The Church Unmasked

It’s been over 5 years since I have made a post on Deception Free. Not because I ran out of things to say, but rather the amount of effort it takes to research, write, and interact with a blog. The blog was getting good traction and people were interested in what I had to say but I needed to continue my journey of truth and the years got very difficult for me as I went. It seemed like my information was just a drop in the bucket to the over all reality and I really wanted to do something large for the Kingdom.

Believers need to understand what is going on in the church and the world, but I also believe that exposing and tracking down false prophets 24/7 isn’t going to bring the Kingdom. I hope people can read my past posts and get a good understanding that Christianity on all levels has been infiltrated by our enemy. What we have been experiencing in the church is not the fullness of what Yeshua came to give us, but rather far from it. It would be one thing if the church said to me “we know this is not it, but we are doing everything we can to move towards it.” Instead they do very little and say nothing about how far from the book of the acts the church is. It is clear to me that the church for the most doesn’t have a clue how they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to do, even though they read the bible or scripture in every service.

It’s been over 10 years since I’ve attended a church on a regular basis and to be honest it’s been quite hard to keep the fire going. Churches today aren’t worth my time. If I happen to find one that has a bit of the Spirit when some songs are sung, I get refreshed in the moment and that is good. However the amount of energy I need to spend to got to church to get this “fix” of the Spirit just isn’t worth it. Sadly I know that the relationships that I may make at the churches simply won’t last. After being part of so many I realized that the Kingdom is not the focus of any of these churches or they would have cared enough to make even a single phone call to see how I was doing when I stopped attending. I’m tired of relationships that go no where with people who are blind, living entrenched in Babylon.

One church I was attending on a semi- regular basis which had a bit of the Spirit I did make effort to join the worship team. After attending a practice in the home of the worship leader my wife and I were terribly disapointed and experienced how it was not taken seriously. But that was not what made me turn away… it was the wall to wall movies in the basement of this persons home, many of which were Disney. Not just movies but video games too. Television is a sore spot for me too as I grew up in a home with one in every room and a mother who did nothing but watch TV all day/night long. This speaking idol in the center of people’s homes is one of the most destructive things I have seen and it is literally tearing down the kingdom systematically. Now this speaking idol is in our hands (smart phones) and soon in our heads. Do you know who makes the content? Who owns the media and hollywood? Walt Disney was a 33rd degree free mason and the Disney movies are full of magic and sexual grooming on subliminal levels. I could write a book on the dangers of the media and entertainment that fills minds. One thing I am sure of is that the world would be much closer to the kingdom if people stopped being programmed with screens.

Its the entertainment that you watch, the music that you listen to, the jobs and positions that you hold, the mindless consuming that you do and the ignorance that you posses, oh “church”. This is the reason that I want nothing to do with you, church consumed with Babylon. I rather be a dry place then be soaking wet with the deception of Babylon.

I rather hang with sinners than the religiously blind and ignorant self righteous.

As far off as the church has gotten God still uses them to full fill his will because there is nothing else, and many individuals still serve Him within the institutions. Where would I be if the corrupt church didn’t exist? I may not have even known the gospel. But now I have learned all I can learn at these establishments. If the corrupt church has done good (and evil) how much good could a pure and Holy church do if it was free from religion? I believe that the word the Lord is speaking to believers today is to come out of Christianity, it is a man made religion!

Since Rome took over the new testament church it has NEVER been as free as it once was. I see the modern revivals as attempts by humanity to break free from religious restraint and live life governed by the Spirit. There are many layers of religion and culture that need to be broken down in order to see and understand clearly what we need to do. It blows my mind how many churches believe that their specific way is the only way and they shun any other believer who doesn’t believe the way they do. This is not the Kingdom. There is nothing wrong with doing the essentials of the Kingdom in as many different ways as can be imagined. God is a God of expression. These churches that shun other’s don’t even have much of the essentials and care about things that truly don’t matter.

There is a revolution going on right now of minds and hearts awakening to the deception and looking to the Spirit for answers. Truthfully it’s not coming from the church, but from the fringes of society. During the past five years I have seen a number of people come to the Lord on account of my wife and I. For years we wanted people to get saved and with great effort we launched a church during covid that only had 2 services before the police shut us down. Funny enough we ended up going to a church during the plandemic which stood up for rights and freedoms and didn’t enforce any of these ridiculous mandates. It was a beacon of light in the city and many people that we had been ministering to in the past years were turning up and getting saved. It was very encouraging to see a community of like minded believers forming right around us and God doing most of the work. Im hoping this is a seed of the church community I have been waiting for. God is almost exclusively very slow (to us anyhow) on fulfilling His plans.

