wealth but these people are clearly peddling the gospel and living lifestyles contrary to the gospel. It’s one thing to earn your wealth through business means and it’s another to sell the gospel and get fat off it.  Their messages sometimes have good truths but overall it is very unbalanced and leads people astray even introducing heretical teachings.

You can count anyone appearing on the establishment owned time magazine cover to be one of them:


I can’t really believe that churches even ones that I have attended still support Benny Hinn. Maybe in his beginnings he was legitimate but if you can’t see he is way off his rocker you really lack spiritual discernment.  He lives an over the top lavish lifestyle, has said so many things that are completely wacked out sometimes even apologizing later. Here are some things Benny has Said:


I’m sure there are many more on Benny.  Do a search on Benny Hinn and Hypnotism and you will find many hits.  Professional hypnotist have been hired to analyze Benny Hinn and they say that Benny is a real expert. When confronted in an interview Benny Hinn did not deny that he used hypnotism but rather said “Yes but the spirit was still there”.  I personally have attended two Benny Hinn meetings and I have to admit I did feel the power of hypnotism at work.  The whole service was a gong show arranged to get people’s money. He told a sad story of some poor orphans than jumped to an offering where he stated he needed money for a new top of the line jet. He told people that they should sacrifice in their poverty for the Gospel so they could receive favor from God otherwise they would be cursed. No word of a lie I heard it with my own ears and to my astonishment right after that everybody was pulling out mad cash all around me eager to give out of their poverty to Benny Hinns wealthy empire so he could fly around in a new jet.  On top of that I remember tons of people coming in on wheel chairs and leaving in wheel chairs. There were not any notable healing in either meeting.  Ruth Heflin told Benny that Jesus would appear in his meetings in bodily form because she stated the Lord told her…  that never happened…

From conversations with friends who still believe Benny, I have learned that God still uses people that have gone way off.  I touch more on this in the second half of the report. There are reports of genuine healings and salvations, but this is not the norm today. Maybe back in the day God was turning up but also the counterfeit was turning up and today it appears Benny has got caught up in the counterfeit.  He is one of the people that I believe started out genuine and along the road got deceived by this counterfeit system.  There are in fact counterfeit healings where people do get completely healed and there are also false manifestations and signs and wonders.

2 Thessalonians

Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His [f]coming; that is, the one whose [g]coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and [h]signs and false wonders, 10 and with [i]all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God[j]will send upon them [k]a deluding influence so that they will believe [l]what is false, 12 in order that they all may be[m]judged who did not believe the truth, but [n] took pleasure in wickedness.

Matthew 24:24

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect— if that were possible.

Anyways enough of Benny Hinn, let’s move on to a couple of others…


Well you don’t get much more seeker sensitive than Joel, famed for having a very weak gospel message you will never hear sin and repentance from this guy.   He even thinks Mormons (Which the hierarchy is Satanic!) will go to heaven!

Ok Homosexuality is a sin, but Joel says that out of respect, he would attend a gay wedding of 2 members of his church.  Here’s a much better answer Joel: If 2 people are living in Sin you need to confront them and ask them to repent, it is no different than 2 people of the opposite sex living together they are in sin. Would you go to Tod Bentley’s wedding after he divorced his wife, or would you confront his sin? You should not go to the wedding because you need to disagree with what they are doing.

Olsteen on Oprah the new age prophet??? Unbelievable denial of what the bible says…watch it.



Rick Warren is one of the biggest new age teachers that has been influencing the church for many years.  He has many ties to the New Age movement, endorsing and being endorsed by them as well as sharing platforms with them. He speaks at Islamic conferences and presidents inaugurations and even invites Mormons to pastoral training programs.  Just type in Rick Warren and New Age into google and see for yourself.  And Warren is deemed as “America’s Pastor”.

Here is a good article:

Rick Warren is a strong advocate of contemplative prayer, and encourages the use of Breath Prayers. He has spoken at many conferences where YogaLabyrinthsand Contemplative Prayer are used and promoted.

