King Pins of the Christian Mafia


Billy Graham is a member of the Family and has attended the “Prayer Breakfast” every year. He is close friends with a lot of the people involved.

Billy Graham was made a 33rd degree mason in 1966 at the House of the Temple, the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, in Washington, D.C.

Can’t believe that? An examination of his crusades and things he has said will put him right in line with the ecumenical movement leading the way to the one world religion.  Sure he preaches a simple gospel message and many people have gotten saved, of course many people have heard about Jesus because of this man. But what is his crusades really doing for the kingdom?  The truth is that a huge portion of the people that work on his crusades are not Christians but new agers.  He works together and shares platforms with the Catholic church.  Mass numbers of people that get saved at the crusades are redirected to specific apostate denominations and even catholic churches,  Jewish synagogues and Islamic mosques.  Billy is friends and a supporter of both Robert Schuller and Norman Vincent Peale 33rd degree freemasons.

Billy Graham right before he was made a 33rd degree attended the World Council of Churches meeting in New Dehli in 1961. Remeber that organization? The one that all the old denominations ended up under, making way for a one world religion! He has attended the WCC meetings ever since and is an active member.  The WCC and the ecumenical movement is endorsed by the new agers believing this to be setting up the one world religion for the new age christ. Now we see how he was friends with the presidents because he was part of their secret society.

Still don’t believe he is a mason? His names appeared on a list of famous masons Genesee Lodge No. 174 in Michigan.  After people started investigating the truth of this, days later his name was removed and the Billy Graham association denied any involvement.  When this news broke I myself decided to call this lodge and ask, saying I was researching famous masons for a project.  I was redirected to the library of masons somewhere else where I was greeted by a lower level unsuspecting mason.  I asked him directly if the Reverend Billy Graham was a mason and he enthusiastically responded yes he was like he was proud of the fact. I guess this lower level mason didn’t get the memo.

There is another testimony of a man Jim Shaw that was initiated into masonry and later got out and became a Christian he testified that at his inauguration ceremony some 33rd degree masons were in attendance and one of those masons was Billy Graham.  (Dr. James Wardner P 139. “Unholy Alliance”)

Billy’s son Franklin Graham is continuing in the same exact footprints as his father.  If you need further proof on this here is an article:

There are many people who have done research on Graham and even written books.

Billy Grahams ecenumical beliefs exposed

Documentary; if you are in any doubt about the above information you need to watch this documentary:



I did not know how big a part the Lahayes had in all this until I started doing research into this area.

Both Tim Lahaye and Beverly Lahaye have from the beginning been supporters of Sun Myung Moon and have started organizations and have chaired organizations funded by Sun Myung Moon.  These organizations have some of the most prominent Christian names associated to it while meanwhile they support this New Age guru self proclaiming Christ paving the way for the one world religion.  A few of these organizations are directly linked to the CFR, CIA and Masonry.  Moon was arrested for tax evasions and Tim Lahaye formed the CRF (Coalition for Religious Freedom) in order to get him out. Hail Lindsey and Paul Crouch (TBN) were also part of this.

Besides supporting the “Moonies” and new agers Tim Lahaye is also guilty of staring the Left Behind series and the forerunner of the “Pre Trib” teaching on the rapture.  It is scary that most churches now hold this view and teach this twisting of scripture.  I’m not going to take a side on rapture theology but this view is based on pure speculation, fantasy and twisting of scripture.  I personally have done extensive research on this subject and above all I READ MY BIBLE! But this topic I will save for another paper. The big cheese here is that this view is setting people up for massive deception and disappointment.  Because it holds the view that Christians will be taken away before the big bad tribulation will happen when the rapture doesn’t happen after the world goes to pot people will doubt their faith in Jesus Christ.

Tim Lahaye was responsible for gathering all the theologians  together to make sure this was the view the church had.  This view makes the church weak in the faith.

I can go on for pages about this but here is a very shocking revealing fact about all of this.  All the significant production and release dates for Left Behind fall on Major Satanic Holidays.