I believe that there is a revival like no other on the way, the one I have waited for all my life and I know its not coming through the organized church. People are sick of religion and need the real deal, they need true and trusted community. I believe only a handful of churches are going to wake up and shed this dead skin of deception. I believe new groups will form and actually be the church, the ecklesia and not get tangled up with the luxuries of Babylon.

The plan of the wicked is 100% out in the open for all to see, what once was a conspiracy theory is now announced on the nightly news. A good indicator if your church might be one that wakes up to the revival is asking; what did it do during the mandates? Did your church shut down, force mask mandates and even vaccines? If so you should run as fast as you can away from that place and never look back. The disgusting ignorance and compliance of most churches shocked me. The fear of these so called believers acting out in hate towards people that didn’t believe the narrative. People have no faith in God and trust masks, vaccines and big pharma to save them, meanwhile all those things are actually trying to kill them.

I knew the whole thing was a setup right from the beginning. A major trick of the Satanic NWO. I felt it in my spirit months before and when it started to happen I knew there was a major hand being dealt. It has made a clear segregation of society, the divide is real. Families, churches, businesses and relationships divided right down the middle. One of Satan’s best tactics is to divide people into sides to fight each other. It was such an obvious lie that it proves people are completely brain washed by the TV and the government. The truth would literally change from one thing to the next on a daily basis. People that believed the narrative and hated those that didn’t, got all of there information from the nightly news and did no independent research. If they did they would of found a web of ridiculous lies being exposed by thousands of whistle blowers and experts with much more science then they ever proved on TV. This whole post even blog could turn into an expose on covid, but luckily there are many people already doing that.

Why can’t the church see the obvious fingerprints of Satan all over this? The vaccines are actually very dangerous nano technology that is re-encoding your DNA. So many more people have died from the jabs then the virus itself. This is the days of Noah all over again just like Yeshua said. Noah was perfect in his generations because everyone else who was consumed by babylon in those days had also altered their DNA. A word to the church: the luminescence tattoo (or the technology rather) they plan to put on your skin that will tell if you have been “vaccinated” is called Luciferase! (Lucifer’s Race)

Some people think that the vaccine is the mark of the beast, but I think that this is just a few steps away from the motb. Even the MOTB 2.0 which I could go off on another blog post how this could be the second time around. (Nero also fulfilled these prophecies in his day, but not in its entire fullness.) For people who are continuing to get booster shots and still think nothing is wrong, you are a very good candidate for the motb. When people see the damage that it has caused and when humanity is so messed up the NWO or should I say the WHO will blame this disaster on the fact that the vaccines were rushed BUT now they have the ultimate injection that will fix every disease for ever! Just get this one shot and you will be super human! But oh don’t forget to worship the anti-christ which probably won’t even seem like the anti-christ you were thinking from all those Christian movies.

One of the reasons I stopped blogging was because of how bad all the negative information was, like the rabbit hole doesn’t end! I feel my understanding is very deep to the likes of some the best researchers out there. I feel I have a gift of discernment and understanding into all these issues plaguing humanity. I don’t need to know what the devil is doing anymore, I know way too much already. What I need to do is focus on bringing the Kingdom. It’s still good to shed some light on the darkness, we need to be aware, but lets come together to be the light! Get ready for anything, throw out all your understanding and what you think the world is and hold on tight cause we are getting ready for a ride of the ages.

Im not sure how much I will post on this blog but I may start making videos that will inform people and lead people into the truth of Freedom and the Kingdom. I want to use my music and my skills to help people fully separate from Babylon and all its technology that is seeking to control us and bring us down with it.

I want to leave people with some good things that I have found within Christianity in the past few years that may help encourage them.

(Search youtube)

Upper Room: This group from Texas has round the clock prayer and worship and streams it live. Can definitely cheer your day up.

Jesus Image: Similar to upper-room but its a church.