New Age proponent Leonard Sweet, who calls himself an emergent church leader, trained many of Warren’s church leaders and pastors at the 2008 Saddleback Small Groups Conference.  Sweet’s view of the value of small groups lines up more with the New Age and Alice Bailey than it does with biblical Christianity. In his book, Quantum Spirituality, Sweet states: “The power of small groups is in their ability to develop the discipline to get people “in-phase” with the Christ consciousness and connected with one another.”

Warren also uses The Message Bible translation for much of his writings.

Warren is promoted on the “speakers corner” of the Islamic Society of North America, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and a financier of the Hamas terror organization.

P.E.A.C.E. Plan

The next phase of the game plan of the new evangelical gurus is “God’s plan” to change the world through the purpose driven seeker-friendly churches that buy into Rick Warren’s global peace plan that Warren says WILL HAPPEN.
P.E.A.C.E. stands for:

Promoting reconciliation (changed in 2007 from planting churches)
Equip leaders
Assist the poor
Care for the sick
Educate the next generation

He also signed on to “A Common Word Between Us” that seeks common ground between Muslims and Christians. Muslims believe Jesus is NOT THE SON OF GOD.  This is in direct contradiction to the foundation of our Christian faith.  Nothing good can come from this.

Rick Warren is also the pastor of Rupert Murdoch, who is that?  He is the owner of the News Corp publishing who happens to own Zondervan which prints all the bibles. Wow there can’t be nothing wrong with that can there? Well News Corp also publishes the Satanic Bible which also published Rick Warrens book “Purpose Driven Life” to the masses.  Zondervan publishes the watered down versions of the bible.  There does in fact seem to be an agenda to water down the gospel from translation to translation.
Also this good Christian Rupert Murdoch also owns pornography networks.  Besides this Rick Warren is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations! Anybody that has done any research into the NWO knows that this group is set up for the formation of a one world government.

His gospel and the rest of these superstar  preachers with their mega churches are attempting to water down the truth to make it more acceptable for the one world religion.

Rick Warrens friend and rumored mentor Robert Schuller is a 33rd degree free mason.  His mentor was Norman Vincent Peale who was a 33rd degree free mason.  I don’t think you need a lot of discernment to see that there is something really wrong with Schuller and his Crystal Cathedral.  Who makes a statue of himself in front of their church? Imagine you came to church one day and saw a huge statue of your pastor out front!! Out front of the Crystal Cathedral we have 3 statues, First Robert Schuller, then Norman Vincent Peale both 33rd degree Masons and guess who? Billy Graham…

Obama likes Rick Warren and Warren likes Obama, so much he invited him to speak at his church??? Obama is not a Christian regardless of what video’s you see of him saying he is because there are other videos next in line that show him bashing the bible.

Rick Warrens books riddled with hidden images, I can’t say everyone is obvious but the first 2 in this video look very plain to me.  It is occult practice to hide things in plain view.

Here is an interview exposing Rick Warren There are 4 parts.

Here is Rick Warren throwing a huge Halloween party. Halloween? yes a Satanic high holiday.  And if your wondering if Christians should celebrate Halloween, the answer is: NO.

I think that is enough of exposing the KingPins of the Christian Mafia, if you have read this far and still think there is nothing wrong with western Christianity and all these guys above are genuine holy spirit filled people than you just better stop reading and go set your TV to Joel.




So what is the devil up to in the church today? We have seen how he has destroyed the denominations, so what about this “charismatic/evangelical” movement that doesn’t belong to those denominational churches? Has the devil gotten a hold of them too?