There are 8 primary holidays in witchcraft and Satanism. There are four major and four minor ones:

1) Candlemas or Imbolg — Feb. 1,2- major
2) Ostara- March 21 (Spring Equinox) – minor
3) Beltane or Roodmas – May 1 (founding day for the Illuminati in 1776)- major
4) Litha– June 21 (summer solstice) – minor
5) Lughnasadh or Lammas- August 1 – major
6) Mabon- September 21 (autumnal equinox) – minor
7) Samhain or Hallowe’en- October 29-31 – major
8) Yule- December 21 (Winter solstice) – minor

Luciferians seek Satanic blessings by not only performing their jobs in their sacred locations where they believe there are vortexes of occultic power but also seek Satanic blessings by initiating their projects on their Satanic holy days.

On May 1, 2000, Beltane (major Satanic holiday) they began production on the movie ‘Left Behind’. 13 weeks later on August 1, Lughnasadh (major Satanic holiday) they released the ‘making of Left Behind’ for sale. 13 weeks later on October 31, Samhain (major Satanic holiday) they released the ‘Left Behind’ movie for sale 13 weeks from that date on Feb.2, 2001 Candlemas (major Satanic holiday) they released ‘Left Behind’ into the theaters across the country.

The odds that Peter LaLonde hit those four Occultic days by chance with his production and release dates is 1 in 17,458,601,160. Or one in seventeen billion, four hundred fifty-eight million, six hundred and one thousand, one hundred sixty. If you believe this is a coincidence then you probably believe it was a coincidence that Jesus died on Passover, was resurrected during Feast of Firstfruits and that the Holy Spirit fell and the church was born on the Feast of Pentecost.

Tim Lahaye’s book on left, Masonic Symbol on Right.

Masonic Imagery

Triangle and All Seeing eye symbolism

Symbol on seal shows Masonic compass as well as it making the satanic star.

This FACT further drives home my point that a lot of these men are not Christians but Satanists.  Before I talk about a few other people take a look at all these organizations many that Tim Lahaye either started or was a part of. Take a look at the names associated with them and you will get a bigger picture of this “Family”.

The Council Of National Policy (CNP)

Another Moon sponsored organization is the Council of National Policy founded in 1981 by Tim LaHaye, the aforementioned co-author of the “Left Behind” book series. It is reported that he received $500,000 from a Mr. Bo Hi Pak, Moons #1 man, and a former Korean CIA officer. Though a tape exists showing that LaHaye thanked Pak for the money, LaHaye never denied the charge but verbally attacked the sources verifying the allegation with a barrage of insult.

“The Committee on National Policy is a vital link between multi-billion dollar defense contractors, Washington lobbyists like the convicted felon and Republican fundraiser, Jack Abramoff, and the Christian Right. It’s at the heart of a new axis between right-wing military politics, support for the Pentagon war agenda globally and the neo-conservative political control of much of US foreign and defense policy.

The CNP has been at the center of Karl Rove’s carefully-constructed Bush political machine. Tom Delay and dozens of top Bush Administration Republicans are or have been members of the CNP. Few details about the organization are leaked to the public. As secretive as the Bilderberg Group if not more so, the CNP releases no press statements, meets in secret and never reveals names of its members willingly.”

Other members of the CNP have included:

Beverly and Lee LaHaye, also associated with Moons CWA group. Gary Bauer, Bill Bright, James Dobson (Focus On The Family), Bob Dugan, Ron Godwin, Robert Grant, Rebecca Hagelin, Bob Jones the 3rd (Bob Jones University), Alan Keyes (Outspoken ultra-conservative black talk show host and author), Dr. D. James Kennedy (noted television evangelist and Pastor), Peter Marshall, Sam Moore of Thomas Nelson Publishing, Pat Robertson (founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and former Presidential aspirant), Rev. Duane Motley, Ralph Reed, Oliver North (formerly with the National Security Council), Phyllis Schlafly (ultra-right columnist and pundit), Rev. Jim Woodall, John Ankerberg (internationally recognized Christian television personality), Rev. E.V. Hill, James Robison, Jay Sekulow (Attorney and activist for ultra-right/Christian causes), Pat Boone, Larry Burkett, Reed Larson, and many others.