Watchman Nee: From the Chinese underground his notes in the Recovery Version of the New Testament and his essential writings for new believers are some of the best modern material you will find that is on par with the new testament apostles. this site will send you free materials. (there prob is an American counterpart)

The Chosen: Some of the only TV that actually feeds your spirit. The Characters have a way of speaking the gospel directly to your heart in ways not achieved before. Watch for free online.

The Insurgence book by Frank Viola: Frank understands the true condition of the church and challenges people to live the true gospel. He has many resources available including the very good Insurgence book. If you need the evidence of the corrupt plans, this guy has done an excellent job of organizing many of the facts around covid-19. He is also a believer who has encouraging words and a separate blog for faith which has some interesting ideas.

I have so much in my heart to share with this generation but I am struggling to get it out. I am not even sure my message will be received, or at least that is the way I feel. So please find the Holy Spirit within and follow Him, even if you are in a dry desperate place. This is a time of testing and will soon be over, living forever with our hearts true desire Yeshua!

When Alex Jones Happens to be Right

Through my years of research I have gone in and out of listening to Alex Jones and haven’t listened to him much since Trump was elected.  There is much to suspect Alex Jones of being involved in the deception some how but none the less I have heard him many times beak down the truth like no one else.

I happen to run across this video of him breaking down the mark of the beast and how the system is working towards it.  Listen to him folks, he’s not lying about any of this, it;s the truth.

Believers get ready, unify and pray. The time is short.

Prophetic Bombshell Warning

I really wish I had the time to write more through my blog, but the time is short and I am dedicating most of my time to the vision God has given my wife and I to reach the lost.  YHWH has revealed many things to me about what is happening and about what is to come but it is very difficult to organize what I see into words. So in this post I will attempt to share the prophetic  information He has given me. This is very much a rapid fire spew of information overload intended to hopefully wake people up to what time it really is. I don’t have any exact dates, all I know is that everything is terribly close.   I have never come out and said the things truly on my heart like this because of how radical they sound.  It is a lonely journey when you have no church that shares your view.  Yet again I have given up on trying to fit into a traditional church, I feel completely alien to them and their ways. If they only knew what was really going on they would become much more serious and dedicated, taking action accordingly for what is soon to come.  But I know if I told them they will not listen, steeped in their traditions  they would reject my word and me.  When I asked the head “prophet” of the fellowship a question that I could of wrote a book on, he hummed and hawed and replied “I don’t really know”.  That was one of the last times I went back to that church.  I have asked God many times why he doesn’t tell them the truth, for many of them still are saved and spend time in prayer seeking his voice. I had to come to some conclusions.   For one; God is not using the “prophet” as an avenue for this end time knowledge.  Prophets in the Bible always told the future. Today they read people’s mail and give encouraging words. This is nice and all but you’re not a prophet.  They ones who are leading the “prophetic”  aka the Elijah list and people like Rick Joyner are false prophets. There is a spirit of false prophecy that most of the church gets caught up into when they go beyond the personal prophecy.  When the Bible says they will accumulate teachers for their itching ears, this is what it was talking about. When the Bible talks about a grand delusion to deceive if possible even the elect, this is where the modern church is now.  The truth is even if he did use prophets from their fellowships to reveal the truth they wouldn’t listen because they love the system they are part too much to leave it.

There is a revolution of knowledge happening right now where people are connecting like never before.  For the secular side this is the tower of Babel in its most potent manifestation.  If God scattered the people of Babylon by confusing their languages back then what are we doing now? With the internet we can connect instantly all over the world with near instant translation.  I have sat in many business meetings running the sound board with up to 10 translations booths beside me so everyone can hear in their own language.  That is just one example of what technology (magic) is doing to help mankind achieve the impossible.  ” Nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them” (Gen 11:6).

The revolution of truth happening right now is the doubled edged sword for the satanic agenda. With this technology they have built to achieve the impossible, people searching for the truth have been given the indispensible tool of the internet.  With things like blogging and youtube people are able to share independent research all over the earth! The people on the cutting edge of the prophetic are the believing researchers looking for answers.  Right now the mystery is being revealed and the church is missing it.