Before we begin I would like to state that after I left the religious denominational side of Christianity I spent a number of years in the charismatic “signs & wonders” movement and even was part of one of the churches I will be talking about in this article.  I am well educated in what goes on within this movement. I am a believer in miracles, signs, wonders and the gifts of the spirit however I do not believe that a lot of what is happening today is legitimate.  I have recognized God doing good things in this movement but I cannot deny the truth of what I am about to write and the very alarming bad things taking place.  It may be very hard for some people to face the truth in this section because they may have read books by these people, attended their meetings and partaken of their activities even sitting under their ministries feeling that they are in God’s will and hearing his voice.  God knows what is going on and knows that the last days will be full of deceit like never before.  God knowing we are under this system of deceit he will direct people under false prophets and apostles in order to direct and shape  individual lives regardless of the aim of the movement they are a part of.  That is why everyone who reads this paper will find themselves being under this cloud of deception at some point in their lives.  It is important to note that in exposing these things does not automatically condemn everyone under these movements.  There are many genuine people doing genuine things for God under all this, in fact only a very small percentage at the top have any idea of what is going on.  Satan’s plan is to subtly change the direction of the body to subvert the effectiveness of the church.  The goal of this section is to reveal the false doctrines, practices and people in the body of Christ so the true Christians can reject these things and come out from underneath the corrupt authority structure.

We know that from the first section that the devil likes to send his agents in under cover masquerading as Christians with the intent to deceive.  We also know this from scripture:

2 Corinthians 11:12-15

12 But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be[e]regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.

It says right there that agents of Satan will come in and pretend to be Christians in the church.

The occult members even admit what they are doing in their own books:

From “The Secret Destiny of America” by Manly P. Hall 33rd degree mason

“The rise of the Christian church broke up the intellectual pattern of the classical pagan world. By persecution it drove the secret societies into greater secrecy. The pagan intellectuals then reclothed  their original ideas in a garment of Christian phraseology, but bestowed the keys of the symbolism only upon those duly initiated and bound by secrecy by their vows.”

In this report I will be referring to the Catholic church as Satanic, because the origins, structure and leadership is based in the occult and Satanism. The outward shell is clothed in a form of Christianity that is why if you go to a local Catholic church you will not find “Satan worshipers” but regular people steeped in a form of religion and perhaps a few legitimate Christians. Not every leader, bishop or priest is part of the occult system but many are and the higher you go the worse it gets. They use almost identical rituals to initiate people to the higher levels as the Masons and Satanic church do.  For many becoming a Catholic priest is part of the process for becoming a Mason or Satanic leader.  If you don’t believe it get on google and do some research it is quite plain.  Look at the imagery the Catholic church uses, many upside crosses and pagan images. The Vatican is a far cry from anything Christian with a pagan obelisk as its main feature with the building splashed in many occult images.

Here is a testimony of a man who was high level Mason, Satanist and Catholic priest and member of the Illuminati. I highly recommend watching these videos because you will get a lot of insight into how the occult world operates and how it is effecting the church.

Exposing the Illuminati from Within Bill Schnoebelen:

Part 1:

Part 2:

                 I have heard many reports about witches and occult members going into churches to become leaders and deceive as well as bring faithful leaders down into sin.  After listening to a testimony of someone who was very high in the occult describe how Satanists would literally meet the devil and the devil would give them instructions to go start churches, prayer rooms and healing centers.  He stated how he saw Christian leaders making satanic sacrifices and that gave them power to deceive the church even more so that the Christians wouldn’t even question what they were doing.  I recommend you listen/read the testimony yourself here:

Here is a passage:

“One day I went to a hidden place in the bush, made some incantations as stated in the books and commanded the ground to open. The ground opened and the demons created steps immediately. I stepped in and went right inside the ground. There was total darkness that can only be compared with one of the plagues that occurred in Egypt as recorded in the Bible. I saw a lot of things that are hard to explain. I saw people chained, people used for making money – their duties are to work day and night to supply money to their captors.

I saw some elite society members who came in to do some sacrifices and would go back to the world with some gifts given to them by the spirits controlling the place. I saw some church leaders who came for powers, powers to say a thing that is accepted without questioning in the church. I stayed for two weeks and came back after receiving more powers. People saw me as young and innocent but never knew I was dangerous. There are lots of such people around; only those in Christ Jesus are safe in real sense of safety.”