Some of the political leaders involved with the Moon sponsored CNP group include Senators Jesse Helms, Don Nickles, and Trent Lott. Also Representatives Tom DeLay, Dan Burton, and Bob Dornan.

Looking into some of the CNP officers we find not only a just a strong association with Moon, but also powerful ties with the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations, not to mention association with high level Freemasonry for which many conspiracy theorists have more than a mere elementary knowledge related to the NWO. Another past President of CNP is Rich DeVoss, co-founder of Amway (and 33rd degree Mason).

Coalition For Religious Freedom (CRF)

Another past Moon organization was the ‘Coalition for Religious Freedom’ where again, Tim LaHaye held a paid position as Chairman. It was formed by LaHaye after Moon was arrested for tax evasion. Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, James Robison, James Kennedy and Rex Humbard, have all served as executive committee members. Other notables to serve in Moons CRF include Hal Lindsey (Author of “The Late Great Planet Earth”), Paul Crouch (Head of the Trinity Broadcasting Network), Dr. D. James Kennedy and Don Wildman to name a few.

CRF President Don Sills admits that CRF has received no less than $500,000 from Moon sources. In 1984, despite forces in government opposing the move, Moon was jailed for tax evasion (sentenced to 18 Months in prison and fined $25,000). In a CRF sponsored rally Tim Lahaye asked that people go to jail with Moon in protest.

American Freedom Coalition

Led by Dr. Robert Grant and also a Moonie organization. In a period of a little over 2 years they received nearly 6 million dollars from Moon organizations and enterprises. This group includes Paul Crouch, Rex Humbard, James Robinson and many more, names well known among the evangelical Christian community.

Concerned Women of America

Headed by Beverly LaHaye. The wife of Tim LaHaye, She too has been a public speaker for Moon functions.

Womens Federation for World Peace

Also headed by Beverly LaHaye and recipient of Moon funding. Former President George Bush Sr. (and one time former CIA Director) received an undisclosed amount for speaking engagements from this organization and his fee is lost somewhere in the 13.5 million dollar conference expense-line according to IRS records.

Family Federation for World Peace

Another Moon organization which held a meeting in Washington in 1996. Among the speakers at this event were Beverly LaHaye and Ralph Reed. Over 1500 notables from around the world attended.

National Religious Broadcasters

Members include Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, Tim LaHaye, Billy Graham, Bill Bright and many others clearly associated with Moon.

Pat Robertson in the early 80s, as Oliver North was trading guns and ammo (and who knows what else) in Nicaragua, was coordinating efforts to use “Operation Blessing” to help supply goods to the Contras. Allegedly these goods included hard cash and gasoline for Contra vehicles.

The head of Operation Blessing was Captain Robert Warren, who was also formerly associated with a CIA group called “Operation Phoenix.” Allegedly this was an assassination group that operated in Vietnam. Also associated with this group was… surprise, Oliver North.

The Washington Times Foundation

A pro-Bush Inaugural luncheon, held in Washington D.C. was sponsored by the Washington Times Foundation, another Moon founded group. Among the attendees were Paul Crouch, founder of Trinity Broadcast Network, Robert Schuller, Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Falwell, Don Argue, past president of the National Association of Evangelicals, Pat Boone, a former T.B.N. board member, Billy McCormack (who was a Christian Coalition board member who actually presented Moon with an award) and Southern Baptist Convention President James Merritt.

Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable

Another Moon associated group is called the ‘Council of 56 of the Religious Roundtable’. This group is made up of many of the same members from Rev. Moons’ CNP and CRF organizations. It marries leading Moon associated evangelicals to the CIA, the Council for Foreign relations, the Trilateral Commission and Freemasonry. CFR, and TLC are closely tied to the Bilderberg group.