This is the way God is revealing prophecy; through REVELATION not through “prophets”.  It is true that many people are having visitations and dreams about the end, but these are not prophets but people like you and me. About 6 years ago I had a visitation from the Lord where his spirit came to me and I shook violently and all I could say is “He is coming soon, get ready”.  It was very terrifying.  I often listen to regular nobody’s  who post their dreams about the end on youtube to see if it lines up with the big picture.  God is speaking to his true followers who are ready to listen.  The next way God is speaking to people is an awareness.  If you can’t see the world rapidly changing around you, getting weirder and weirder by the day and not even question it then you are probably not going to wake up till it’s too late.   True believers who really want to know the truth honestly seek  the Lord and he will start revealing the way the world really is by opening your eyes around you.  Then when you see things that are not right but you don’t really know why you start looking for answers. Eventually you start researching online.  This is where the gift of discernment comes into play.  God gives you the ability to sift through information and discern the truth of what is going on.  I am seeing the pieces of the puzzle come together like never before  at rapid rates. All the hidden things that have been going on, the “impossible” the secret societies have been working towards, is all being revealed.  God is expecting true believers to not be deceived by the massive lies and search out the truth.   As you take the steps and learn new information that lines up with the bible, judging and discerning instead of letting the pastor think for you…you will go from revelation to revelation.

I have been going on in this process for over 10 years now with the help of the Holy Spirit I am going to share as best I can what I feel God is saying to his church.  Then I will give some prophetic predictions  of what I think is coming in the next 7 years.  But first some important truth I have learned.

Ever since I started researching after 9/11 most of the conspiracy theories even the wacky ones which I read about appear to be the truth.  It only seems to get messy when people try to draw conclusions on their research, thinking that they have figured it all out. But if you find out the core truths that everyone is digging up you will have a very good idea of what s going on.  Everything about  the new world order, secret societies, secret technologies , ufos, reptilians  and many others actually all fit together in one big epic story which can be titled “The Activity of Satan”.  Sound familiar?

2 Thessalonians 2:8-10 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His [a]coming; that is, the one whose [b]coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and [c]signs and false wonders, 10 and with [d]all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.

Realize that there will be a generation that sees his return and also realize that it looks very much like we are it.  What else did you expect right before his return, that the devil would have some wishy washy plan?  If you read your bible especially the sections about the end, these hidden things that are coming to light fit the prophecy picture exactly.

The technology built around us came from occult practices. If you look into it, most inventors where part of the secret societies and practiced divination. (google “occult” with “computer” or “technology”)  Most likely the entities they have released through their dark arts are behind the industrial revolution and the rise of computers and machines.  Without computers  and the internet (which is really just a bunch of connected computers) it would be impossible for the anti-christ to control all commerce. The rise of technology and computers is the work of the fallen ones with the intent to release themselves from prison and control the world.    IBM manufactured some of the first computers for the Nazi’s to help run the concentration camps. The technology is actually enslaving humanity.  It goes way deeper than that as well.  I recently learned that the letter W is actually very close to the Hebrew symbol for 6. Take a look at your browser www dot. Hmmm just a coincidence? Since all these computers are hooked up to the internet oh and by the way the internet that you surf is actually a very small part of the internet, the dark web is so much bigger.  Digging deeper than the level of the criminal underground and secret government projects I suspect there is even a deeper web that is being used by something that will blow your mind .  Do some research on quantum computers. The ones that can do calculations  in minutes which would take the world’s fastest networked computer 8 years to complete, the ones that operate at the capacity of 10 billion human brains, the ones that the people who work with them say the calculations are so fast that they literally go into another dimension and the answer comes back.  These computers have been artificially intelligent for years now.  Reportedly in Brussels or other locations there is one (or a few possible working together)  of these computers that is actually called “The Beast”.

Revelation 17:12-14New American Standard Bible (NASB)

12 The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. 13 These have one [a]purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast. – documents of leaked info about the Beast

youtube “dangerous quantum computers”  learn about D-wave and AI


The fact that these computers are AI and that they interface with the “next dimension” I am willing to bet it is actually an interface with the demons of hell and the AI part of it is a great way of saying demonically possessed.  But that is just my theory and other researchers as well.  What is not a theory is the fact that the secret societies that control the world have been consulting the Beast for every decision they make and are running AI programs to complete the globalization of the world.  And soon the antichrist will give his authority to the beast which is more than likely going to look like Terminator judgment day. The world will soon be blanketed in 5G wireless internet with drones and machines enforcing all policy from the Beast.