A lot of Christians seem to think that there are only random acts of satanic attacks, curses and occult activity. Christians need to realize there is a highly organized and active satanic society operating against the church.   I don’t think Christians who say “the devil is so stupid” really know what they are talking about because Satan once possessed one of the most highest places in the Kingdom of Heaven.  He may not be smarter than God but he is smarter than you and me.  So smart the bible says he deceived the whole world!

Revelation 12:9

“And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”

Here is a link to an interview with Russ Dizdar, an expert in the occult & deliverance. He worked together with the police to crack down on satanic ritual abuse.  In the investigations they uncovered how big this satanic network actually is and during the process their lives were threatened multiple times. 

Im not trying to big up the devil here but we must realize is a very powerful enemy to the human race, that said he is a very insignificant enemy to God so our only way to defeat the odds is to be on God’s side and let him fight, “The Battle is the LORDS!”  This is the enemy’s strategy to defect us away from living in God’s truth, it is his only chance.

In warfare it is a dangerous thing to under estimate your enemy.

This next part will go through the history of the Charismatic movement in the western church and will reveal the true nature to all that has been happening. False prophets apostles and teachers will be exposed.  If you research the occult/newage philosophy and what the satanic church actually believes you will notice that the same ideas are being “reclothed in christian phraseology” and taught to the church to look like the latest spiritual understandings from God. The reason that people are un aware of this is because it looks just like what we are supposed to be doing as Christians. People are hungry for deeper things of God and are looking for true spirituality. The truth is that Satan’s agents have infiltrated the church and are teaching the satanic counterpart from their high positions of authority. Their influence from the top trickles down into the whole church to control the thoughts and minds of everyone under them. Not only do they teach occult practices but they take truths from scripture and twist them for their own agendas.

It is important to understand the New World Order agenda and the Occult/New Age movement and what they believe. All of the New Agers and the Occult are on the same agenda and you can read about in the books they publish for yourself from people such as Alice A. Bailey.  They all talk about the creation of a one world government and one world religion bringing in the “Cosmic Christ” ushering the world into a New Age of enlightenment. They believe that Jesus was just another prophet a so called transcended spirit and that we were meant to spiritually evolve just like he did.

A really great documentary exposing the occult plan is “The Age of Deceit” showing how fallen angels are in fact working with humans and directing the whole new age movement to form this one world religion. It is very biblically backed by scripture.

I recommend you watch this here: 

Satan’s agents have been craftily inserting their New Age beliefs in the church.  There are too many to name and it is hard to accuse everyone that is suspect but there are some definite players in this “family” of agents that we can expose. Some with direct evidence against them and others you can put two and two together with the knowledge we have to realize they are somehow involved knowingly or unknowingly.  I’m going to expose a few of the big players first so we can get a picture of what is really going on in the church. These major players sit at the top and influence the whole church, they are in a sense the mob bosses of the Christian Mafia.  A lot of these people are in fact satanic priests and witches & warlocks knowledgeable of what they are doing and others have just been caught up in the delusion and are deceived and deceiving.


THE FAMILY (The Christian Mafia)

The roots of what is really going on in the church can be tied to the history of what I am going to talk about now.  The “Family” or aka the “Fellowship” is a very powerful arm of the NWO in America controlling the Christian right, it is the driving force behind politics and foreign affairs in America and controls most of the church directly or indirectly. Almost every major movement and Christian group is either a part of or has ties to this group.  Remember Jacob Schiff who I mentioned earlier was responsible for destroying all the old denominations and getting them under the authority of the National Council of Churches,  when he died he left this task in 1907 to of Dr. Harry F. Ward.  At the time, he was teaching religion at the Union Theological Seminary.  Thereupon, in 1907, he financed him to set up the Methodist Foundation of Social Service.  I believe after this the missing link between what controls the old denominations and the new “moves of God” is the formation of the “Family”.  Abraham Vereide came from Norway in the 1930’s. He was a student of German philosopher Freidrich Nietzsche who was a Unitarian and Nazi supporter.  Together with Frank Buchman a Lutheran minister who started the Oxford Group formed the foundation for the Family.  This group became the most powerful and influential group in America and formed the yearly “National Prayer Breakfast” in Washington DC.  This is what is now called the Christian Right in American politics with every president since Eisenhower being a part of this.  This group is using the guise of being Christian and deliberately uses Jesus as their logo while on the inside they believe very differently.  This group has strong ties to Nazi’s and Fascism, Frank Buchman had meetings with Heinrich Himmler the chief of the Gestapo.  Prescott Bush George Bush’s grandfather financially supported the Nazi’s during world war 2. It was this group that also tried to over throw the American government with a Nazi Coup financed by wall street but General Smedley Butler spilled the beans about the conspiracy to congress.  No charges were ever brought because of the control these people had over the government.