I highly recommend reading this article where some of the above information was taken:  (Previously Provided) (Previously Provided)

There are 4 parts to this article and I highly recommend you read all four parts.  It will expose the full truth of the matter as it is thoroughly documented.  With all the information within one can only draw the same conclusion as one author from The Alpha Omega report puts it;

“Virtually the entire Christian community is being led directly by Satanic-lluminati leaders. It would all fit the prophetic picture of the great “apostasy” prophecied 2,000 years ago by the Apostle Paul in 2nd Thessalonians and indeed what could be a greater apostasy than all major ministries, broadcasters, plus book and magazine publishers as well as seminaries all tied into and controlled by the NWO and their platform to bring about the arrival of the Antichrist.”



Oral Roberts is another Kingpin here.  He is a 33rd degree free mason and also a satanic priest.
He was put in place by Billy Graham, released Keneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Ted Haggard who are all apostate teachers.  If evidence of the masonic occultic symbols used in the construction of his university isn’t enough take a listen at the testimony of someone who has been abused with satanic rituals underneath the university itself.

Here is a excerpt of one persons research, original source: Fritz Springmeier’s an occultic expert’s first hand research:

A full year earlier, I had come across this research information from Springmeier–articles he had written way back in 1991 in which he made some startling claims regarding a number of well-known Christian leaders who had emerged during the 50’s and 60’s…who were actually Satanists.

Among a number of other prominent “Christian” leaders I won’t mention just yet, Springmeier pointed out Oral Roberts and a certain G. Bromley Oxnam, a former (and founding) president of the World Council of Churches (WCC) during the 50’s.

Fritz claimed that not only were Roberts and Oxnam occultists…he also made references to their involvement in satanic ritual abuse…the very thing that causes MPD/DID. Oral Roberts was said to have a satanic ritual abuse program going on underneath the landmark “Prayer Tower” right on the ORU campus.

Occult Symbols Oral Roberts University

TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network)

Let’s talk a bit about Trinity Broadcasting, Paul Crouch and Pat Robertson.  These guys and their televangestic network who are a part of the above, are responsible for brainwashing most of Christianity through the airwaves.  Although not everyone who appears on the network may be a part of them and may be doing good things many of the biggest people on the network are way off the mark and are either intentionally or unintentionally deceiving.  Crouch & Roberston have turned up many times in the above research of “Moon” money and “Family” organizations.  It’s not hard to indentify that they are a part of this. They themselves and their members have been involved in numerous scandals.  Besides the numerous money scandals TBN had to pay Enoch Lonnie Ford to silence him from writing a book about his homosexual relationship with Crouch. Other scandals include Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggart and many others.  Pat Robertson took  his “Operation Blessing” resources hired an ex Cia operative Captain Robert Warren and embarked on a massive diamond mine operation in Africa. In fact Pat became good friends with Africa’s most famous despots of  Zaire & Congo and Liberia. There are many other allegations  against Pat and his ministry being tied in to shady political and economic schemes.   Pat Robertson is also Free Mason:

Pat making the Masonic bears paw symbol.

Other TBN Masons:

Robert Schuller
Billy Graham
Keneth Copeland
Oral Roberts

There are many more suspect Masons but the problem is that it is kept secret since most Christians now know the truth about Masonry.  TBN promotes the prosperity gospel the “name it and claim it” tele-evangelists and mega church preachers.  So many of these guys are noticeably in error in their lifestyles living lavishly and their heretic and wacky gospels.  This gospel that they preach is so far from the real gospel I don’t know why people are so afraid to step out against it.  You can do your own research on these people but ones that don’t take a lot of discernment are Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, John Haggee, Joel Olsteen, Joyce Meyer.  Take a look at their wealth

It’s not a sin to have wealth but these people are clearly peddling the gospel and living lifestyles contrary to the gospel. It’s one thing to earn your wealth through business means and it’s another to sell the gospel and get fat off it.  Their messages sometimes have good truths but overall it is very unbalanced and leads people astray even introducing heretical teachings.