I always wondered why the internet and even computers have never worked properly for me almost like it was intelligently aware of who I was and what I am planning to do for God.  In the meantime every government and leading corporations like Google  are mining all your data finding out everything they can about you and feeding it to the beast, and you thought it was just to sell you some stuff.  In reality they are using the AI to analyze and categorize all threats and when the takeover happens they will exterminate everyone who is in opposition especially Believers.  So the internet really is the double edged sword both helping us connect and figure out the truth as well as enslaving us.

I can go on and on my mind is exploding with information that all makes sense but I will mention one last important thing.  That is Cern, read up on it.  What they are actually doing will blow your mind. For one they are creating dark matter, which from what I can tell is pure evil matter from the dimension of hell.  Second they are opening up portals to other dimensions, namely places of fallen angels and demons. FACT: Cern is where the origin and center of the internet is!  Lastly it looks like they will open up the abyss and let out all the evil spoken of in the book of Revelation.

If you don’t believe the things I  have just mentioned go youtube it. You will find many videos on the subjects including interviews with people who have actually worked on the projects.  If after all this you can’t see that this is the final hour I can’t really help you, don’t continue reading this blog post.

More links to research – Some good info for perspective (I  haven’t verified the whole video yet on all the points he is making) – About Cern – Occult rituals at Cern – Occult Overview rituals at Cern

Now that I have laid some foundation to what we are truly dealing with, I will reveal what I feel God is saying to the church.

(WordPress is messing with my formatting with the numbers so figure out the points that continue to the different formatting)

  1. The most important thing which everyone who is in the know is saying: get right with God! You better know him intimately and rid your life of every distraction. There is no room in the future for double mindedness and lukewarm beliefs. If you want His protection you must sacrifice all.   You must live a life by faith.
  2. Start telling everyone the gospel, this should be your foremost concern. When the time comes and the persecution and extermination starts you won’t be handing out tracks on a street corner you’re going to be in hiding.
  3. Prepare to leave Babylon,

Rev 18:4 I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; for her sins have [e]piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

We need to start unplugging from the system. It’s bad enough we are brainwashed to death with entertainment but soon you will not be able to be part of society unless you are chipped.  You will either live in a police state or you will live in a lawless disaster zone, that will be the option.  For those who stay you will be sought out and put in prison and executed.  (Google RFID mark of the Beast)

Revelation 13:10

If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints.

Many in the church will be caught off guard when this all happens and with the grand deception the enemy has with aliens and ufos and the like will take the chip and integrate into this new society. These people are doomed and will share in the plagues.  There is much information pointing to the mark of the beast actually being an injection that will change your DNA, the chip is just the control mechanism to monitor and control your every move.  At this point you have failed and are beyond redemption.  Now for those who didn’t listen to the forewarning or for some reason God calls them to stay they are the ones destined for captivity and will be captured and eventually beheaded.  I guess that’s not so bad, a direct ticket to heaven.  The others will become the 144000, which could be a literal number or also it is a number that represents the total sum of God’s people ( got that from a bible footnote!) I don’t believe it’s literal virgin Jews because it does not make sense that there is some strange group of Jews in focus in that passage while forgetting the rest of the saints that Revelation has been talking about in the whole book. I think it’s somehow all one in the same. But even if I’m wrong it doesn’t change a thing other than there will be 2 groups waiting for the Lords return.   I am guessing many of these people will be hiding in the wilderness and resisting the system. Some with guns, some purely by the spirit.  Those that persevere till the end will see the second coming of the Lord, at the last Trumpet before the bowls of wrath.  You will see that the saints are protected from most of the bad things that come on the earth, but not persecution from the system that is hunting them.

“Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the bond-servants of our God on their foreheads.” Rev 7:3

He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. Daniel 7:25

If you want a good idea of what your future looks like watch this movie:

People need to start radically adjusting their lives to live off grid and to flee.  It could be this year or 5 years from now but you can’t prepare overnight. Not everyone is going to be ready or even have the means to be ready but we all can start unplugging.  DO NOT watch TV especially the smart TV’s, watch very few movies and be very selective.  Spend way more time in prayer and in the word. Stock up on food and supplies (hide some as well). Don’t keep money in the bank, buy a bit of silver, sell houses when possible for land and things that will be good for bartering.  Leaving the cities is the wise choice everything there is slowly killing you and brainwashing you and when this all goes down it’s not going to be pretty among a massive population.