Watch this 4 min excerpt of a doc here:

Now as you can tell this group is a far cry from Christianity, what do they really believe? Not everyone in the Family agrees with one another because some of them come from the Muslim, Jewish, Catholic and Unitarian faith but they all come together for the purpose of creating world government.  The  inner members of the this group are members of much higher groups of the NWO including Free Masonry and the Occult.  The main drive and aim of this group is to set up a one world religion to usher in the anti-christ.  Mixed in with all this are the Zionists and Jewish Kabballists  who have given birth to “Dominionism”,  the driving theology to direct the Christian Church under this movement.  It is essential to understand what Dominionism is because it is behind most of the movements of Christianity and chances are your church has been influenced it.  I will explain all this a bit later.
This above group formed the NCCL (National Committee for Christian Leadership) Which became ICL (International Christian Leadership).  It was also this group and their higher ups that formed the CIA which is responsible for enforcing their policies worldwide through covert means.  The current driving force behind this movement was passed onto Sun Myung Moon from Korea head of the Unitarian one world religion church. Moon considers himself higher than Christ. It is his money and influence that can be found behind many major Christian ministries in America.

If you are doubting any of this I highly recommend reading these 3 articles :

Now that we have some history behind the control of the church lets expose the major players.

In this next section and throughout the report I am going to name names. Certain people say to me things like, “it’s wrong to judge” or “touch not God’s anointed servants”.  I find it absurd that people can proclaim themselves as a great Christian leader, do whatever they want and then stand on those verses in the bible expecting people not to question them and let them continue doing what they are doing.  It is deceivers that have through their deceptive philosophy put out into mainstream Christianity the idea that you should not question authority.  When in fact the bible says the exact opposite.  We are supposed to judge those within the church 1 Corinthians 5:12They want you to believe that they are “God’s Anointed” and you are supposed to let them do whatever they want. Firstly they are not like Saul, they are not kings over anything and many of these people are not even Christians, anointed for nothing. This situation is a far cry from David and King Saul. And in reality all we are doing in this report is exposing lies, not touching these people in any way they are hundred and even thousands of miles away.  When Jesus and the apostles had dealings with false religious leaders of their day this is how they reacted:

John called the church leaders broods of vipers:

Matthew 3:6-8

Paul called them white washed walls:

Acts 23:3

Jesus craftily exposed them with his parables and even went so far as going into the temple with whips, turning over the tables and kicking people out! Ok if I did that today everyone would think I was in the wrong regardless of anything I could say to defend myself.  I’m sick of hearing “be careful you’re not judging, that’s Gods job”, “don’t be the accuser that is Satan’s job” or “make sure your walking in love”.  Those positions cannot be used to defend not exposing deception and deceitful works within the church.  What is it if Christians don’t stand for truth?  In all this I do my best to reveal the deceit without offense and lashing back in any hate.  My report I try to keep neutral from a more investigative stand point. There are many other sites exposing out there but if you go and read them you will find many communicate hate through their writings and thus discredit themselves.  So keeping in mind the love of Christ here we go.




This article is written with the perspective that there is a worldwide conspiracy taking place to bring about global government.  The people organizing this are the “Elite” of this world who follow occultist/satanic practices. This includes people from the most powerful groups in the world such as international bankers, the Vatican, the royal family, major politicians and business men to name a few.   In referring to this I am going to use the term NWO ( New World Order). This is the order of the Anti-Christ and is the movement that seeks to establish his rule on earth.  If you do not hold this view you will find it hard to accept some of these things presented in this article.  If you wish to become educated about the NWO and their agenda, you will need to take some considerable time doing research and learning about it. I have a written another article proving of this conspiracy that I will post in the coming months. There are numerous sources on the internet that will validate this claim.