You can count anyone appearing on the establishment owned time magazine cover to be one of them:


I can’t really believe that churches even ones that I have attended still support Benny Hinn. Maybe in his beginnings he was legitimate but if you can’t see he is way off his rocker you really lack spiritual discernment.  He lives an over the top lavish lifestyle, has said so many things that are completely wacked out sometimes even apologizing later. Here are some things Benny has Said:


I’m sure there are many more on Benny.  Do a search on Benny Hinn and Hypnotism and you will find many hits.  Professional hypnotist have been hired to analyze Benny Hinn and they say that Benny is a real expert. When confronted in an interview Benny Hinn did not deny that he used hypnotism but rather said “Yes but the spirit was still there”.  I personally have attended two Benny Hinn meetings and I have to admit I did feel the power of hypnotism at work.  The whole service was a gong show arranged to get people’s money. He told a sad story of some poor orphans than jumped to an offering where he stated he needed money for a new top of the line jet. He told people that they should sacrifice in their poverty for the Gospel so they could receive favor from God otherwise they would be cursed. No word of a lie I heard it with my own ears and to my astonishment right after that everybody was pulling out mad cash all around me eager to give out of their poverty to Benny Hinns wealthy empire so he could fly around in a new jet.  On top of that I remember tons of people coming in on wheel chairs and leaving in wheel chairs. There were not any notable healing in either meeting.  Ruth Heflin told Benny that Jesus would appear in his meetings in bodily form because she stated the Lord told her…  that never happened…

From conversations with friends who still believe Benny, I have learned that God still uses people that have gone way off.  I touch more on this in the second half of the report. There are reports of genuine healings and salvations, but this is not the norm today. Maybe back in the day God was turning up but also the counterfeit was turning up and today it appears Benny has got caught up in the counterfeit.  He is one of the people that I believe started out genuine and along the road got deceived by this counterfeit system.  There are in fact counterfeit healings where people do get completely healed and there are also false manifestations and signs and wonders.

2 Thessalonians

Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His [f]coming; that is, the one whose [g]coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and [h]signs and false wonders, 10 and with [i]all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God[j]will send upon them [k]a deluding influence so that they will believe [l]what is false, 12 in order that they all may be[m]judged who did not believe the truth, but [n] took pleasure in wickedness.

Matthew 24:24

For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect— if that were possible.

Anyways enough of Benny Hinn, let’s move on to a couple of others…


Well you don’t get much more seeker sensitive than Joel, famed for having a very weak gospel message you will never hear sin and repentance from this guy.   He even thinks Mormons (Which the hierarchy is Satanic!) will go to heaven!

Ok Homosexuality is a sin, but Joel says that out of respect, he would attend a gay wedding of 2 members of his church.  Here’s a much better answer Joel: If 2 people are living in Sin you need to confront them and ask them to repent, it is no different than 2 people of the opposite sex living together they are in sin. Would you go to Tod Bentley’s wedding after he divorced his wife, or would you confront his sin? You should not go to the wedding because you need to disagree with what they are doing.

Olsteen on Oprah the new age prophet??? Unbelievable denial of what the bible says…watch it.



Rick Warren is one of the biggest new age teachers that has been influencing the church for many years.  He has many ties to the New Age movement, endorsing and being endorsed by them as well as sharing platforms with them. He speaks at Islamic conferences and presidents inaugurations and even invites Mormons to pastoral training programs.  Just type in Rick Warren and New Age into google and see for yourself.  And Warren is deemed as “America’s Pastor”.

Here is a good article:

Rick Warren is a strong advocate of contemplative prayer, and encourages the use of Breath Prayers. He has spoken at many conferences where YogaLabyrinthsand Contemplative Prayer are used and promoted.

New Age proponent Leonard Sweet, who calls himself an emergent church leader, trained many of Warren’s church leaders and pastors at the 2008 Saddleback Small Groups Conference.  Sweet’s view of the value of small groups lines up more with the New Age and Alice Bailey than it does with biblical Christianity. In his book, Quantum Spirituality, Sweet states: “The power of small groups is in their ability to develop the discipline to get people “in-phase” with the Christ consciousness and connected with one another.”