  1. Prepare to use alternate means of communication to cover your tracks because you are being tracked. Plus wireless technology does give you cancer. Go buy a CB radio. – watch this video for a theory about wifi and other secrets, it convinced me to unplug my wifi at night.  ( the creepy ends half way through)

  1. Give up your long term career dreams if you think you are going to go get a 5 year degree and become a lawyer or something. There is no time for anything like that and most careers you will have to be deeply integrated into the system. There may be exceptions where you have a STRONG leading because maybe somewhere along the journey God will use you and that will be your final resting spot when things happen.  I’m not the Holy Spirit this is just a very valid point to make people aware of.
  2. Seek out likeminded believers. If you are in the know and your church is not and not willing to listen pray that God will send you some like minded people to team up with.  Things are much easier in community.  Live close together and if possible communally.  Pool resources and help each other out. Learn some survival skills.   This isn’t something new the book of the acts church lived this way.  The western church is just too selfish and self centered to really pay attention to that.  It is the enemies strategy to divide everyone to their own island and be “self sufficient” everyone protecting what they have worked so hard for thinking that it’s the dream to do it all on your own.  You have more when you share!
  3. Be prepared to defend yourself. It will be up to each individual’s convictions whether to defend yourself with weapons but its defiantly not a sin if someone is coming to kill you or take your children.  If you allow the system to take your children you are failing to do the very basic of protecting the helpless. A child cannot defend themselves and are not mature enough to think for themselves. They will be indoctrinated and possibly killed or worse if you allow them to be taken. You must nurture their minds in Christ so they can inherit salvation.  Jesus’ disciples carried swords and Jesus even said to go buy a sword.  It is a very natural right to be able to defend yourself.  There are many scenarios where having firearms will save your life. You may end up in a lawless zone and having a hunting rife could be what wards off a bunch of robbers that otherwise would just beat you to death with clubs who knows what will happen.  With a rifle you can hunt.  Maybe some people will just evade by the spirit, but you don’t know how it’s going to go down and if you aren’t living some super spiritual life right now don’t count on it being guaranteed that the spirit’s going to whisk you away every time danger comes around.  If you still think having firearms is a sin go watch the movie “Machine Gun Preacher”.
  4. As fearful as this all this is take a lesson from what I have done wrong. Don’t FEAR but have faith in Him.  Don’t consume your life with all the negative but look beyond to the soon approaching eternal Kingdom you’re going  to be a part of!  I have wasted many years in a negative cloud because I allowed this negative knowledge to consume my life. The key is to be aware, prepare but keep doing what God has called you to do. Most of the above list include things your should be doing anyway no matter what state the world is in.  Prepping in the natural comes after the spiritual. Do what your able to do with what God has given you.  Even if by some miracle this gigantic wave doesn’t come crashing down in our lifetime (which I believe is extremely unlikely) living non dependant on the system is the smart thing to do. What civilization in human history hasn’t fallen?  Be ready and watching, prepared for all things.
  5. Start eating right and as much as you can east local organic, go so far as planting your own food if possible. God gave me a dream one year of a shed filled with stored food and than I looked out into the world and saw something like a “dirty bomb” go off and I heard the words “the food supply is poisoned”. It’s no lie that Satan through the few corporations that control 99% of all food supply on the planet have been altering and poisoning the food for many years. The Monsanto CEO sits on the board for the FDA. Stay away from as much pharmaceuticals as possible.  They are in fact using these cocktails  of chemicals in absolutely everything you come in contact with not only to reduce your lifespan but to control your mind.  When I changed my diet cutting out everything ( I did the Candida diet)  including sugar, my mind cleared up, my depression lifted and I was able to hear from God clearer.


Now if your thinking that I’m crazy and that this isn’t from God, that this is an extreme over reaction think again.  If what I said earlier  didn’t shake you continue reading on to my prophetic predictions.  The above was what I feel God is saying mixed with some very practical wisdom to prepare for what is coming.

Future predictions 2017-2025

Economic collapse: This is a sure thing that they can’t hold off forever. They have printed so much money it is virtually worthless. They have gotten fat off of their magic trickery.  When this happens everything stops. You will not be able to get money out of the bank and when you do it will be worthless.  You won’t be able to buy food or get gas.  There will be civil unrest.  Reports from experts say it could take up to 3 months to bring some sort of order back to society.