The NWO has occupied & influenced every mountain of society; economic, politics, education, religion entertainment and we seem to think as Christians that they left us out.  How they control these spheres of influence is by occupying high positions within the structure in order to influence from the top down.  That is why their symbol is the triangle or pyramid. Because they are at the top and you are further down. Not everyone is conscious of what they are really doing, in fact only the very few near the top actually know what they are doing.  2 Timothy 3:13

Any high place of influence in this world you will find the agents of Satan and agents of this conspiracy. Are there good ones in the high places? Of course but they are outnumbered and often knocked out by the bad ones. Read in the book of Kings how many corrupt kings there are vs good ones.  Far more corrupt and evil ones than good. This is the devils dominion and the earth has been given to him for a time. (MATT 4:8) You can only get so high in the worlds power pyramid structure before you will either sell your soul or be taken out.

There is no doubt that conspiracy and corruption are part of human nature especially the higher you go in the worlds authority structure. The bible has many examples of this, what did the Pharisee’s do as soon as Jesus was risen? They conspired to falsify those claims.  There was a conspiracy to kill Paul many times and since then the devil has been conspiring to take over the earth, deceive and kill God’s children.  Corruption and conspiracy was what brought down Rome and if you do your research you will see that the Roman power structure survived through the Vatican and the scheming of the enemy is at work today.  Further research into this matter will show that Rome is the beast that was wounded in Rev 13:3 and it is that power that works together with the rest of the world’s Elite to bring this conspiracy to completion (Historian Thomas Hobbes,”Leviathan,” p.457, Walter Veith, “Total Onslaught,”). As we can see from the dark ages and the Catholic church Satan tried to completely keep the truth from people turning the church into a ritualistic satanic hybrid where nobody knew the truth except those at the very top.

Let’s now take a look at what he is doing today, because one thing is for sure the devil is not sitting by doing nothing. If we look at what he did in the past do we not think being closer to the end that this deception won’t be worse than the first?  Who is our enemy but the Father of Lies and the master deceiver. The bible says that in the last days the deception will be so great that if possible even the elect would be deceived (Mark 13:22).  We are in the midst of that deception right now, God is allowing it to test the earth and see who his real sheep are, because they will hear his voice(John 10:3).  There will be many voices speaking in the last days and it is up to us as believers to discern correctly the voice of God.  It says that people will make church what THEY want it to be and gather teachers to teach what they want to hear and God in the last days sends the delusion himself upon them so the true ones will come out (2 Thes 2:11, 2 Tim 4:3).

Now lets take a look at some practical FACTS.

It is the plan of the NWO to not only set up a one world government and economy but also a one world religion.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor and Trilateral Commision insider, advised his superiors that the New World Order can be established only be employing religion as a key weapon of global influence.

There is a great deal of facts we can bring forth to prove that this conspiracy is taking place, also within the church, but lets look at a couple of sources that will prove that it has and is working with in the church.  Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his book, Tragedy and Hope (1974) outlines the entire conspiracy and how it operates.  The crazy thing is that he agrees with it and was allowed to research what the NWO is doing, publishing a book on it that is to this day undisputed in being factual.  This book was not meant for the masses but for the intellectual and many people such as David Rockefeller are quite open about many aspects of the conspiracy (David Rockerfeller, “Memoirs” P405).  There are many sources that you get this information from but one source that you will not get it from is the controlled media and education system.  They have the power to convince the masses of anything in order to accomplish their plans (Aarron Russo’s “Freedom to Fascism”).

Myron Fagan, a famous Jewish-American playwright both on Broadway and in Hollywood – who became a Christian – published a series of audiotapes released in 1967 entitled, The Illuminati.  On the tapes, Fagan outlines 4 aspects of the Conspiracy takeover of America. This claims concur with Quigley’s book and many other sources.