Warren also uses The Message Bible translation for much of his writings.

Warren is promoted on the “speakers corner” of the Islamic Society of North America, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and a financier of the Hamas terror organization.

P.E.A.C.E. Plan

The next phase of the game plan of the new evangelical gurus is “God’s plan” to change the world through the purpose driven seeker-friendly churches that buy into Rick Warren’s global peace plan that Warren says WILL HAPPEN.
P.E.A.C.E. stands for:

Promoting reconciliation (changed in 2007 from planting churches)
Equip leaders
Assist the poor
Care for the sick
Educate the next generation

He also signed on to “A Common Word Between Us” that seeks common ground between Muslims and Christians. Muslims believe Jesus is NOT THE SON OF GOD.  This is in direct contradiction to the foundation of our Christian faith.  Nothing good can come from this.

Rick Warren is also the pastor of Rupert Murdoch, who is that?  He is the owner of the News Corp publishing who happens to own Zondervan which prints all the bibles. Wow there can’t be nothing wrong with that can there? Well News Corp also publishes the Satanic Bible which also published Rick Warrens book “Purpose Driven Life” to the masses.  Zondervan publishes the watered down versions of the bible.  There does in fact seem to be an agenda to water down the gospel from translation to translation.
Also this good Christian Rupert Murdoch also owns pornography networks.  Besides this Rick Warren is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations! Anybody that has done any research into the NWO knows that this group is set up for the formation of a one world government.

His gospel and the rest of these superstar  preachers with their mega churches are attempting to water down the truth to make it more acceptable for the one world religion.

Rick Warrens friend and rumored mentor Robert Schuller is a 33rd degree free mason.  His mentor was Norman Vincent Peale who was a 33rd degree free mason.  I don’t think you need a lot of discernment to see that there is something really wrong with Schuller and his Crystal Cathedral.  Who makes a statue of himself in front of their church? Imagine you came to church one day and saw a huge statue of your pastor out front!! Out front of the Crystal Cathedral we have 3 statues, First Robert Schuller, then Norman Vincent Peale both 33rd degree Masons and guess who? Billy Graham…

Obama likes Rick Warren and Warren likes Obama, so much he invited him to speak at his church??? Obama is not a Christian regardless of what video’s you see of him saying he is because there are other videos next in line that show him bashing the bible.

Rick Warrens books riddled with hidden images, I can’t say everyone is obvious but the first 2 in this video look very plain to me.  It is occult practice to hide things in plain view.

Here is an interview exposing Rick Warren There are 4 parts.

Here is Rick Warren throwing a huge Halloween party. Halloween? yes a Satanic high holiday.  And if your wondering if Christians should celebrate Halloween, the answer is: NO.

I think that is enough of exposing the KingPins of the Christian Mafia, if you have read this far and still think there is nothing wrong with western Christianity and all these guys above are genuine holy spirit filled people than you just better stop reading and go set your TV to Joel.

61 thoughts on “King Pins of the Christian Mafia

  1. Hello – please see that the statue in the photo above is of Fulton Sheets. Are there 3 other statues (that you mentioned) in addition to this one?

  2. This is the most disheartening thing I read. Most of the people mentioned have been , and are still in my ‘book’ of Heroes of the faith. I love them. But now this!!
    I must say I am confused. God help me.

    • Agree with everything here, as once you learn about freemasonry and their signage, it’s obvious what Church leaders are freemasons.

  3. Pingback: New Apostolic Reformation – The Narrow Way

  4. Hi Adam, I read your post on Billy Graham late last night and could not sleep. I had no idea of the reach and spread of evil. I am in shock. How foolish we have been, what poor watchmen!

    • Unfortunately it gets worse and worse how bad we have been, I have been on a long break from this blog because of the overwhelming information. BUT the rise of this much evil and deception only can signal one thing… the return of our KING!

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