Martial Law: This has been the plan for a very long time and they have a stacked deck full of scenarios they could unleash to implant martial law.  The economic collapse could be the first wave of it. Insiders have reported the cities will be under martial law first. There will be some sort of manufactured crisis which will put everyone in a massive panic such as a huge terror strike.  Once people have excepted the fact they are living in a police state (to keep them safe of course) the little liberty we have left will be completely gone and they will progressively and systematically start  exterminating threats to their order.  There is overwhelming evidence of this being planned for a very long time.  FEMA camps have been erected everywhere, executive orders have been put in place,  UN & foreign troops are already in America. There are video’s of the drills happening for over a decade.  Recently Walmarts have been closing all over America with some actually being turned outright into internment camps. People have reported seeing UN special officers in Walmart and when they took a photo they were arrested and had their phones confiscated.  On top of that they have a large network of D.U.M.B.’s (Deep Underground Military Bases ) all over north America connected by a tunnel network.  Canada is no exception, I have personally seen black ops cops diving into a cave system up by Tobermory  ON and heard deep underground thudding on the same weekend I had a bizarre experience with  Satanic Ritual sites and UFO’s! I’m not even going to get started with what’s going on in Ottawa but I believe there is a massive system of tunnels underneath the city because there are many unexplainable areas that seem to be covering up things that are protected by the National Capital Commission’s property. Go look at the RCMP’s headquarters out in Orleans Ottawa on google maps and you will find what looks to be one of the main openings to an underground facility. Not only that they have many black vans and strange vehicles there including  a bunch of armoured vehicles some green some black.  Ask yourself why they would need that.  There are large hangers beside these vehicles who knows how many more they have inside that we can’t see. Possible the “defense robots” they have been building. I know this because my wife over heard years back in a cafe a man who was blabbing what his company turned down a contract with the government to build defense robots on the grounds of ethics.    The whole place is fenced off with barbed wire fence and a perimeter road.   I went on a bit of a rant on this point but I wanted to really make the point clear that this information is not hidden and that they are not going through all this effort if they were going to wait another 50 years before declaring martial law.

Here are the shots from satellites over the RCMP showing the black van, armored cars and bunkers. There were more black vehicles that I saw as well. You can see it yourself on google maps.

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Civil War in America: If you have been watching what is happening in the states you will see people are being purposely divided down the middle.  It’s always been that way with a 2 party system. Trump was not elected but was chosen a long time ago for his role to divide the country.  Whether he is in on it or is just the stooge doesn’t matter.  Everything is scripted. Go google the “Illuminati” playing cards that predicted years ago Trumps presidency and the fact that everything falls apart  when he gets into office. Expect his assassination (possibly faked assassination) as predicted  in the cards. They are pushing that idea very chance they get even with a new TV series.  Google the Simpson episodes from 2000 that shows Trump being elected.  His job is to bring all the patriots out of the wood work so the system knows each and every person who opposes what they are planning. Its not by chance there some President gets  elected who vows to undue everything that the NWO has been doing. They are giving the truthers false hope right before they execute their great plan.  When martial law is declared it will be the patriots vs the brainwashed masses who love the system.  This is exactly what has happened in the Ukraine and it will happen in America.  The Rebels are those who are opposing the NWO fascist government that was recently installed in the Ukraine. Those people aren’t dumb they know what is going on.  The “Ukrainian Government” actually has Nazi special op units going around committing atrocities. Expect the same thing in the US.

World War 3: Albert Pike outlined a plan for 3 world wars he was a Mason of the 33rd degree.

It has been known for a long time that the elites want a 3rd world war so devastating that the world will have no choice but to except a global world government.  This will be a nuclear war that will include north America. I have heard countless prophecies about this, I have even had a dream from God that Toronto was nuked.  Most common is New York and LA, even the late David Wilkerson had visions of this.  Also what is very probable is a massive EMP wiping out a technology bring America into the dark ages again.  The elites plan to keep a few prison cities operational and then fly around the disaster zones from their bunkers like the Umbrella corporation from Resident Evil.  If you tune in to the alternative news networks  you will find that mainstream media is completely covering up the fact we are on the brink of war with Russia.  It is the west specifically the US that is fully instigating this. Watch Putins speeches it will reveal that he is in fact telling the truth about what is going on.  To me he seems like the last truthful leader out there.  I don’t believe he is a saint, but from everything I have seen  he is not bending the knee to the NWO and is one of the last countries actually keeping morals alive.  If you follow the history of Russia, Stalin was part of the NWO and realized that they planned to eventually cut him out and stopped playing their game. Hence Hitler’s invasion of Russia and the reason for the cold war.  Russia is the last super power that is not in the control of the NWO.