“According to Myron Fagan, at the end of the 19th century, Grand Orient Freemasonry deliberately sent Jacob Schiff (son of a Jewish Reform Rabbi born in Frankfurt, Germany) to the United States to carry out four specific assignments.”

“The first was to acquire control of America’s money system.  This was accomplished by founding the Federal Reserve System.”

“The second was to find desirable men who, for a price, would willingly serve as stooges for THE great conspiracy.  Once they were found they would be promoted to FEDERAL POSITIONS in the Congress, on the U.S. Supreme Court, and at all Federal agencies.  The agency founded for grooming these men is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR – that publishes a quarterly called Foreign Affairs).” 

“The third was to create minority group strife throughout the nation, particularly between races.  The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded for that purpose.”

“The fourth was to create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the chief target.  This became the task of the National Council of Churches.” The Illuminati recorded by Myron Fagan on two cassette tapes in 1967.

“Jacob Schiff’s background suited him ideally for his assignment in America.  As Rabbi Antelman wrote: ‘It was Jacob Schiff and his family who played a prominent role in developing the Reform and Conservative Jewish movements (the secularization of Orthodox Judaism), and who aided them at critical stages of their development in putting into action the demonic master plan to undermine ALL world religions.  Fragmentation and divide and conquer were the order of the day.” Masonic Education for the New World Order, Newswatch Magazine, December 15, 2001, p14.

In this first part I’m outlining how every major denomination from the 19th century era has been influenced into non effectiveness by this conspiracy.

When Jacob Schiff was nearing death, he had not totally accomplished the destruction of the church in America, this fourth and final assignment from the Rothschilds.  Schiff selected John D. Rockefeller to finance and direct an institution to that end.  Fagan tells how young men were selected for the ministry and then taught how to dilute the Christian message.

“The destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by those who are entrusted to preserve it, by the pastors, the men of the cloth.  As a starter, John D. Rockefeller picked up a young, so-called Christian minister by the name of Dr. Harry F. Ward.  At the time, he was teaching religion at the Union Theological Seminary.  Thereupon, in 1907, he financed him to set up the Methodist Foundation of Social Service, and Ward’s job was to teach bright young men to become so-called ministers of Christ and place them as pastors of churches. 

“While teaching them to become ministers, The Reverend Ward also taught them how to very subtly and craftily preach to their congregations that the entire story of Christ is a myth, to CAST DOUBTS on the divinity of Christ, to cast doubts about the Virgin Mary.  In short, to cast doubts on Christianity as a whole.  It was not to be a direct attack, but much of it by crafty insinuation that was to be applied in particular, to the youth in the churches.

“Then in 1908, the Methodist Foundation of Social Service changed its name to the Federal Council of Churches.  By 1950, the Federal Council of Churches was becoming Very Suspect as a Communist front, so they changed the name to the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES.  From this was created the World Council of Churches.”  (Myron Fagan).

This happened largely due to Free Masonry’s influence in the church.  Masonry at its heart is a Satanic organization secretly carrying out the enemies plans. The influence of the Free Masonry in the western church is not a secret and is widely accepted by Christians as a Satanic front.

Could this be the reason that most of the denominational churches are completely void of spirit some even crossing over into direct contradictions of scripture? Does this not give evidence that the religiousness that we have all encountered from denominations such as Anglican, Presbyrtian, Lutherian, Baptist etc etc,  proves this has taken place?

Take a look at these statistics;

Over two decades ago, in the December 1987 Pulpit Helps, which reaches thousands of ministers, frightening statistics were published after being gathered by the Jeffrey Hadden survey.  Questions were sent to some 10,000 Protestant clergymen, 7,441 replied.  Pastors from many different denominations were surveyed.  The questions, together with the percentages in the replies are shown below.  Some pastors in every denomination surveyed, replied “No” to the following questions.  The largest percentage answering, “No” occurred among the Methodist pastors, followed by the United Presbyterians, the Episcopalians, American Baptists, American Lutherans, with the lowest percentage answering, “No” in the Missouri Synod Lutherans.