North Korea as well, but if you look at this pic you will see an Obelisk in the center of their capital, so I suspect their power is still under occult satanic power and is really on the side of the NWO.   northkorea-oblisk

What is happening now is that a proxy war is being fought in Syria between the US and Russia. The US is actually behind ISIS and has even provided air support for ISIS during key conflicts.  Russia is on the brink of retaliation. This could be the flashpoint for WW3.  On top of that the west has been building missile defense systems all along Russia’s border which is an act of war, considering there is no way for Russia to know if the defense missile’s are secretly outfitted with war heads.  He comes right out and says this in press conferences. Russia has complied with the disarmaments agreements while the west has only done the opposite.  Russia is being demonized and cornered by the west.  The most recent updates I have seen is that there are massive troop build ups along the border from each side, troops, tanks and aircraft.  Open your eyes and see that if this war takes place everything stops. Automatic martial wartime law and every resource will be confiscated for the state. Instant police state.  I believe it will be progressive over a few years before the Nukes start flying but who knows.

Natural Disasters: There are many secrets that the elite aren’t telling you.  The fact they are messing up the earth with their technology combined with hidden facts of things like pole shifts, asteroid impacts and other things they know are coming on the earth will lead to crazy weather, earthquakes and massive tidal waves. They  are being hidden from the public so they can control the outcomes.  This also has been prophesied in the Bible and in modern times.  Whole land masses sinking into the ocean.

Plagues: This also is part of prophecy.  If normal plagues aren’t enough they have been secretly working on bio weapons that they could unleash at any time.  The real possibility with diseases and what is going on with the demonic can give rise to a type of zombie apocalypse.  Google this too for more info.

Fake Alien invasion return of the Nephlim: I can go on and on but this post is now getting very long.  I will keep this short to make you aware and you can do your own research. The Nephlim are genetically altered beings from the incursion of fallen angels in Genesis 6.  They produced the giants and dinosaurs.  This is the whole reason for the flood. There is a lot of information out there on this.  This is at the core of the Satanic conspiracy and that is to alter the DNA. It is God’s seed verse Satans.  The Aliens you hear about are actually recreated Nephlim through genetic experiments with DNA.  Host bodies for the disembodies demon spirits.  They are going to pose as are creators as they come down in our ships to save us probably at the brink of annihilation during the third world war.  This is when the grand delusion will take place and when they will set up the world dictatorship.

Fake Second Coming: With all this they are planning some sort of fake second coming. Look into project blue beam. Massive space projections in the sky that will appear over the whole earth.  Recently if you google it you will find massive cities skylines have been appearing in the sky over china . I am willing to bet they are testing their projection systems.  This possibly has something to do with all the chemicals they have been spraying in the sky.


There you have it people, the sum of my knowledge in one blog post.  This is a warning to everyone of the signs of the times.  I hope to refocus some posts to actually help people draw near to God to prepare their spirits for what is coming but I felt like I needed to get this out there first.

Peace and Blessings








Corrupt Bible Versions and Pre-Trib Deception

Here are two video’s that are helping expose lies that I have already uncovered through other avenues. These look like great resources and I will be watching them all. 

I  have known for a while that all these modern bible versions that are coming out are to prepare people for the coming one world religion.

I also have talked about the Myth of the Pre-Trib rapture theory and how Tim Lahaye was instrumental in getting all the churches on board to make this the excepted view.  I have also uncovered how Tim Lahaye is working against the church and working with the secret societies in my report on the western church. 


It’s time to wake up church! The time is near! I am becoming more and more convinced that the people that spread false prophecies that Jesus was coming back back in 1988 and all those other times that he didn’t come back was physiological warfare to discredit the truth that was soon coming out.  Now Christians are programmed to think that anyone that talks about the end being near and that we should prepare is a loony toon. 

Here is a DVD set  on the Book of Revelation that I am going to soon get my hands on, seems very solid, proving that the time is indeed near!