“Do you accept Jesus’ physical resurrection as a fact?  “No” was the response from 50% of Methodist pastors, varying down to 2% of Missouri Synod Lutherans.

Do you believe in the virgin birth of Jesus?  “No” was the response from 60% of Methodists down to 5% of Missouri Synod Lutherans (MS Lutherans).

“Do you believe in evil demon power in the world today?  62% of Methodist pastors said, “No” varying down to 2% of MS Lutherans.

“Do you believe that the Scriptures are the inspired and inerrant Word of God in faith, history, and secular matters?  87% of Methodists, 95% of Episcopalians, 82% of Presbyterians, 67% of American Baptists, 77% of American Lutherans, and 24% of Missouri Synod Lutherans said, “NO.” (“A Falling Away First,” Omega-Letter, March 1988, p 5).

Those shocking statistics from over two decades ago demonstrating even then the severe apostasy in the Christian churches, most certainly have skyrocketed today.

What happened to cause such apostasy?

Masons in the Churches

A survey published in August 1988 by the Association of North American Missions revealed that most Christians care little about the needs of the Church.  “People are placing a higher value on their lifestyle than on the their spirituality.”  (1985 Annual Report of the Association of North American Missions).

Much of this attitude of selfishness and indifference has flourished because most Christian denominations have been penetrated by materialistic Masons.  Tom C. McKenney, coauthor of The Deadly Deception, revealed a shocking statistic.   In July 1989 McKenney named the two largest Protestant denominations in the United States, and said, “Through our best estimates, 90 percent of one and 70 percent of the other have pastors who are members of the Masonic Lodge.

Figures for the Southern Baptists reported at their June 1992 annual conventions stated that there were 1.3 million Masons who are members of the Southern Baptist Churches and an estimated 1.4 percent of the Southern Baptist pastors are Masons.

(The above excerpts were taken from the following article which you can read, it has further information about the Jewish part in this as well as some very recent developments within the united states:

As we can see that the first part of their agenda they have accomplished and most of these destroyed denominations exist under the banner of the “Word Council of Churches”.  Not every denomination may be under it yet but all of them have been influenced into non effectiveness with the agents of Free Masonary and other organizations.   The world Council of Churches exists as an ecumenical front to unite all world religions under one banner starting with Christianity. They will not come right out and say it but we know this from knowing about the conspiracy and its aims from what we just learned. They unify themselves with the Catholic authority which is Satanic to its core. The Catholic church system is not Christian,  and the authority of the pope is directly an Anti Christ.  (If you don’t believe this you can google it to find out the truth).   The WCC ( World Council of Churches) is partners with the NWO organizations like the UN, and they pay tribute to it’s leaders like Ban Ki Moon secretary General of the UN who is a major supporter of the One World Religion.  Take a look at the membership list of the WCC here:

Read a bit of the lingo on the site see what they are saying.  It is quite obvious that there is a lot of legal lingo and not much spirit filled writings. They come right out and say they are part of the ecumenical movement and directly include the Catholic authority as part of the world churches.  Ecumenicalism is the attempt to set up a one world religion under the guise as the “global church coming together as one.”  Search the bible yourself and tell me if the scriptures say anything at all about a global worldwide church being set up in the last days. Rather on the contrary the true church is persecuted under the one world government. Ecumenicalism has already unified itself with pagan Christian organizations and non Christian organizations even though the bible tells us not to be unequally yoked.  I will explain more about ecumenicalism and the western evangelical involvement later on.

Before we move on just remember this; that nearly all the churches that were infiltrated ended up under the WCC.  Does this mean that people that go to these churches are not Christians? Or that if you go to these churches you cannot find God or his spirit? No there are still many dedicated Christians that are obedient to God under this system and when people use real faith to reach out to a Real God he will receive them no matter how corrupt the system is. I felt God’s presence and heard his voice in every church I was a part of, the good ones and the bad ones.  Remember God is in control and is allowing this all to happen, it is part of his plan.